What does Sup Forums think of Ozark? I never see any threads about it

What does Sup Forums think of Ozark? I never see any threads about it.

Just finished it.

Think Breaking Bad-lite, with most of the tension removed, and lots of gay sex.

It's a blue filtered, canadian version of breaking bad with less quotable lines, none of the shocker moments (like the first time seeing crawl space is great) and a poorer actor as the main character.

Lucky you. Every thread is always the same.
>complaints about the blue filter
>retarded Breaking Bad comparisons

Don't forget Jason Bateman's cuck video of the Jew railing his wife

gib trailer trash qt trying to get a better life

>Breaking Bad-lite

So it's like a really good show but not as great as everyone is making it out to be but still a pretty cool show?

couldv'e been threads if it was weekly, and on cable. dump uploads isn't great for Sup Forums

lots of people here watch narcos, but the threads aren't great. everyones at different stages, and if they're finished, recap threads are only around a short while.

i haven't watched this, I'm tempted. feels like bateman trying to reinvent himself tho


The Ożark?

i liked it quite a bit but i think a big part of that is because i live in STL so there was a lot of missouri and/or STL speak mixed in with it
people call it "breaking bad lite" but for me it was more relevant and closer to home so i was able to identify with it more which made it an overall better experience
also there was WAYYYY too much deus ex machina in the show

Breaking Bad for patricians


I like it since I am from Chicago and the show takes place in the midwest

But its not as memorable as Breaking Bad

The one thing it has going for it that BB doesnt is that its not restricted by TV rules

I didnt think she would choose Bateman over her own kin. what a bro

Why didn't they just go into witness protection?

Why didn't they do anything with the sexual tension between Marty and Ruth from the earlier episodes?

Why did Ruth kill her own uncles that were her own family rather than let them kill Marty?

Why did Ruth's uncle, who lived with her all her life, try to rat her to the Feds over 5 years rather than talk to her outside and agree to something as a family?

Why didn't Rachel go to witness protection?

Why did Del Rio want to go into business with Marty after he would have known that Marty killed Garcia?

Why did Charlotte start looking dramatically more masculine and manly after she lost her virginity?

she didn't choose bateman she had a long term goal and wants to manipulate him. she knows her uncles are useless baggage that were a threat to her plans so she got rid of them

literally all of this is explained in the show. did you only half watch it while playing video games or something?

imagine a boring version of breaking bad with gay sex everywhere. you can skip it now.

The gay stuff was kinda unnecessary though.

a few of tehm are facetious questions but it is genuinely unbelievable writing that they'd risk their own kids lives trying to launder money rather than go into witness protection.

Also it's not convincing writing that Ruth's family would kill and rat on each other.
neither is it convincing that del rio would behappy doing a business venture with a guy who clearly just killed one of his leitenants.


Gay stuff is usually unnecessary unfortunately. Look at Sens8 and Pacho from Narcos.

1. We saw that the Langmores didn't exactly have a lot of loyalty for each other. The only ones that everyone seemed to care about were Russ' sons. Otherwise Ruth would have probably fucked her uncles over a long time ago. She would have felt bad about it, but her father is the only one she's loyal too.

2. Del had sympathy for Marty despite all the shit he gave him and saw him as a real golden goose. Otherwise he would have killed him in the first episode. Marty is worth more than some disposable gun thug.