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Jonarya is the purest most canon ship edition

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>She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.

>And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast.

>The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit.

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

>The three men were erect. The sight of their arousal was arousing



It's going to make even wight-Jon sick when he finds out what Arya's become in the first place, much less when he finds out the chick he fucked was Arya wearing a face as a mask.


>>She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.

>The three men were erect. The sight of their arousal was arousing
These are the only two that are outright badly written desu

Preston podcast when?

Arya Horseface

post purple eyes dany or fuck off

what the fuck part of the book is this

t. showfag



Lost my external drive at campus today.

Please post asoiaf fan art before the thread dies. No actor faces please. Castles and landscapes welcome too.

I am rewatching GOT. I am at the intro to season 2, episode 10. God, it was fucking good back then.

Pic semirelated

More like Arya Pigface

Go back a couple threads, I dumped everything I have that's not show-based.

What color will Winds be lads




>tfw you have 4 paperback and 3 hardcover

Black with white font



Anyone remember when Littlefinger saved the day?

>the horn

>Jonarya is the purest most canon ship edition
Only book Jon and book Arya. They're a slag and a manslut in the show

sanja pleash...

I wanted to fuck ur mothah.. I want to fuck you...

pleash jusht let me tashte that ginger pushy before I die..

Remember when he fucked everything up, when he came with the Tyrells to kill /ourking/?

He was the hero The North needed, but not the one they deserved

ah, looks like you need a refill of your prescription

>>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

Where was she shitting? Was she finding places to squat or was she just letting it go all over herself? Somebody needs to illustrate this scene.

Cast my waifu in A Game of Thrones or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

More wine, your grace?

But my mother won't die in her sleep tonight.

Why do people actually feel they must fulfill these

jeyne pool
talysa flowers

I would cast her pusy on my face desu

>and a lady and a castle and whole load of gold

Arya is pure in the show.

Jon's only been with two women in the show. He's a flirt in the books and a tad too close to Satin

wait who was this

What was he thinking in this moment?

His death was such bullshit, and casually done. He saved everyone that little redheaded whore loved, and so she kills him. Fuck you bitch.

Fatty ruined the 'A ___ of/for/with ___' title system. American Tolkien can't do anything right.

>Go back a couple threads, I dumped everything I have that's not show-based.

Thank you based user. I downloaded everything but two or three because they weren't canon/haven't happened yet.

margaery tyrell

the one we got was a booblet alien. at least yours looks semi attractive.

please stop posting this

I always wanted her to be Arianne Martell desu

When did Khal Drogo get this hot?

>Was she finding places to squat or was she just letting it go all over herself?
Dysentery, so the latter.

Daenerys AKA Kelly. C.

ty, doc.

>Cast my waifu in A Game of Thrones
>or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>This can't be happening. I'm in charge here!


>having to tame khaleesi drogo with your dick

>girl drogo will never violently peg you
why even live

Why? It's funny.

I had a dream I had a girlfriend


>Thank you based user.
Your welcome. Now have some animu shit.

>I downloaded everything but two or three because they weren't canon/haven't happened yet.
Which ones were those.


Cersei's female lover.
I forgot her name,

Her last chapter in A Dance with Dragons, which is Book 5.

>user...user...I dreamed that I was NEET


Its a game of thrones - general, not fantasy - general

the only training emilia did is training her asshole to shit out burger bricks

kek i read this a few days ago


Taena "Myrish Swamp" Merryweather

Taena Merryweather

when was the exact point the show went to complete shit?

Sit on your ass and eat?


season 5 episode 1

Tyrells arent tanned or dark-haired though

When Tywin died.

It is known.

and targs are supposed to have purple eyes. it's more important that margaery is attractive because that's part of why cersei feels threatened by her.

When Tywin died, it went on life support, and Stannis death was when they pulled the plug


based stannis dead poster

I hope we get to see Cersei get some Myrish Swamp next season.

I might upload my folder sometime, it's got like 800 something files, none show-based iirc
unfortunately I'm mobile atm

Shhh, Stannis is sleeping.

based based poster

Based Emilia

>ywn take out her rubbish

this. Charles dance was probably the best actor on the show and its become pretty obvious when the actors have reached a point where they are done and asked to just get written off. Stannis was just downright painful

Kek, it's the first time someone calls me based for posting that. Thanks user.

Aren't all of these from ADWD? Does this portend even worse from TWOW?

why the fuck did they cut this out

training to literally do nothing

Best death


These are cherrypicked by showfags...bookfags have much bigger fish to fry when it comes to martin's writing
>words are wind
>where do whores go
>many and more
>the night is dark and full of terrors
>winter is coming
>sweet summer child
>dark wings dark words
>you know nothing jon snow
>it is known
>you have to know your NAME
>reek reek it rhymes with freak
>if I look back I am lost
>a high born maid of three and ten, fair to look upon
>little and less

And more that I'm forgetting? I think the show had the grace at least to only abuse like 3 of those...

How could anyone see that smile and not fall madly in love with her?

I mean the scene was pretty cringeworthy, but holy shit he's like the prime villain of the entire story other than the night king, started the entire war and everything!

GRRM hit the level of success where he can tell editors to fuck off and it starts showing in ADWD.

>Does this portend even worse from TWOW?
Probably but at least cool things will happen in TWOW since it's not just a setup book.

All those are not so bad


All the real bookfags know the problem is mostly just the sex scenes and the food tho

You need to stop right now.

>I'm looking for a maid of three and ten
best line
you just know you're in for comfykino

First Citizen Baelish did nothing wrong, death to the feudal oppressors.

Brothel whore #6
She gets one line of dialogue so it's ever so slightly more of an impact when you see her murdered later

First for Jonerys, the only reason to continue watching this train-wreck of a show