Doing some Market Research for NYT Sup Forums

Doing some Market Research for NYT Sup Forums

Realistically, how much would you pay per month for a service that streams Holywood Blockbusters into your living room in 4K quality?

I wouldn't mind paying the price of a movie ticket per movie for such a service.

about tree fiddy

Most Hollywood blockbusters aren't worth watching for free.

0 because pirates get a superior product for free.

Nothing, because the service would obviously be used to spy on me and observe my habits. There's no chance it would just be straightforward content delivery. Lots of fucking spying would be included as part of the cost.

nothing. all I do for entertainment is shitpost, play 2 games that run on my toaster, and porn.

It would have to be around the price range of $1, any more and there would be no point

Just make good movies again.

My philosophy is never pay for something if you can get it for free. And I'm pretty sure that fucking 4K quality TV in the living room is spying on me. Fuck mods and fuck anyone who works in any authoritative capacity and fuck criminals all the same.

For most people on Sup Forums the answer is zero. Piracy is incredibly easy to perform, easy to get away with, and is a seemingly victimless crime, so why pay anything?

It's like asking people what they think their tax rate should be. If you gave them the option, they would say my tax rate should be zero, I shouldn't be taxed. And if cheating on your taxes were as simple as digital piracy everybody would do it.

>paying for literal shit

why isn't "making good movies" not an option for hollywood?

$8 standard definition
$12 4k (I would almost always prefer this option)
must come with pause/rewind
24 hour viewing window.
Titles must be available within a couple weeks of wide release.

Bonus points:
A library of films to choose from, distributed directly from the studios without risk of being removed (like netflix)

because they have a million executives and marketing chumps to pay, there's no money to make movies.

zero, just like now


and this

also this

this too

I agree

this guy knows what he is talking about

of coursh



Here's the problem with any service like that:
>the fucking catalog

Netflix is shit because it doesn't have what you want to watch. Piracy currently lets people see films weeks before their dvd release, often while they're still in cinemas.
Until that issue is addressed, nothing will curb it

And consider this, there is literally no reason (other than artificially creating demand) to have a gap between a film stopping being in cinemas and being released on home video.
If there's even a week difference, that's a week where the only way to watch a film is through piracy. It's fucking atrocious

>help me fall box office numbers.

>hollywood has its worst ever summer with a record number of flops
>solution? pump out even more blockbusters the next summer
If they didn't learn from 2016, then why have any sympathy for these completely fucking retarded troglodytes? They clearly have no business acumen
Let them rot

You need to pay me to read that trash

Can I pay you to go?

I would pay no more than £5 per month for access to a legitimate repository of all the world's media in one place

stop making jew shit


I'm not paying a dime for commie propaganda. Goes for your employer too.

>dont make films for foreign markets
>dont make a film that costs 2000000 billion dollars
>hire real writers
>learn how to do proper pacing
>make movies that adults wouldn't be embarrassed to watch

you don't earn a dime on your propeganda either, please go.

Pay you assholes?


I think the majority of this country wants Hollywood expelled or imprisoned.

Goes for NYT too.

Is there any service that offers anywhere near the same convenience and catalog size as pirating movies? Netflix is a fucking disappointment and everything else is even worse, so what do they expect?

>you assholes
Sup Forums please go.

I already pay for the internet


>Pay you assholes?
I know right? This is how out of touch these people are. They think the problem is their business noel or something. It's absurd.

I honestly wouldn't
I don't have a 4K TV and there's not much reason to pay for streaming current Hollywood movies, considering that in that arrangement, my viewing options suddenly expand from a handful of recently released movies to every movie ever made that I haven't seen yet
I'm fullywilling to go to a movie theater, I just need something decent to watch that isn't an overblown blockbuster, capeshit, a cheap horror movie, or oscarbait


There's no hype for any movies coming for the rest of the year.
People don't even give a shit about fucking Star Wars
This is what happens when you shove politics in entertainment

>I think the majority of this country wants Hollywood expelled or imprisoned.
Is this a true feeling of the U.S. of A?

Justice League will save us.

I can get any Hollywood movie for free in seconds and haven't watched anything released in 2+ years. So how much do you think? The real question is how much will you pay me to watch the garbage Hollywood is pumping out?

I hope the industry crumbles into the sea desu.

It's just Sup Forumsfags spamming the shit out of Sup Forums. USA wants them dead.

other than in the progressive utopias of the country where mexicans live eight to a room

The sheer volume of the current population of people forces a required median of content and quality in order to satisfy the majority.

>i-its all Sup Forums

I'm a jew from NYC whose never voted. (it's not all Sup Forums)

They need original movies not superman 20

Thanks everyone.
Some great feedback so far.

Quite the start contrast of replies on Sup Forums to what has been received elsewhere. Thinking this might be something to do with peoples salary.

Enjoy your larping faggot.

There's no ideas left they've all been used up. Seriously, try to think of something that hasn't been done, you can't

Zero. I'm not going to movies now because of how shit the movies have become. Stop pushing a social and political agenda in my fucking face and I'll pay to see a film.

Or the "total" anonymity

>everyone who disagrees with us are poor

quite the subtle slight of hand ruse their shill. fuck off.

you fuck off too, please. The whole board know everything you will post anyway because you have no original ideas or content and you can just leave it unsaid.

Same goes for the other side.



t. Shaitan


It's a repackaging of their "all city people voted for Hillary" line of bullshit.

Spend more money on your films
Spend a lot more time on your films
Do not make reboots
Find unique, interesting stories
Do not base what you make on what has made money in the past.

>Doing some Market Research for NYT



>pay for Hollywood movies

Yeah, no.

its literally one of your own Sup Forums friends just pretending to be a faggot to bait all of you in here. This isn't an AMA like you might be used to.

I will pay you to suck my uncut white 5 incher

You're not in one of your hugboxes here, dipshit.

>its literally one of your own /leftypol/ friends

FTFY dude.

This is exactly a hugbox for everything except tv & movies. That's why there are non-hugbox boards.

Leftypol and pol have the same users, just larping differently to trigger different autists.

lol not even amerilards are falling for (((their))) jew tricks

Yeah ok.

Everyone is LARPing except for the paid shills such as yourself.

Not everyone is larping but if you weren't the bait taking autists you could tell the difference.

This thread is great.

Somebody asks a question about price and Sup Forums spergs out thinking they are fighting the system.

People will always spend money.

I really have to wonder if companies actually do market research here.

I imagine they do it on any sort of social media. They wouldn't need to make specific threads for it though. You could just look through the catalog and get all the information you need.

They would certainly do it by datamining instead of actually making threads. You know Sup Forums sells user data to cover costs just like any social media website.

Yeah yeah yeah. I used to probably spend $20+ a week or so on movies. I've spent $0 in the last few years. I'm not going to pay for what they're putting put.

considering dunkirk is the only movie i have wanted to see this year, it would have to cost less than the price of a single ticket

I basically lived in the run-off $1 theaters as a kid. Sure the movie would be a year out of date but it was fine, I could pick up a dozen shows a day if I felt like it. I quit the theater shit before it got this bad.


Someone is doing research. 'Companies' is is prob a polite euphemism though.

Last movie I saw in the theater was a 2015 Melissa McCarthy comedy. It was horrible. I never want to go back to a theater again!

Companies is a euphemism for larpers, you can buy Sup Forums data if you want to do research.

Back in the day I spent like $3 a day renting movies. I wouldn't watch what they've put out in the last few years for free though. Shills can spin it however they need to, but it's reality.

We know. That's why we made this thread. That's also why we made posts like the one you're responding to. There's a narrative to control. Just stop posting. Why would you solve captchas to post when you have no skin in the game? Leave the thread alone and go away.

if the quality of films being released now where im lucky if theres 1 movie i wanna see each month? probably $5 or $6. if they included smaller scale, indie films that dont get international releases, id probably pay $10 or $15

Why not just make smaller films that cater to different tastes? Instead they dump BILLIONS into 6-10 films that try to have mass appeal.

i don't pay for any type of digital content since 2006

I never quiet get what it means when people say that "hollywood is collapsing"
It´s made out of several studios.
aren´t the most cancerous companies as in Sony and Disney still making money?

Because 50% of the budget is marketing and smaller films compete with the marketing of some other film.

How much is Sup Forums data worth?

Because movies are inherently a social experience. They want it to be something everyone talks about. They are meant to be enjoyed with other people.

Not even trying to be edgy, but the truth really is it's commie propaganda, not art.

I'm sure there are decent people within the Hollywood system who would like to make quality again.

But it sure seems like as long as Trump is in office that's not going to be allowed to happen.

id pay 20 bucks a movie or 20 dollars a month if it was 20 a movie i would probably use it less and so would everyone else reducing revenue for the company. A monthly fee of maybe up to 40 bucks would work but anything over that and no one is going to fucking buy it.

>once a month
I haven´t gone to a cinema for almost a year now

I dunno, ask their ad affiliates.

to add, i would only use this service if it was non-contractual, this year i've only wanted to see 4 films and 3 of them came out in the same month. i dont wanna pay money if i know theres gonna be months where i dont wanna watch anything. i also would only use this service if i had the ability to download the films and watch them offline (even if the option was for 720p for mobile/laptops and 1080p for TVs only) and it be usable on my laptop and TV. i spend about 1 week every 2 months away from my home for work and dont have access to a TV and i do watch movies on my laptop but because its a work laptop, i have to store them on a portable hard drive which sometimes causes hiccups in movies


hur durr a pirate is free.jpg

The only reason I ever go to the movies is to watch something on a big screen with my brothers as a way of spending some time together. I already have Netflix so whatever you are proposing just seems like Netflix but a year earlier then it is now.

It's been 2 years for me. I would love to start going again, but have zero interest in the 'movies' being released.

thats why i said if i was lucky. ive only went to see Dunkirk and Logan in theaters this year, and i only wanna see Logan Lucky right now and i might just wait for a good pirated version of it

I saw four films at the multiplex this year - Spider-Man Homecoming, Valerian, Dunkirk, and Terminator 2 3D.

At £8/ticket per film divided by 12 months of the year, any streaming service would have to be £2.66/month or less to be competitive.

I read that as non-consensual and it made me wonder, what if movies were just beamed into your house and you had to pay to block them from appearing? Could this save Hollywood?

It is more than just the movies. The atmosphere is bad, the people dicks, the food is much worse. Maybe there are still high end places worthy of going to see a movie, but the ones around me just aren't.

patrician user


I like going to the movies. So far this year I've seen Logan, Homecoming and GotG2 in theaters. I only like Logan. Tell Hollywood to stop making so much capeshit/annoying pixar kiddy films/remakes/rehashes/teen drama novel movies.

Fargo and Goodfellas wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a major theater if they were made today.

this. no one wants to say it but the people who run Hollywood have declared war on the people of the united states. is what it is.

Too bad the rest of you fuckers still are....

for me at least they all seem the same stuff we have gotten for years now only with more "diversity" as the new mayor selling point