What's the worst Dreamworks movie?

What's the worst Dreamworks movie?


Shark Tale

Dragons 2.

Shark Tale.
Not even worth discussing honestly. We could argue which Dreamworks films are bad or not, ANTZ vs. Bugs Life, if the amount of good films make up or are buried by the amount of mediocre films.

But everyone can agree Shark Tale is the worst thing ever.

Never actually seen Turbo but it looked terrible form the concept alone.

The only saving grace it had was Samuel L. Jackson, Shark Tale didn't even have anything to save it.

Why is Shark Tale universally considered bad?

Google Will Smith Fish Face.

Because it's bad.

Go to bed, Doug.

Terrible jokes, terrible writing, terrible plot, terrible characters and horrifying disgusting looking animation.

It was clear the movie wasn't trying to sell itself as anything good but instead tried to make it's money through the star power of popular voice actors which it had many of and some even showing their likenesses, which on fish looked terrible.

Their hand-drawn movies are good, like The Prince of Egypt, The Road to El Dorado and Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas.

Sinbad is criminally underappreciated.

IMO the movie wasn't particularly good or bad, but the Netflix series is amazing.

>Guys, we need an idea for a movie. What's popular right now?
>SpongeBob and Finding Nemo
>Also rapping and hip hop
>Great! Let's make a movie about fish that rap and hip hop! That's sure to be a hit!
>And also make it a mafia movie for some reason because I don't know!

>tfw Shark Tale was one of my favorite childhood movies of all time

I really don't get why people don't like it. Worst Dreamworks movie in my opinion is every Kung Fu Panda.

Is SharkTale really worse than Home or Turbo (two movies I'll admit I haven't seen)?

what? that one was great

Home was okay. It was actually watchable. Turbo was too cringy, imo.

Not sure which is worse: Turbo or Sharktale?
But I haven't watched Sharktale in years for a reason.

What's the most overrated dreamworks movie? Underrated?

I want to say the first Shrek, but I myself have too many fond memories of it. Shrek 2 DOES deserve all the praise it gets, though.

Bee Movie, thought it was good as a kid, and still think it holds up. Really feels underappreciated.

How to Train Your Dragon 2 for completely shitting the bed

But Bee Movie for all around terrible

>It was clear the movie wasn't trying to sell itself as anything good but instead tried to make it's money through the star power of popular voice actors
You just described every dreamworks movie.

>Hiccup your mother abandoned you for NO REASON and she's welcomed back because when a woman abandons her kid? It's A-OK.

Fuck that awful movie.

It's bait.

>Bee Movie, thought it was good as a kid, and still think it holds up. Really feels underappreciated.
>as a kid
>mfw bee movie came out 9 years ago i just googled
i will die here

I turned 21 three days ago

That movie was really boring.

For a movie that seemed so focused on comedy, I can only remember like, one thing in it I actually found funny. The emotional beats didn't come across well either. It's just really subpar in a lot of areas rather than anything offensively bad.

Tried to capitalize off of Finding Nemo in the laziest way possible. Nemo's biggest draw was its animation quality, which Shark Tale didn't even try to have. It's like trying to ripoff the Mario games but making your knockoff a puzzle game instead of a platformer.

Sadly, Shark Tale wasn't a flop, it made a pretty good return for DreamWorks

>through the star power of popular voice actors

Correction: Through the star power of popular celebrity live action movie actors.

God Tier:
Shrek 2
Prince of Egypt

Demigod Tier:
Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda 2

Great Tier:
The Road to El Dorado
How to Train Your Dragon
Rise of Guardians
Wallace and Gromit
Madagascar 3
Puss in Boots

Okay Tier:
Bee Movie
Chicken Run
Madagascar 2

dont care:
Mr. Peabody
Monsters vs Aliens
Over the Hedge
Flushed Away
Shrek 4
Shark Tale

literal trash:
shrek 3

I take it you haven't seen Kung Fu Panda 3 yet?

and god damn I always forget about Over the Hedge (which I liked) and Monsters vs Aliens (which I hated).

I've seen Kung Fu Panda 3, I thought it was alright. It is the best Dreamworks movie visually, but it didn't do much that I wanted it to do and the reveal at the end didn't impress me.

>Thinking Shark Tale is good
>Thinking the entire Kung Fu Panda trilogy is bad
>Having taste this mind-numbingly bad

how can someone really be this stupid

Kung Fu Panda was mind-numbingly boring to me. Second one was okay only because of Shen, but everything else was nearly unwatchable. Maybe I was too old for it when it came out, I dunno. I certainly wouldn't have seen any of the sequels if it weren't for my job.

I turned 41 this year

Has anyone here seen Over the Hedge?
How is it?

Never seen it but when I was younger I thought it looked like the most fucking boring, generic looking movie I had ever seen in my life.

It's a solid 5/10 movie.

I saw it but I don't really remember what happened. I think it was okay overall, but I may have kind of hated pieces of it. I think kids would like it though.

Very good.

Anyway, what are your favorite DreamWorks soundtracks?
My top 3:
1. How to Train Your Dragon 1
2. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
3. Shrek 1 and 2

I barely remember it. I remember that it retreaded the "squirrel rodent on caffeine" joke/plot element that Hoodwinked had done the year before.

Anything that doesn't involve Dragons and Vikings.

Your younger self was correct

holy shit
wizard? happy?


>no Road To El Dorado
What the fuck are you doing?

I only said three.
If it was a top 5, I will include The Road to El Dorado and The Prince of Egypt.

But those should be your top two.

>Mr. Peabody
>Monsters vs Aliens
>Over the Hedge
You're missing out on those. Mr. Peabody isn't that good, though, but it has its moments.

>prince of egypt

Okay, I'll bite.

What's the matter?

But the blacks love that movie!
They still sing car wash at the car wash!

What's wrong with Madagascar tho

This better be bait.

First movie is okay. Second is mediocre. Third is perfect.

I'd say Turbo, just everything about it is absolutely retarded

All of them. The fucking dreamworks face ruins every movie they make.

You being a sheep that lets memes dictate what you like is what ruins everything.

But it gave us these. All is forgiven.


Are you fucking with me? I haven't seen the third one. All I remember is the nonstop commercials of AFRO CIRCUS

kys furfag

I loved Turbo

Yeah, it's not like ads in the USA, specially movie ads, aren't incredibly bad and misleading.

Yep, you can totally judge the movie from that. No need to watch it.

I'm just saying that it left a bad impression. Of course I'm not going to have an open mind when that shit was plastered everywhere.

It's actually a very small thing in the actual movie, even when it looks like the credits are gonna be Afro Circus its actually a remix of the Move It song.

shark tale 100%

I was 20 when I saw those movies, and all three were and still are great

>"maybe I was too old to enjoy your movie for BABIES"
>likes shark tale

>>Monsters vs Aliens

This isn't good at all though. The only reason people even mention it is because they want to fuck the giant chick.

Bet you didn't even watch it.

Do you even have to fucking ask OP?

For some reason animated movies ostensibly aimed at children like to reference the mafia.

Even Zootopia did it.

Because the Mafia are easily identifiable, non-offensive (to modern audiences at least) goon to portray on screen. It's either that or trashy black people shooting at each other.

Do you people reallyyyyy believe Shark Tale is worse than Shrek 3?

Penguins is the only Dreamworks movie I haven't seen, but judging by the Trailer, it looked like shit. What did you guys think of it?

Shrek is bad, in the Son who got perfect As, went to work at Mcdonalds.

Sharktale is bad in the way, that your son, who was always weird, lazy, and fat became a furry.

I loved Croods and Megamind.
Screw your list.

Those babies literally serve no fucking point but to bring another pointless conflict into Shrek's life, and sell merch.

Also they have gross baby faces, fucking eww.

I have fond memories of shark tale because I liked it when I was ten years old.

I haven't watched Croods either. I meant to but I forgot. Now I know what I'm doing tomorrow.

so if like the Jigsaw killer from Saw kidnapped you and put you in a death trap where you have to either watch all of Shrek the Third or Shark Tale without looking away or stop smiling, what do you go with?

>comedy relief gets his own movie:

Kronk's new groove
Cars 2
Monsters University
Finding Dory

they rarely work

If Shrek 3 started out with Shrek being made king then segued into the plot of Shrek 4 it might have turned out better

That does not justify your shit taste.

Megamind was great. Croods was shit.

Not your opinion =/= shit taste.

I liked a kid's movie when I was a kid and still find it endearing/amusing today because nostalgia. I didn't like a trilogy of kid's movies that I watched when I wasn't a kid anymore and have no fond memories which would make me enjoy them now.

>Monsters University
>Finding Dory
Those worked. The other ones on the other hand...

No, you definitely have shit taste and besides that you're an idiot if you seriously only care about the nostalgia value of things.

I'm sorry Kung Fu Panda isn't that good, user.

>being this wrong
You drank the seawater didn't you?

(different user)
It's not horrible though.

Shark Tale. Hands down, no question.