What's the final Sup Forums verdict on this show?

What's the final Sup Forums verdict on this show?

Phenomenal up until the last few minutes of episode 17, then full hack job at the end.

Shit. If Lynch wanted to make something new he should have done an original movie

episode 8 is the only good thing that came out of it


point being, regardless of how good it was or wasn't, Sup Forums has memed it too hard that a real discussion can't be had

kino as expected

Never seen better


Chads BTFO


Garbage. Lynch is a liar. Frost is too stupid to understand it. Julee Cruice is a slut.

pure Kino and the sole dramatic masterpiece of television history. surpassing the wire, the leftovers, the sopranos by lightyears

It's something I'll be thinking about and revisiting for years. I loved every minute of it and feel so blessed to have been alive to experience it.

thats a ten

eh, Game of Thrones was more entertaining

this, but unironically

Man I would cum if Lynch started a new series

The most important television event of our century.

better than the original seasons

Invigorating. Comfy.

10/10 Watch it.
Ignore this. It's the Faggdit opinion.

What's with the split opinions? It's either love or hate.

I can't decide if i liked the finale or not. It's left me with such a weird feeling. I think i need some time to process it all.

best tv in years

cmon user, you don't have to lie to us



7/10 on it's own.
Possibly elevated to 9/10 if we get another season.
8/10 if the continuation occurs in Frost's upcoming Twin Peaks book.

Honestly incredible. Exceeding my expectations ten fold. Unlike anything ever before on television. A unique vision told at the auteurs' pace.

>explanations make kino better

Genuinely curious. What is it about the show that exceeded your expectations?

Waste of time. Only intellectually insecure hipsters defend it. Just check out /tpg/. Reddit spacing everywhere and people patting themselves on the back for coming up with dumb theories that will never be proven right because Lynch just throws shit at the wall and pretends the bits of corn are metaphors.

TP will go down as one of the greatest series of all time. The Return has redeemed any misgivings over Season 2 and Fire Walk With Me.

so good. it was everything, more lynch, more nonsense, had most of the original cast, enough nostalgia but also so much more new. i know most people i know wont like it as much as i did, but I absolutely loved it. so happy and grateful he came back and gave fans something more

Not that user but I was expecting it to be a rehash of the old seasons and was surprised how different and fresh it felt.

Reddit hates this season. They have since the start.

never knew what would happen next

Lynch isn't about metaphors at all. He even said that if he wants to show something he shows it up front. You're looking way too far into it.

The best season of any tv show ever made.

waste of time and ruined Lynch's legacy because it showed how much of a hack he is.


Only thing that could have made it better is if Bowie had appeared, but talking tea kettle was p kino`

It was a truly great sequel

It's good to be one of those who honestly loved The Return and especially the ending.

>haha I know its bad but I'm going to keep saying "Lynched" to pretend he was just pretending to be retarded to mess with the audience the whole time

The best piece of television since the original series. Where did it all go so wrong, bros?

if it was made without the thought of continuing to a next season, then it's kino

it was fucking SHIT

>look at my cherrypicked image
Now feel free to try and deny the reddit spacing in every other post in /tpg/. You can't.
Somebody better tell his fans.

this. bowie dying was the only thing that really sucked. and maybe harry not returning but I ended up liking frank in the end so whatever.

It's a miracle this got made. Greatly surpassed my expectations. The great Part 18 worldwide LYNCHING will be discussed for decades.

Lynch the biggest hack in history of cinema

>reddit spacing

Wait a second. Hold the phone. Please just slow down. You're saying that the most important thing about art is how other dummies talk about it? Man oh man. That's a fascinating opinion that's going to keep me thinking for a while.

Don't mention the plot with all its loose ends and wanky dream/alternate reality nonsense, and you'll be alright. It's full with daringly brilliant moments of visual storytelling, and the dougie/catatonic coop arc could be a movie unto itself (and is probably the greatest character ever to grace our screens). Giving lynch full creative control was probably not the best idea since the finale makes me wonder if he's going senile, but who gives a shit? I don't go to lynch for narrative coherence, but I loved the fact that it felt like watching a magritte painting in motion.

Because there's two very decisive audiences watching this.

The first group are Lynch lovers who expected the unexpected and surely were rewarded with the final 10 minutes of the show.

The second group are the new watchers, who binge watched the original show and possibly skipped the movie because it's not on Netflix and are getting things explained to them by people on Reddit or in these general threads. They expected a happy ending with all loose ends explained because they've never watched Lynch in their life.

Frankly, I've come to just pass over any "it's shit" comments because they're from people who have no idea what they're talking about.

ding ding ding

Unironically one of the best things to ever been shown on any screen

I stopped watching after episode 7. Not because i thought it was terrible, but i guess i just lost interest. Is it worth finishing? Did the season finish?

same, I really enjoyed everything leading up to it but I have no idea (yet) what to think of the finale

it was excellent television through and through, I got what I wanted: being taken for a fucking ride















just like the case with every other show/movie

Couldn't manage to format your post properly even though the site does it for you, eh?

at least watch ep 8, you quit at the worst possible point

Based on the responses here it seems like it.


When I sit down to read The Divine Comedy, or the Aeneid I don't stop reading half way and call it a day. I'm done when the writer ends the epic. Twin Peaks in an unfinished book, hence my irresolute apprehension.

>thinking this is an argument because you come to an anonymous website for validation


Are you seriously proud that you spend so much time on this website?

>>Twin Peaks in an unfinished book

This. Anyone expecting a normal ending from project written and directed entirely by Lynch was bound to be disappointed.

Couldn't manage to format your post properly even though the site does it for you, eh?

>Twin Peaks in an unfinished book
Wrong, you simply got LYNCHED by its end.

>blocks your path

That's like saying kafka is a fraud for having weird endings. Not every book/tv show needs to follow traditional storytelling.

Unsatisfying. I like the ending but the Audrey stuff was left too much to the imagination imho. Still the show is really sloppy in editing, effects, production designs to be considered a masterpiece. 7/10

I loved it all. Can't wait until next Sunday!!

Awful, incomprehensible gibberish that anyone can claim to understand so it'll be popular with fake patricians.

In other words; reddit.


How on earth is it sloppy in editing?

I don't think there is a final verdict yet. People are still trying to figure out what happened and how they feel about it. Could take years, who's to say?

All I know is that when it was the episode ended I had a tremendous feeling of tranquility and well-being as if a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders and my mind was at once clear and alert. I smiled and although I had no idea what I just watched, I knew in my heart that everything was going to work out in the end.

It was good until we didn't get any more Dougie.

Can we all appreciate that TV has reached a new level? Fuck movies

Postmodernism and surrealism are for "artists" who aren't able to produce satisfactory conventional art. Then low brows gobble it up simply because it claims to be high art and that makes them feel exclusive.

That's one pretentious opinion if I ever heard one.

literal perfection

Best thing made on the Video Toaster evar
11/10 Video Toasting

Non-surreal art can barely be considered art.

Dunno, I felt nothing but sadness and a bit terrified. I feel like cooper will go on forever being a pawn in a bigger game never being able to fix anything or go home.

I thought you got some Dougie at the end

and naomi watts' complete lack of butt.


Something really special. 100/10

Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, who was also in attendance, said in a 2017 interview, "After I saw Twin Peaks The Return episode 18 on TV, David Lynch had disappeared so far up his own ass that I have no desire to see another David Lynch creation until I hear something different. And you know, I loved him. I loved him."[21]

>art should aim to the lowest common denominator and not attempt experimentation.

I bet you think assembly line Marvel movies are art.

Isn't that what he said about FWWM as well?

Lynch has done satisfactory conventional art though and done it well. Even the normal stuff in this season was done really well. Both the drama and comedy.

Fuck off, Duchamp. I'm not buying your slippery slope of snake oil.

wtf I _______ Tarantino now!?

It's the quote about FWWM. He just edited it to be about the finale.

Its enjoyable but nothing to write home about. Its obvious Lynch was using it as kind of a smorgasbord to puke out a bunch of dumb ideas. 8 men getting sick 8 times was a lot better than this crap. He ran out ideas shortly after eraserhead