Did Todd being asexual mean anything to anyone?

Did Todd being asexual mean anything to anyone?





The laziest special snowflakes of them all.

I don't care. I'm mad at him that he was an asshole to Bojack for no reason.


It might as well be a nonexistent aspect of his character because it only matters like .04%

Yeah I've seen plenty of tumblrinas praise it for adding diversity to the show and giving representation to an "ignored" sexuality. And also many people on Sup Forums saying they identify with Todd because they're also asexual.

I kind of liked it. I mean, I sort of identify as ace, but I've never really been one to care enough for representation. I thought it was fine and really fit with Todd's character, though.

it at least explained some things about his behavior

It's debatable.

I seriously dislike her getting a free pass though. She made the decision to fuck Bojack the moment things got weird with Todd.

Todd is more of a joke character than a real one, so no.

Asexuals are just guys with no test or guys who use it as an excuse for why they can't get laid.

What about asexual women?

Doesn't Sup Forums usually say that's how it should be? There's usually a bunch of bitching if someone's sexuality comes up more than once.

Hey just because I haven't gotten laid in years doesn't make me asexual. Last I checked there wasn't a goddamn quota.

Honestly, the way they broached it was just so casual that I can't really see anyone being offended by it. They didn't even mention the term 'asexual'.

Also it does seem to fit Todd's character pretty well, so yeah it's totally cool.

sure thing buddy.

and bisexuals are just gays who 'can't make up their minds' right?

they do not exist

>I'm mad at him that he was an asshole to Bojack for no reason.

Bojack pls go

no, they are just spoiled deviants

Bojack was an asshole (in this season) to everyone but Todd. Todd kills Bojacks Oscar win. No problem.

>le bisexuals are just sluts meme

I'm bi-sexual. I've had sex with 4 different people. (2 girls 2 guys) How does that make me a slut or 'spoiled'?

Sure they don't.

you should be married and raising kids at this point

that's 4 more than most of the people you're talking to, chief.

Nah, Bisexuals are high test if they're male

Women are a myth.

Why would you give a shit over who gets married or not? If you love kids so much go have some of your own.

>I don't care. I'm mad at him that he was an asshole to Bojack for no reason.

t. Bojack

Go cry about how you killed that girl in the desert, you dead horse in the making.

Todd being the autist he is, I just can't imagine him getting naked with someone for those reasons. It'd be like a literal toddler having sex

I think it works

>early season Todd is a complete retard
>late season Todd is wise and mature
>he goes back to being a retard next season


Women who have hormone issues

I'm ace but I don't tell anyone. I just say I'm a lesbian if someone asks because women are hot and nice to look at but I don't want to fuck em.

No. It came out of nowhere and didn't do anything to progress the story other than "oh look, he's different...". Like okay? Why do we care again? I never cared much for Todd in the first place. I watch Bojack for Bojack and waifus. Todd always felt like he was there for comedic relief, so when the writers expected us to take him seriously I wasn't all that impressed.

It made me cry, had a very similar falling out with a couple of my past girlfriends. It really didn't click until I found out about asexual being a thing years later.

That was LITERALLY the entire point. Someone's sexual orientation SHOULD mean nothing to anyone unless they are trying to start a relationship with them. It changed absolutely nothing about the character.

how does it fit Todd's character? explain.

I didn't think it had anything to do with his character. I mean,it makes more sense for Todd to say that he doesn't want to be with the girl because he knows that all he'll ever be is a lazy mooch who accepts the hole he's dug for himself. Making him asexual is kind of a big what the fuck moment, at least for me. It comes out of nowhere and doesn't really add anything to him. Just because the character wasn't trying to fuck anybody during s1 and s2 doesn't mean he has to be asexual. It feels more like lazy writing than legitimate character development. Mainly because there was nothing to actually develop


Except "asexual" is not a thing, user.

exactly. "I'm too afraid to stick my peepee in the hole" does not make for its own sexuality.

this is coming from a bisexual. at least I know for certain I like dicks and vags. I don't understand or comprehend how you can be sexually attracted to someone, but as soon as you get in bed with them you go "wait a sec, I don't think this is for me". like, doesn't that seem a bit selfish? to trap people in a relationship, make them think you want to be intimate with them, then back out as soon as it gets a tad too intimate for you? lack of sexuality shouldn't be it's own sexuality. it makes no sense. just call yourself a virgin, you don't need a special snowflake term just to make you feel important or less of a lonely virgin.

the world is over populated as it is and we're running out of resources. if anything we should be having more abortions.

Asexual just means you aren't motivated to have sex. You may still have a preferred attraction but it's not a drive or goal.

It's no surprise, considering his response to Bojacks giant cock swinging lifestyle in the same house. It came out exactly the way it really would have, too. Bojack fucks "his" girl and he knows he's supposed to be super psycho pissed about it but upon introspection he's actually not so he has to ask himself why that is.

what does that mean? what is unmotivating you exactly? your self esteem? do you feel you're not capable of pleasing another human?

I'm only asking this because the only other aseuxal I've ever talked to was also depressed and bottled in a lot of their feelings. curious if this is a common trend among you fellas.

You could make the argument his lack of wanting sex is meant to signify his childlike purity. Todd is meant to be a foil to Bojack, happy go lucky and never stays downtrodden to long. While Bojack constantly uses drug and sex to distract himself with his problems Todd has no real vices to him. When Todd fails he doesn't pout about it and feels bad for himself he just simply moves on.

However this argument falls short in two places: First of all Todd is a known stoner. While he doesn't become as commonly used or destructive as Bojack the vice is still there so it breaks the illusion of purity. Second, the idea that all sex is bad is a bit of an extreme one that I don't agree. Yes, having constant sex to fill that empty hole in your heart is a bad idea but complete abandonment of it and implying all sex to be impure is in itself another extreme.

Not that poster, but I just have absolutely no desire to have sex. I don't masturbate, don't get horny, no desire to fuck or be fucked at all. but I identify as bisexual to people because that's easier to explain, partially thanks to fucks like you

Being asexual in general doesn't mean anything, except when compared with people who are interested in sex. It's basically just one less thing a person cares about or is motivated by, as far as I'm able to tell.

>I don't understand or comprehend how you can be sexually attracted to someone, but as soon as you get in bed with them you go "wait a sec, I don't think this is for me"
It's called insecurity, user. Sorry we cannot all be outgoing, unrelenting social butterfly like Thy Amphisexualness.

My mom invited two asexual girls for Christmas two years ago. One was from Quebec and the other was from Portland. I thought they were pretty cool.

>the world is over populated as it is

Beaurocratization of language
It's shit my man

eh, it's more like we should only be allowing select males to breed and having more female children instead of males.
>this is what China got wrong. To keep breeding in check, you do not limit the number of children, you limit the number of males and have more females born. They do this in Zoos all the time.

see I agree with everything he said, but forget that select males to breed crap. Instead

Only to tumblr where """""""""sexuality""""""""" matters for some reason

what state are you in?

shut up grandpa snook

But if you're really asexual, why did you start trying to date people in the first place?

>durr Africans is breeding like crazy
>hurr we should abort white children to compensate

This is you, you genocidal maniac

not him, but i certainly didn't. I feel bad for always having to turn down people and never being able to go after someone i truly love, but I just can't. It wouldn't be right to put an actual sexual person in that situation. it hurts dude.

I've gotten my hormones checked multiple times, and I'm better than the average m8.

That's alright man. Just be honest with people and bro around. Don't feel pressure to be something you weren't born with.

You seem to be conflating romantic and sexual attraction. Like, you're bisexual, but you might not want to necessarily be in an emotionally invested relationship with a man. Intimacy is not always sexual and some people are perfectly content with fostering deeper bonds that go beyond getting off.

You're also assuming that the avoidance of sex is because of fear, which is also a erroneous presumption. Asexuals can and do have sex, some even masturbate. Just like a gay man can have sex with a woman or how straight men will experiment with other men.

You wouldn't much care for someone telling you that a bisexual is just someone in the closet or doing it for attention, now would you?

>implying I'm white

It just sucks because I have the potential to be a complete whore but I guess that's just not what I'm cut out for. I really pressured myself during high school but it's best for kids to just accept the way the are.

Asexuals aren't incapable of falling in love with someone. At least that's what I was told.

Do you find that like said you still have the desire for intimacy, but no lust? Because you might be able to find another asexual person who feels the same way to bond with.

I'm sure it was nice for some people. Personally, though, call me when there's a non-promiscuous bisexual male who tends to prefer women and doesn't look super-feminine.

Closest I'm aware of is John Constantine but I'm pretty sure he's had lots of one-night stands.

Yes, and some asexuals can even be kinky but without the sex part and have fetishes. Some do like sex but don't feel sexual attraction, those guys are just the worst because they can still have sex with loved ones and call oppression anyway. Aromantic Asexuals don't feel sexual or romantic attraction. I for one like the idea of being close, cuddling, kissing, dancing and normal couple things but I don't like genitals at all. Sometimes I really wish I could please someone I liked but I know in real life it would be an awful experience for both of us, so I stay single. Maybe I will meet a nice ace guy someday, but I've given up on searching for now.

>seriously advocating a female-dominated society and hypergamy because they "do this in Zoos"

Simply ebin

did they fucking seriously
glad i quit it early
i cant wait til every possible type of hookup gets special tax breaks and single people have to demand theirs, and finally we will have equality and stop having to recognize anything

>literally wants to kill babies.

It seriously wasn't a thing. He just was basically like "I'm not really into dating or sex" and they moved on.

>first episode had Tord involved with the cartel angry at him selling ecstasy in their turf

Maybe just a homage to Breaking Bad, but that's not exactly a "pure" direction for your life to take. You need to know certain people to do that.

>ITT: literally Sup Forumsmblr

Hiro cannot jettison this board soon enough

Todd was a mistake.

>I'm ace but I don't tell anyone. I
>Proceeds to tell random people.
Go away.

I think it's good because it's true that people like him exist but you don't really think about that option when considering fictional characters where there's this reflex to label them and pair them up to add to the drama of their lives. It was surprising and it added a bit of unique drama that was settled in a satisfying and honest way.

The representation aspect is just a bonus to people I'm sure as well as the conversation he provides.


Did he almost fug a girl?
Where's this whole asexual coming from?

He's just sort of goofy and doesn't spend any time chasing women, or men. Like he genuinely wants to do good and add some artistic beauty to the world.

No. Being asexual is pretty much the collecting paperclips of sexual orientations.

Sure, it's unusual but that doesn't mean it's not boring.

Exactly. "I'm too afraid to not stick my peepee in the hole" Does not make for its own sexuality.

This is coming from an Asexual. At least I know for certain I don't like dicks or vags. I don't understand or comprehend how you can not be romantically attracted to someone, but as soon as they take off their clothes you go "wait a sex, hey lets fool around a bit". like, doesn't that seem a bit selfish? to not want to be in a relationship with someone,

And ugh your post was so toxic I couldn't even finish making a parody of it. I'm sorry an ace broke your heart, but keep in mind that you probably broke theres by not accepting them for who they are.


Uh, I mean no because stop shoving that shit down our throats?

In the latest season, it was revealed that this girl was obviously into him in 2006 and he was visibly uncomfortable with that. Later when she comes back, he ignores her obvious advances and at one point chickens out of a romantic situation. At the end of the season, when asked what the heck and if he was gay, he tells her that he doesn't think he's anything. And she accepts that.

He said he thinks he's nothing, he doesn't really know. He seemed to be pretty mad that Bojack slept with Emily so he must have feelings for her in some way. Also when he was presented with the opportunity to have sex previously he ran away like he was scared, maybe he just isn't ready for the adulthood that sexual relations symbolize to him, he's still a kid pretty much.

killing is always good

The only ones that are overpopulated are Africa and parts of Asia
If anything, the world needs more white people

Not really? I'd say asexuality is the second most common sexuality in media. Usually it's not mentioned, because it's not seen as a sexuality, and dosen't matter enough for people to care(outside of Tumblr, but I don't go there, and neither should you guys) And yes, even in real life, negatively, or positively.

Yeah that's how it felt to me. Maybe he'll later be ready, maybe he'll change, but right now he doesn't feel like anything sexually though romantically he could feel something. Unless getting mad at Bojack about the sex was more about the idea of him trying to be sneaky after how he treated him in the past.

>someone says we should have more abortions
>reads that as "white people should have more abortions"
Why does this happen?

I think you're confusing asexual people with people you just aren't sure of. By that logic everyone is also pansexual because they could be anything until we know for sure what they like.

>Why does this happen?
because social justice

>Do asexual women exist?
>I do but I don't talk about it
Social retardation, ladies and gentlemen.

Asexuality is fucking stupid

Your telling me that you have a gender preference, and find people attractive, but you don't want to bone them? You are attracted to people in a sexual but not physically sexual way, but the label you go by means sexually void?

It's the epitome of fucking retarded tumblr bullshit, it's a entire sexuality that is not only somewhat self contradictory, but also rejects the idea of fluid sexuality. Compartmentalizing every possible sexual attraction into rigid little boxes is a horrible step in the wrong direction

That doesn't make sense.

I'm saying in media, it's really common. Idiot heroes, people in love with adventure/suffering/something stupid characters who're literally asexual, etc. Usually it's because the author dosen't want to write a love interest, or something, but doesn't say they are that. So yeah, it only matters now due to obviously trying to make a message with the character.

because SJWs want to kill all white people

Any sexual orientation rejects sexual fluidity. If you believe in fluidity, then it's like a status on a messenger system that says right now they aren't interested in physical and romantic relations with real people. Asexual can be another way of saying "I perfer to be single".

asexuals do not exist
only men too pathetic to get some and women who weren't fucked properly yet

I mean, I can find a guy good looking, but I wouldn't wanna bone them, frankly I don't care. Out of all the sexualities, it needs the least pandering, and it's not like there haven't been asexual people in history.

Also, I'm trying to wrap my head on how it's rejecting the idea of fluid sexuality, and how that's a bad thing. This post feels intolerant, for the sake of tolerance.

That doesn't automatically make them asexual. Just because a character's sexuality is left out because it doesn't matter, the author never specified, or by merit that the character isn't real doesn't means that the character is asexual.
Or does it? We're pretty much going to be arguing semantics.

An adorable mistake