Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:


The chink authoritarian owner neglecting the nice doggo

>its a Sup Forums makes a meme out of something that happened 6 years ago episode
Do you need any more proof this board is creatively bankrupt?

Who was in the wrong here?

yeah. why the fuck didn't the spic go full ramsay on that slant's ass

Doggos have not recovered after this.


shut the fuck up

source on this film?


>creatively bankrupt

that was the longest webm I have ever seen

Clearly the doggo


>cat doesn't btfo the turtle

why the fuck did you make me watch 2m of nothing? i feel assaulted

wtf is the turtle doing


LOL is there a link to this episode

Is the turtle, dare I say it, /ourguy/?


i don't know much about dogs and haven't seen the whole episode? was the dog abused or just poorly trained? either way its sad

>a turtle dropping the nut repeatedly on a cat

dying lads

Why is there no N-Nani edit?


Blocks your path

Yeah, creatively bankrupt. Shit, this picture is like 7 months old.

What a dumb fuck. The dog was licking its lips, avoiding eye contact, and pinning its ears back. Anyone with dog experience knows that those are signs that the dog is uncomfortable with the situation and you should just step back. Some "expert."


fund it

dogs should feel comfortable if alpha is around signalling all is ok, he was there to specifically address that

someone post election results

wow whoever made this should off themselves

>Sup Forums
nice try redditor, but the internet loves to take random shit for decades ago and make into memes
see rick rollin


There is no alpha. The whole dominance theory of dogs was based on unrelated wolves kept in captivity. Obviously not an accurate representation of how things actually work in nature.


>t. Reddit cuck who watched adam ruins everything who now thinks he's an expert

more like this


kek that stance never stops being funny

>t. fat virgin neck beard who can't comprehend that there are people who are actually educated on this board

More like veterinarian who actually has training in this subject.

Based dogs. Cat people can fuck off

>h-he's fast

It has already been decided.

Chad power stance.




The point is to make the dog understand that threats don't work.

>t. Liar who just insulted a future US army soldier

The funniest part is that he is talking to the dog like it can communicate

Have you ever interacted with a dog, or did you just read a book that says that dogs have 4 legs and 72 genders?

what was his fucking problem?

>domesticated dogs being closer to nature than captive wolfs
You are unironically retarded

umm he probably read a paragraph or two online, i think that makes him more knowledgeable than a man who has been successfully training and rehabilitating dogs his whole life, k sweety?

Why dont you try owning a dog first? Watching meme shows isnt the same.

cat cucked him

Quote some actual info about dogs to back up your argument then instead of replying like an angry teenager then.

And I guess watching a TV show that is ridiculed across the board by people with PhDs in animal behavior/canine cognition, veterinarians, and certified dog trainers makes you the expert?

do you have a phd in animal behaviour/canine cognition, or are you a veterinarian or certified dog trainer?

>answers only one person

Kinos about vicious doggos?




this is fucked

>shitbulls everyone

He is playing not attacking

>PhDs in animal behavior/canine cognition
>in animal behavior/canine cognition

Are you playing?

wtf reported

>eating his face


hook line and sinker


i can see why my mom loves this show now

Cesar won because Holly submitted in the end.


i thought that these were ironic and that
is the one who got baited

im all confused now

Take it boy
