/bb/ Big Brother 19

RIP Ian Terry, We will always have you in our hearts.

HOH: xmas
Veto: paul
Nominations: jason/kevin

previously on /bb/

Other urls found in this thread:


Alex best girl

Post Alex


im hearing rumors that the dr is trying to turn josh against paul
is it true?

nah we'll use the other one

What happened to Ian?

he drowned in the flood


i love watching girls crying on feeds

That's just a bad angle, she isn't fat


need some shelby on this thread



this OP autist might be the funniest thing of this season

paul's plan isn't that complicated, even a total moron like josh can see through it

unfortunately everyone else is apparently even dumber than josh, so it won't get anywhere

hi bad poster, nobody cares about this season, stop posting about it

RIP in pieces







RIP in peace Dan killer.

I love how this poster has given us a meta commentary on how the houseguests feel every day living in the BB House. S/he makes our lives hell with every post because its exactly what Kevin feels right now and s/he wants us to feel like that with him.

Imagine being Kevin, having to watch Alex's smug smirks he didn't even know existed saying things like "damn girl you so competitive" and wow look at your statuesque (for that is what she calls herself) beauty, I would take you to Final 4 than kindly bow out without any fuss, both my character and the real me.

When all you really want to do is mock her wildly overrated self-esteem, seriously believing she is just attracting millions of fans with her Paul coattail riding and hideous monster face stuck inside two couch cushions waiting to scare the bejesus out of you. Which she does every day. Every goddamn day and your doctor didn't approve of you doing Big Brother because of your heart but your doctor didn't know was, nobody has a bigger heart than Kevin.

And you know you could kill every last HG in there before production could clear out the cereal boxes in the way and finally pick you up and give you a penalty nom. But you grit your teeth into a makeshift smile whenever anyone looks at you so nobody suspects you aren't the pawn you say you are and you just go find a place to hide in the have not room and bear it.

Because you know deep down that your daughters deserve 500K so they can go to an overpriced college and get some job slightly shitter than yours, so they don't need to do this bullshit when they grow up.

So you bear it Kevin. Hide your face laying down on that weird corner mirror room bed and bear it.



please save us jeff probst


what should i watch now that this season is utter shit

/bb/ is the only thing i look forward to every year


gtfo Sup Forums

>kevin wins /bb/ without a single comp win
Would it redeem the season or cement it's place as worst ever?

Panda's fat volcano nigger ass is gonna need a couple of those if she doesn't stop pushing food into her face. Her hat used to say "PRETTY" till she got so fat the rolls folded the hat over the "R".

1 cool day doesnt make up for the rest of the season being absolute dogshit

Cool blog post bro. Thanks for posting your shit in every fucking general.

I didn't watch the episode last night. Did they all really throw the hoh comp to christmas, or did they all false start or some stupid shit?

they alll threw it one by one. Even josh who was told to go through with the race

is CBS trolling us?

Are there /bb/ Threads when there is no season going on?

what a retarded question



so i've never saw OTT, missed out on the shelbys. I started watching it the other day.
>mrw i hear shelbys voice for the first time
you guys are funny

>Gummy Cripple Riding away on Gramma Scooter
Yeah user Christmas is way hotter than shelby...kek

britney is perfect





>shrimpman will never be on a real season


Shelby /ourgirl/ Confirmed

>Josh- I'm not going to turn on them (Christmas/Paul) now or ever, until it's Final 3. At that point, I'm playing for me


Really made me think


Josh, you are retarded. You are going to choose paul no matter what.

i'm still waiting for the vegas trip from these 6

i thought bbott was comfy just because it was in october and november, but i think the way the house split, how simple the comps were and how good the cast was all contributed to that. i fucking love shelby also.

Jesus christ, it's almost embarrassing how much better the cast was on OTT than on 19. at least they always got along and had interesting and comfy convos on the feeds.



she's in italy attending a friend's wedding. meanwhile danielle is in the shithole of visalia, ca. if you want to see "a tale of two cities" compare morgan's instagram to danielle's. i guess that's what happens when one father attends college and the other stabs a guy and is now serving 10 years in prison

Just stumbled upon this and its pretty awesome lol... he kind of rambles at first but this guy is a bro


Agreed. Morgan is vastly superior

Skip to 3 mins and its great lol
"Vote for Cody over Kevin because Kevin ruined the season"


And the grocery store boy called Shelby a loser

I love watching gummy get manipulated by Paul

He's so right. Everyone left confirmed they are playing for second.

please announce ott2 on finale night.

Not going to happen. Just give it uo.

wasnt it gona start in jan or feb?

yeppers you got it dude

why do you guys think this? is there any rumors going around at all?


stop posting

Alison Grodner here, if you fucking faggots don't start watching the shows every night and getting our ratings up you won't get your precious over the top show ever again
Now go vote paul AFP you fucking puppets



You get the world you deserve for rigging a season this badly.

this leaked a few days ago

Why are they calling her Tiff and not Tiffany?

Morgan is superior when it comes to looks. However, Shelby has an autistic cadence that makes her very relatable and more enjoyable to watch on feeds. Because of that, Shelby is therefore superior overall.

it must be a lesbo thing

I love when Natalie BB9 likes my tweets, she has good taste in BB.

Also heh at people talking about my waifu

I miss BridgeBro. I'm going to go watch every single one of his youtube vids so I remember what it's like to actually enjoy livefeeds for more than 10 minutes

>Shelby has an autistic cadence
tiff did it better

>autistic cadence

is this some meme i am unaware of? she is just goofier


your posts have it too

Tiff lost her fucking mind in there.

Yes, but we are comparing Morgan and Shelby here. Tiff was more of a sociopath than an autist anyways.


shelby is an unattractive girl that got tits and anorexia late in life so she now fucks anything she wants,morgan has always been hot and she takes care of her body so she's superior. that's as far as the discussion goes, stop trying to force it

no tiff's autism levels are almost as bad as steve's

thanks to da'vonne, statistically the worst player of all time, who grodner called "the star of BB18"

Guys, can we have a moment of silence for Alex Kidwell?

personal issues? his boyfriend left him?

shelby was hot get over it. morgan was as well, but shelby was more popular on Sup Forums because she also acted like a 14 year old and well... it's Sup Forums

he fell for "Morgan is better" meme and got kicked off podcast