It's only a matter of time

It's only a matter of time

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This other story says its Image comics.
Why you lyin'?

>Inb4 some retard doesn't see Clickhole

Hey retard, your shithole is this way

I'd rather get a Latina instead of super powers, too

I won't follow that link, but are they mistaken and talking about the new Green Lanterns arc and the phantom ring? Because that,s pretty much it., except that he's obviously no hero.

I spit out my water. This is a good post.

Clickhole is a parody site, a spinoff of the Onion.

This article is good

Watching people on Sup Forums fall for it is great

But with super powers you can get many latina women.

>Click hole


Explain how

You would also need to not be a beta so it might be hard to explain to you.

In other words you don't know either.

Most people know. Only faggots like you who need to ask don't.

>taking an onion spinoff site seriously
I'm sad you're retarded.

Joke is on them. SJWs only care about blacks, gays and muslims

I keked

Not even Marvel's "diversity" is taken seriously by SJWs anymore. How can they survive?


>SJWs only care about blacks, gays and muslims

Even then there's a limit. It's more like a trend than anything else

He was making a refrence senpai

No he wasn't.

Powers can be exchanged for Latinas and other services.

Way to be transaphobic Marvel. The powers should've gone to a beautiful, proud, bi-racial, non-gender specific trans person. I am disgusted.

>trips and got the joke



>But I wanted to set up a joke by asking idiotic questions.
You are the idiot no matter how one looks at it.

>also got trips and got the joke

I'm not even the guy who posted it first.

that doesn't make you less stupid though.

>Not Latinx

fucking dropped this racist pos comic

Feh, my superior intellect glossed over that absurdity he posted anyway, even if he posted a direct quote from the show and a screen capture from the scene in questions. If I showed you a photograph of a dog turd and said "hroof" would you get it? That is how my superior wit feels when shown our trivial "joke" that will not matter while I continue to grow my intellect throughout the years.Maybe next time you could try making an original joke that is actually funny, though I doubt you could do such a thing on your own.

kys if you support this retardation, nigger >>>/tumblr/

The "people" in here just can't accept that women are attracted to power and that some of them could happen to be latino. It's the same kind of "people" who think that posting a picture of Homer Simpson automatically will imply anything said during the many years of that show. Basically idiots.