Claim your SNL waifu

Hard mode: No Tina Fey

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Nasim Pedrad for sure.

A fine choice, user

Molly Shannon fo sho

claiming McKinnon idc if shes gay or not


She'll be gay when I'm done with her

Good choice, I've cum over her a few times.

Kristen Wiig for me.


First time she's ever held an iron.

The one and only





Abby Elliot

Had the biggest crush on her when I was a teenager

plebs get out

Definitely noticing the rise in hot chicks coincides with the show going to shit. Tina Fey was the only hot woman in the show's history and she was a fluke because she used to be ugly as fuck (and Julia doesn't count because she wasn't hot until after SNL). Then all these hot chicks got in and they're just not funny at all.

>giv raceist gf

>Julia doesn't count because she wasn't hot until after SNL

Found the pickle smoocher!

Casey Wilson


Bruh Elaine's S1 hair was insane. Honestly she didn't get truly hot until she straightened it in S8 or whatever.

Seems like her teeth are so big she literally can't close her mouth but I find her cute. Even though she has no tits and has a fridge body.

That blonde lesbo who's on there right now is actually pretty funny. I'd bang if she wasn't lesbo

Skip to 9:00


She just calls herself a lesbian to keep sweaty fat comedians from hitting on her.



Have used this technique with success.

This, Julia Louise Dreyfus aged like fine wine.
I'm sure being a billionaire helped with that

Having a cock works too.


That lesbo blonde, she needs to be raped straight

about once a month, I stop taking for granted that Cheri Oteri's career never took off. I feel really good.

she dominated SNL while she was on. I really feared she'd become a household name.

I hope she's dead.

I mean it's easier as a man to get results because it's a dominant thing.

>not liking curly hair
Fags ruin every thread

Does Cheri Oteri look like Nana Visitor or am I retarded?

>tfw no lesbian gf

Seriously is there a picture of her without her teeth showing? The fuck


Very cute but not a fan of her comedy.

I was going to claim Maya Rudolph, but I got some real bad results in google image. I remembered her being semi cute.

I bet the chair was soaked

you're very cute too but im not a fan of you

This is a bad opinion

My dad tried to show me her skits. Really don't get the appeal. She's fucking beyond grating. Also probably the flattest chest to ever be on TV

I genuinely don't believe that you feel otherwise.

I will eventually use this

Catherine O'Hare was never an SNL cast member.

Fuck, beat me to it

Claiming Noel Wells instead

I actually saw Tina Fey in the city last week. She looks gross irl.

I hope Melissa lasts another season. I thought she was criminally underutilized.

Man, Cecily sure was hot before she got pregnant

>max res default

my grandpa fucking loved her before he died of cancer


Noel a cute.


Literally 90% of her skits/characters are just her fucking yelling and acting like a retard. How was she ever popular? Oh right
>she came from an affluent Jewish family

She sounds like Mickey Mouse she said so herself

original princess.


Janitor gave me a temp ban for insulting short haired girls and deleted the post.

fake news

Any other choice is objectively wrong.

I mean if that's what you're into, then more power to you.


She's delicious in the New Years resolution and Santa Claus videos


Swear to god. 15 minute ban and he deleted my post. Look on green oval.

My girl Jane Curtin

my nigga

>claiming ignorant sluts


outta my way you waifu fucking shits

She has a great tight hippy Jew butt and she gets it out often

Mmm frecklefu

I bet youre a real looker yourself


Nasim is the only true choice.

PTA is a true patrician.

She has carried, nurtured and raised four seeds of the master. She is a queen.

>women are better with women because they are more receptive to their reactions

this shit is so hot

>>claiming ignorant sluts
Underrated comment


>whiny, nasaly voice insulting you
>tiny Marcel the Shell with Shoes on lightly stomping your nads


What a perfect fuckin face

Doesn't seem that tight. I like me some jewish bubble butt.


She looks like a camel


Leslie Jones looks better than usual in this pic. What gives?

Early 80s were her time to shine.
Roseann Rosannadanna was gold.


>just gloss over that you said "theyll be the first to get the rope"