Congrats, you played yourselves

Congrats, you played yourselves.

Dude we didn't do ANY of this.

She even said in her dumb blog she blocked a while eight twitters.

Wow, literally selling more copies than 5-minute Marvel Stories

Where the fuck were these people when the book first premiered?

Like... y'know, when sales of it actually mattered?

>people paid 12 bucks for 4 issues

Trade waiting.

Not to comment on the book's quality, but publishers really need to take trade sales into account these days, as seen here. Poor sales in floppies, great trade sales. Clearly someone was interested.

>Implying the existence of an outrage and harassment was at all necessary for them to claim it to be happening and get this sales boost as planned

Good ol' outrage

>3 reviews all 5 stars
>5 minute marvel stories has 257 and a slightly lower rating
>BP has 14 and also a slightly lower rating

that should give you idea of the type of shilling thats going on

Aside from the tampon issue, I liked it.

>Those reviewer names

>Lame book is lame
>Sells poorly
>Gets canned
>Writer claims she's being harassed about it despite no evidence
>Story gets picked up by increasingly desperate media
>Sales explode

See how that works? Remember, the book isn't #1 because it's good, it's because it's viral due to outrage, which is essentially the same as being viral due to irony.

Yeah I gotta say that there was a lot of funny moments. Remind me of nick spencer which I guess in a lot way that who chelsea cain is.
>Nick Spencer in drag.

Marvel is so, so pathetic. And it's fans are just as pathetic too.

That's my secret, OP I'm always playing with myself

Now what's the next step?

Is that Dishonored 2?

I mean, its also because its the first trade. Like, floppies always sell for shit, this is a fact.

Maybe if there wasnt outrage the trade wouldn't have selled as well, but its definitely something to consider before going cancel-happy. Especially over floppy sales.

It is.You hyped?

How many people on Sup Forums do you think shitpost outside of Sup Forums?

It was pretty okay, when you think of it. Kinda dragged on in the last few issues, though.

Congrats, you posted this bait thread again.

Mockingbird selling a little better now doesn't uncancel it, and it certainly doesn't mean that it was any better than it was.

Has Chelsea Cain made anything worth reading?

>Writer claims she's being harassed about it despite no evidence
Cain didn't claim being harassed. She went on record saying she wasn't targeted. SJWs are the ones crying wolf and making her into a martyr.


i liked the book and trade waited

>Sup Forums

Is Mockingbird the Ghostbusters (2016) of comics?

N-no you see uhh after this massive outpouring of support for Cain that has already visibly translated into sales we're the real winners if you look at under these increasingly desperate parameters

That's cool. Hope it comes back.