What did she mean by this?


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hot damn

Das it mane


Someone post that old Mike Tyson raping Coraline audio, haven't heard it since 2013

technically that's Sup Forums but..

This site never fails to remind me why I'm a sick fuck.

Christ, how long was that orgasm?


What's the real in game context of those sounds? Exhaustion? Heavy lifting? Fear of zombies?

The one about being hungry is her feeding a dog.

God dangit.

Why does Clem look half-white?

S3 hype


I never got to hear that, what was the original thread? Is it on the archive?
Was it a good impression or what?
And what the fuck does Mike Tyson have to do with Coraline?

Second season was just torture porn. That entire fucking scene where she's stitching herself was fucking unnecessary.

>Hype for another season of railroading DECISIONS DON'T MATTER bullshit

Just like Kenny/that cunt's going to die before the 3rd season even starts. Because it literally doesn't matter who you chose. They have their narrative and they want to keep it that way.

Those fucks should've just wrote a book instead of some bullshit game where they try to shill that your decisions matter when it doesn't. At all. TTG are a bunch of shitters.

Also Clem probably is somewhere between a fourth and half white. Even black people who don't look like they have much white in them can be one fourth white, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's much more.

She's getting closer and closer to losing her purity. They should kill her off before that happens.

>mfw people sided with Jane

yes, sensible people did.

The original link was broken long ago so thanks


>Second season was just torture porn.

Not enough of it. I replayed the entire season to see how many times I could get Clementine abused by other characters, ie selecting certain choices with Carver gets you slapped in the face

kennyfags are so fucking insecure they have to make shit like this

she is a lot more than half white

Not an argument.

>really want a clementine thread. Sup Forums a shit.
>don't want spoilers. watching this shit in a letsplay

>Kenny is still able to kill Jane despite being old, wounded, and unarmed

fuck that bitch

He kills her with her own knife you twat

yes he disarmed her with his bare hands

what's your point

I sided with Jane because I'd rather have someone who, while not reliable, I wouldn't have to babysit and manage their moods so we don't get killed. Also, I feel like Kenny wanted to die. He cheated death in the first Season but I think he subconsciously wanted to be killed, but keeps cheating death because the narrative needs him to be right. It was mercy.

Jane logic

>Hmm, Kenny lost his eye and was nearly beaten to death a week ago
>Kenny lost his girlfriend/wife a few days back. He doesn't have time to grieve
>He helped deliver a baby and then was (possibly) forced into killing its mother.
>He leads the group, but keeps failing as more and more people die under his watch.
>All he has left that he cares for is Clem and the baby.
>He's deeply emotionally scarred after the last week, with no moment to grieve or emotionally stabilize himself

Fuck Jane.

are you implying that Kenny isn't an unstable fuck? I thought season 1 made this very clear

I think it says a lot about Kenny that Jane has to pretend to lose a baby in order to be "equal" to him.

But you know what, they should have gone the whole way and had her actually "lose" the child, instead of some sort of bullshit test of Kenny's willpower.

That being said, S2 is poorly written, and if they wanted Kenny in it so goddamn much, they probably should have made him the main character. Superhero Clem threw me out of the story too many times.

what is this thread all about?

Oh he's an unstable fuck, but when it comes to the big goals, he's always right. He was right about the boat, and he was right about Wellington.

enjoy your ban you sick fuck

there is a serious lack of non-depressing, cute, sensible, downright innocent lewd art of clementine
especially considering all the sensible excuses and scenarios
>bathing in a river and/or peeing in the woods
>getting bored and exploring her body. or exploring with sarah, even better
>having to be thoroughly checked-over for bites by newly-met group (really surprised this isnt a thing they do)




also my favorite
>ak-47's not being able to shoot through trees


>peeing in the woods
this isnt fun anymore user

holy shit i remember thisnfrom.9000 years ago

it was down for awhile


Only time I feel like this is appropriate. God damn Clem

The final decision on who to kill is super flawed because I feel like you're not supposed to know that Jane hid the baby rather than just losing it. I mean, it's very predictable when it happens but none of the characters come to that conclusion. Why does this matter? It greatly skews the decision the player makes. Say you believe Jane really did lose the baby. It's a mistake, a costly one, but a mistake all the same, and Kenny looks like a mad dog for trying to murder her over it. In this case the decision is between saving an (allegedly) innocent girl and keeping a good friend alive. When you know the deal before that point, it becomes a decision between killing some psycho bitch and letting some psycho bitch live.

I played the scene like I was totally ignorant myself, then abandoned Jane when the game gave me the opportunity. Everything about that scene is retarded though.

Kenny is right about everything, even when he shouldn't be. I don't know if I could ever feel fully comfortable just following him as he makes consistently rash decisions that just work out because. I guess it's something to believe in in a godless hellscape.

If it makes you feel better your decision won't actually matter come S3

missing finger


man i know it aint for everybody but surely it cant be that offputting. just a little water.

nigger you better post a sauce for that

link to uncensored pic pls

>censoring flat little girl chest

american values everyone

surely it's just a poor edit concealed with pixels
smeargle gets it


Did you miss the fact that her hat is off?

It's real dude

Uh... That was really something.

>What did she mean by this?

She meant, "You're not funny, no one likes you, and you would do the world a huge favor if you killed yourself, you simpering NEET fuckhead."

>He didn't cut his arm off

Why didn't you love Clem enough to buy yourself more time?

I felt like I was gonna need both hands to fuck some niggers up. It'd been so long anyway that it seemed pointless.

Don't know the exact pic, but it's probably from TehRiddles' SFM stuff.


Not a fucking thing. It was two completely unrelated tracks with no connection to Coraline or Mike Tyson that were overlaid to create the skit. I no longer remember the reason for combining them, and since I'm not hollowed out, I don't troll Coraline threads to search for it again. It made for fun times, though. Last I heard it got erased because vocaroo deletes files after a set time (this is apparently still news to some) and the youtube upload was flagged.

More like this? Also it needed more background movement sex noises like zippers opening, wet noises and skin slapping together progressively getting faster.

>mfw I sided with Jane and then immediately regretted it, went back and then allowed Kenny to kill that bitch and then got the true ending.
I thought Kenny was losing it when he started to try and kill Jane, but it turns out like most other people; I was rused by that back stabbing dyke.
Kenny was justified in every way possible.

I sided with Jane

I regret nothing

shit happens

Neither was the comic

>mfw people sided with Jane after her spiel about Kenny not loving the baby or Clementine and then trying to get Clementine to abandon him in the snow with walkers after he gets out to clear the way for them

There isn't nearly enough SFM of her out there.

Or of Sunny from MGS 4 now that I think about it.

I think she meant this op.

Holy shit you Kennyfags are so retarded
In a situation Jane made up pretending the baby died where both Kenny and Clementine don't know the baby is alive, kenny instantly blamed Jane and tried killing her over it despite the only knowledge he had was that it was an accident, he's a mentally unstable fuck that only appeals to high maintanced autist.

>Kenny tries to beat her up
>Jane is the one who brings a knife into the fight

She was begging for an excuse to kill him. Kenny beats up retards all the time.

i wand someone to post the doctor girlfriend one

Looks icky.

Link to more plz

He's only right for the sake of plot and even then they never turned out alright. The only reason it seemed managable was because people in the group died, imagine if everyone where alive at these points, no shenanigans with boat stealing or dying on the way to wellington
>too many people and too little space on the boat
>fights break out over who gets on the boat
>no end game on where to go on such a small boat
>probably die at sea
>go to wellington with everyone else
>walked miles through blizzards and snow
>have no direction or ideas other than "its up norf"
>"no room sorry"
>Clementine doesn't get into wellington because she'd rather not abandon the whole group instead of just one person
Kenny is right for the sake of plot, realistically they were terrible ideas that ended up useless.

>raging manchild who has height and weight on you tries swinging at you
>pull knife out and threaten him to not come any closer
>put knife away
>get tackled by raging manchild
She puts the knife away and tries difusing the fight yet Kenny procedes to start the fight.



The fact you can choose either means that in season 3 they're either going to die or fuck off for some reason

Nope, still boycotting Telltale after that shit Season 2

The stitching scene was actually my second favorite part of Season 2. Just hammers in how shit things got for Clem.

Best part, of course, being NOT. BITTEN

Kenny will reappear in episode 2 and explain that he had something in his pocket that stopped the bullet if you shot him, because Klenny can't die.


user please, give us a source ...
come on dude .. please ?


it's free but You have to make an account

That's lost forever, user

I'm liking this thread.

Why does TWD game have such great ladies? Clem, Carley, Jane, hell, I wish there was more Katjaa stuff.

Yea, it is in the archives.
Last year, I think, the girl who did the impression came back to talk about it.

I miss giggle-chan and her incest audio ;_;

This was the last time it was seen and heard

Shit, I remember that one.
The Raven VA was good too, I saved most of her audios, including the Nick ones I think.

>People still like Kenny

Why? Shoehorning in that asshole ruined season 2. He took the entire spotlight and proceeded to be just as annoying and hypocritical as he was in season one.

Oh he loved Clem so much right? That's why he nearly refused to go save her in season one because Lee wanted to wait just a little bit before smashing in a man's head in front of his daughter. That choice alone is all it takes to get him to turn on you despite you helping him in every other opportunity.

I don't care about Jane but I've never been happier with a Telltale game choice than I was with the choice to finally make sure Kenny never returned.

>it's all gone

>this whole fukken thread

Time waits for no man.
And we were fools for not saving it all when we had the chance.

I do feel like we kind of got assed out of learning more about and getting attached to the new crew because Kenny took over everything. My main problem with the season is that we didn't get the chance to really care about the new characters.

>Not killing Kenny and then telling Jane to go fuck herself

They're both terrible.

>hint at getting Sarah to grow the fuck up and get tough
>kill her off anyway

Th-thanks, Telltale...

This was the glaring fucking flaw of the whole season. Same with Nate after you made a whole promise to Pete.

But it was so important that fucking Kenny always stick around and be "right" despite never actually being right and being an asshole. Flawless writing, Telltale.
