Thanos is the greatest character ever devised. He is complex, powerful and literally courts a fucking concept...

Thanos is the greatest character ever devised. He is complex, powerful and literally courts a fucking concept. How can any other character compete? Also he is purple.

Thanos is a joke character.

>he is purple.
OP has got a point.

I'm super excited to see how the MCU writes in his hubris.




You laugh but when the Thanoscopter comes for you you won't be so bold.

Incompetent purple smirking ogre l with a sock puppet plot device

It was Marvels "Answer"(lol) to Darkseid

I want to read Thanos stuff, aside from the Infinity Gauntlet stuff what should I read?

I enjoy his comics, but come on ma-
>Also he is purple.
Oh shit I hadn't considered that. Yeah, he's the best.

>Implying I haven't already surrendered to a higher power

Do you faggots even want to die for Darkseid yet?

There is very little pure Thanos, he pops in and out of other books. The books about him are all pretty decent though. Just go by published date.

Thanos is what Darkseid should have been. Darkseid was a failure because he was pitted against supes so he was never a true threat. Supes was guaranteed to win. Thanos only loses through philosophical metaphysics.

Not really.

yOU LITTLE SHIT, HOW DARE YOU IMPLY ANYTHING THANOS IS NOT FUCKING GREAT.hE IS A GOD. I wish I could have 5 minutes alone with you because I would crush your fucking skull. You little shit.

>Thanos is the greatest character ever devised. He is complex, powerful and literally courts a fucking concept. How can any other character compete? Also he is purple.

While it pains me to agree with any OP, in this case, the faggot is right.

There's a reason why Thanos is such a compelling character. When he is written correctly, he's AMAZING.

Sadly, most of the wretched, grasping, greedy, talentless, second-rate fucktards they have relegated to comics these days are unable to even start doing justice to a concept and character this rich.

Fuck Marvel. Even more importantly, fuck Disney for starving the Golden Goose of talent.

If the Mouse was half as clever as they thought they were, they'd fire HALF of the idiots at Marvel every year and slam in the most talented young guys they could fucking find at whatever rates it took to get them, and LET THEM GO WILD.

This would ensure them stories for the next five DECADES.

Will they?

Fuck no.

Corporate stooges the lot of them, with their heads stuffed full of quarterly results.

I agree with a lot you say but

>While it pains me to agree with any OP

is pure contrarian pish. Try and judge things on merit and not preconception.

Thanos is dumb. His first event was all "look at how cool muh OC is, insn't he the best?? He killed half the universe!!" And then it was all undone anyway because of course it would. Zero fucking stakes.

And the whole metaphysical angle is a joke, yeah, maybe it's compelling if you're a fucking simpleton who only reads superhero comics and never picked up an actual goddamned book, otherwise you'd see Starlin's dreck for the childish rubbish they are.

>Try and judge things on merit and not preconception.

Fucking newfags, Lurk moar you dumb shitbag.

OP is a faggot. This is a fucking rule, you dumb cunt.

OP is ALWAYS a faggot.

WTF is wrong with you?

You forgot to mention that he's purple

On the off chance you are actually retarded and not a troll, why would you compare different mediums? Comparing a book to a comic? Are books shit because they have no artwork?

Your sentences are like a childs.

>otherwise you'd see Starlin's dreck for the childish rubbish they are

Try and proof read my angry little friend. I hope English is not your first language.

Don't lump me in with that faggot. I'm OP and he sickens me. Now I'm going back to Thanos r34. That purple headed warrior.

>Your sentences are like a childs.
That's a pretty ironic sentence right there.

That's a funny way to say Orphan :^)

Explain. Also, learn about irony.

You talk like a mongo

You type like a retard.

A tripfag trying to seem smart, fuck off you needy child.

How does a retard type? Are you an expert on this topic? I bet you are.

>I know you are but what am I
L 0 L

You need to be 18 or older to post in this site, kiddo. Go back to masturbating to pictures of Thanos.

Sorry, I was astounded by your own insightful comment saying I am a mongo. You clearly have won.

Is that honestly the best you have? Saying I am under 18? Is that an insult to you? That is the most obvious demonstration of youth I can think of.

Apology not accepted.

>he's still butthurt
Go to bed, kid.

Good, fucking kill yourself you pathetic cunt. Tripfagging on a comic board. It is so sad it isn't even funny.

Dance my puppet, every reply fuels me.

"You address omnipotence. Tread carefully."


You're so mad. It's really funny.

>Dance my puppet, every reply fuels me.
Mad and autistic as fuck.

I'm still not accepting your apology!

I disagree, tell me more of your spite my fat friend.

For real, few villains achieve Thanos level believability

Darkseid was here.
Thanos is a loser.

No one cares Darkseid, you are second rate a best.

If he was written by better writers(people that don't work at Marvel) he might actually be a good villian. Instead he is less compelling than destroy all life cliched villians like darkseid.

You honestly think Starlin is bad?

Thanos was at his best in Silver Surfer TAS

I liked SS but fuck it was dull for a show about space. It just didn't work. His monologues should have been inspiring but they were just shit.

I can't tell who's the bigger joke


I urge everyone who hasn't read it to read Thanos and Darksied carpool of doom. Thanos is a fucking master troll.And an asshole.

Seems kind of dumb to treat that like an actual thing desu.

Starlin's last thanos/warlock run was great and it was storytimed a few months ago

>Thanos is dumb. His first event was all "look at how cool muh OC is, insn't he the best?? He killed half the universe!!" And then it was all undone anyway because of course it would. Zero fucking stakes.

user, Thanos is almost 20 years older than Infinity Gauntlet.

Yeah it was great, I was in that storytime. The twist made niggas lose they mind.

Ultron could totally beat Thanos is a fight

>Thanos only loses through philosophical metaphysics.

Or when Drax rips his heart out

Or when two faggots punch him with a glowing box

Or when his own son traps him in space amber

Or when Doom slaps his girly shit

Also gray>purple

I member when Bat Man beat Spider-man.

>Or when two faggots punch him with a glowing box
Are you talking about the end of Thanos Imperative there?

I will give you Drax, that was stupid but I like that Drax finally got one. Was oddly proud of him. The rest is just plot though. I'm aware Drax was plot as well.

I'm sure he is, and that was not a victory. They had to sacrifice themselves and a universe to stall Thanos.

Thanos wank is one thing but Doom wank is fucking unbelievable. Doom is the maryest of Mary Sues. It is just not interesting.

You get the whole point of Secret Wars was Reedwank right? Doom literally built an entire universe around the central concept that he was better than Reed.

That's all Hickman ever writes, Reedwank masquerading as Doomwank.

Whatever happened to his little fairy? Last I remember I think she was traveling with some kid that Super Skrull picked up or something then we never saw her again.

>You get the whole point of Secret Wars was Reedwank right?
I didn't subject myself to its entirety.

>It was Marvels "Answer"(lol) to Darkseid
Both are shit, though.

Fight me irl. Seriously though, Thanos is an actually good character. Him and spidey are the only marvel characters that seem to have real emotions. Thanos manages to be untethered from 'lol, evil' and just has an agenda. He can suffer from power wank but he deserves to since he is a fucking demi god.

To be fair he did say event.
Not that analysing the mindset that only judges characters by events brings up anything good to say about them but it may be factually accurate.

Was that spoiler really necessary? I'm not attacking you personally but that shit pisses me off. A spoiler tag is for spoilers.

So, who else really likes Zoom as a villain, even more than Thanos?

Fuck off

>autistic as fuck.

Hey. Don't drag us into this. We lack social skills. Doesn't mean we're tripfagging douchebags.

Name one Starlin Thanos event that wouldn't have ended the same if everyone just ignored Thanos and waited for him to stop rambling and defeat himself again.

>A spoiler tag is for spoilers.

please leave


Hmpf. A mere pretender.


Not him and I love Starlin but he tends to be extremely wanky when it comes to Warlock and Thanos

Honestly Metamorphosis Odyssey and Dreadstar were probably better vessels for his ideas

Still I will always love all the 70s Cosmic characters because of the heady and far-out concepts their drug addled creators wanted them to represent

shame Marvel has all but forgotten this

Starlin's recent series of OGNs and Minis that deal with him and Adam Warlock.

> Darkseid sitting in his mom's basement watching TV
> Glowering about how he's better than everyone, despite not doing as well
> Fantasizes about getting back at people by mind-controlling them
> Thinking that if he could destroy the universe, he would

Ok... I think I finally understand why Sup Forums relates to this character.

Strange Death of Adam Warlock is best Thanos story.

> this list
Stay casual, friend

And Thanos didn't loose in Annihilation. He succeeded in freeing Galactus but then met a tragic end.