Zuzu & The SuperNuffs

The company that made this show claims it aired in 90 countries, but there's hardly any information about it online. Only a handful of promotional trailers and a few images. Anybody know anything about it? It looks like shit, but that's not the point. I'm just trying to find it because it's absence is bugging me.


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i want to fuck the pink one

is that teemo on the left lol

The show's facebook page last posted about the show in March of this year. They shared a post in August about exports, but that didn't mention the show.

>Zuzu & the SuperNuffs is a 2D animated children’s comedy series for ages 4-8. It follows the adventures of 5 furry aliens called Nuffs after their intergalactic bathtub almost crash-lands on top of 13 year old ZuZu Becky-Jones. It first aired online on August 12, 2013 and international cable channel KidsCo on August 19, 2013.

imdb has episode descriptions. Only site online that does. Looking up the episodes themselves doesn't yield much information.

>Let There Be Life!
>CuteNuff is furious when ZuZu borrows her kickety-punch boots without asking. But when EdE brings a machine to life that he shouldn't, they find themselves chased through the corridors of the factory by a crazed contraption and ZuZu must borrow CuteNuff's boots one more time to try and make things right.

looking at the company's facebook page it looked like they had some other ongoing live action shows on netflix. maybe your best bet is to hope they get this added as well

I don't think it had enough episodes for that. Doubt it will ever see the light of day, and frankly, it may not even deserve it. I just don't like white whales and hate it when shows go missing.

She seems to be changing colors in every video. Not sure that's intentional.



I remember KidsCo. So much shitty 90s shows like DKC,Cap N etc.



This is pretty much the last thing there is.

I guess nobody knows anything else about this piece of shit. Thanks anyway.

Just found a number of videos on some god-awful video site, with 0-10 views a piece. Why they were there is anybody's guess. No episodes, it seems. Just more promotional stuff.



Last stuff I could find.


The OP looked promising but they aren't fuckable at all

what is this?

bump for reasons

KidsCo is dead.

The show's creator is from straya by the way.

>only eight episodes aired


In motion, it really isn't good at all. As I've said, I'm not trying to say this thing is worth finding. I just want to find it.

Found the show's name in various languages, but still no episodes.

literal noodle limbs