Is this good?

is this good?

Hell no.

Yes 9.5/10

on part one now it seems good

No, read Muh Phoenix instead


It's basically heroes fighting heroes for some reason. Then some heroes become gods then fight each other. Then one hero is still a god and fights all the other heroes. All the villains just took a break during that time.

so, it`s a comic event?

It's a clusterfuck with 5 writers that don't particularly work well with each other.The entire purpose of the event is forgotten after the first half.

Yes. A comic. That's an event.

My mugga.

Read the UXM, Seekrit Avengers, & Avengers Academy tie-ins and nothing else. Maybe the WatXM ones.

Poor Yost and Kyle.

Absolutely not

CW2 and Age of Ultron are the only modern big marvel events that are worse than AvX

No, it's a Marvel event.

You might have forgotten this, but DC events tend to involve villains

Every Marvel event for the past several years has been terrible. AvX is certainly one of the worst, but it's not like those other piles of shit smell any better

Infinity was top notch outside of the end.

>inb4 le wat crime shitposter

To be honest, I just wanted to read an event where the X-Men were in the wrong, and they get punished for it, like God intended.

>trying to court the fucking Phoenix Force as if it could be tamed
>the guy who literally can't control his powers crying about "muh dwindling mutant population"
>"Sorry, loyal daughter I've been training. I'm too drunk with power to let you fulfill the destiny I've been filling your head with all this time."

It's pretty cut and dried that the mutants were being assholes, and the Avengers had to do something about it.

But then Marvel decided to throw a wrench into that by making Cap & Co. be the aggressors in the second half when the Phoenix 5 acted like gods.

And it wasn't even an accident. They hammered it in by having Reed (I think it was Reed?) Say some shit like "I wash my hands of this. Don't fuck with the godlike mutants, Steve."

>as if it could be tamed
It could. It had been before. Hope did it yet again.

>inb4 le Iron Fist
She didn't need that to control it. She only ended up needing it to wrest the Phoenix Force from the 5/Scott, which wouldn't have been necessary if Tony hadn't fractured it and made it more volatile in the first place.

Stay mad.

It's just ok
Some of the best moments are from tie ins or the side books like the digital bonus issues, which kind of makes it depressing
In a perfect world, it could be adapted into a good 10-12 episode animated series with most of the content being from tie-ins\solo perspectives

Like they had this two issue story about avengers fighting x-men to capture hope i think, and it showed the first half from avengers perspective and second half from x-men, and it was pretty cool and xavier froze everyone's minds and it never got mentioned in the main book

i never read it why is wolverine and beast against their race

I ain't mad. And though you have a valid point, Scott and his boys screwed up first. A little consideration for the non-mutants they fight alongside once every few months would have solved everything ahead of time, but "muh dying mutant race" drove them to unnecessary desperation.

Also Cap & Co had little reason to trust Hope, to them she was unproven.

You'd be better off reading "Muh Phoenix" by Nuzlocke.

The only reason to read it is to see the rise of Rightclops

>>Avengers introduced saving crashing plane
>>X-Men introduced with Cyclops kicking a teenage girl in the stomach.

The fact that people didn't catch how blatant the bias is kills me.

It's one of the funner events to follow.

This. Marvel is finished. Based Rebirth.

Hell Yeah!
Muh Phoenix is amazing.

>No, read Muh Phoenix instead
This x10000000000. Fucking blew AvX right out of the water.

No,is fucking shit!
And the true evidence that modern Marvel don't know what to do with his character's

Mfw.jpg nobody remember Original Sin!

because Wolverine automatically takes the side opposite to Cyclops and Beast is a race traitor

Isn't quit as bad as people say, it's pretty poorly written though but the Phoenix Five are pretty cool, it's fun to watch them go crazy with power and turn on each other.

In the preceding X-Men storylines Hank(Beast) had become aware and morally outraged by Rightclops having created a secret assassination squad to secretly murder mutantkind's most dangerous enemies. (X-Force)
And Hank had always had qualms about the whole militant vibe of Rightclop's leadership.
And he had good reason to believe that there were other horrible secrets still being hidden from him. (there were)
Almost worse than even that, Scott was one of his oldest friends from back in the days of the original 5 and now Rightclops was being casually dismissive about Hank's concerns.

Guy was once ready to kill Jean to keep The Phoenix from destroying her and then the world, and he loved her.
Now Rightclops wants The Phoenix to do whatever it wants with this girl because he has some blind faith.
Plus the Avengers have a butler to bring him beers.

It did drag in all the latter issues, except for 11.
The eleventh issue was amazing.

How is Beast even still an "X-Man", pretty much everything involving him in recent years he's gone against them. They should either make him a full blown villain or kill him off.

He's one of the original 5, an elder, a founding member, that pretty much means that he's next in line to run the show now that Xavier and Scott are ... no longer available.
(thank Phoenix he didn't step up for that)
It'd be like saying The Invisible Woman isn't a member of the Fantastic Four if/when she turns evil.
Original team trumps anything else.

If you're at all familiar with the main characters it sucks complete ass

If you're at all familiar with the concepts involved (Phoenix, Chaos Magic, Kung Fu, etc.) it's terrible

If you're read the run up to it that introduced the new phoenix host then it's a travesty of an arc conclusion.

Narratively there's no sense of pace or menace and the Phoenix Five are not sufficiently fleshed out as Villains to be anything more than cool looking character designs.

There is, to be frank, not a single element of this story that works.

Cap & co. should've had a little more consideration to the people they fight with every few months, by not bringing an army to bear under the guise of peaceful negotiations.

I love emma frost and namor some times
>yay an excuse to wear even less clothes!

Nay, its bad. I enjoy it though, like a like a good bad movie.