It's implied in the pilot he's not a virgin, so how do you think his first time went...

It's implied in the pilot he's not a virgin, so how do you think his first time went? Who would be willing in his universe to sleep with him?


Means nothing.

I can think of 3 girls off the top of my head, but two of them aren't human.

I know of the Deer but who is the other non human?

a werewolf.

Little Suzie?

His mom?

In a later episode he was going to be the virgin sacrifice to a volcano. He objected saying "There was something they should know"
Then when he was thrown in, the volcano spit him out and sunk the island. He's put his dick in something.

Prostitute I'm guessing.

I call bullshit on that man.

Who wouldn't fuck Johnny? He's got the looks, the charm, and sure as hell the strength/discipline to keep at something for a while.

I barely remember the show. Does he ever find love or what?

He got analraped by his dad. It's why he's got a crippling obsession to look macho and get ladies.

Random women.

After fucking them he moves on trying to find more.

We get to see him between the fucking, where he puts the moves on a dozen women and gets smacked and rejected. And after the episode ends he finds some more random club sluts that will jump on his dick.

Probably just lost it in highschool or college like most people do. I doubt he went to college though.

Didn't mean to link.

I believe a few times, and only in specials.

1) Werewolf, deal breaker
2) Velma chased him in the Scooby Doo Crossover but he never gave her a thought
3) There was that secret agent that loved him and vice versa, but she had to go all "Erase yer memories"

weird, i didnt get that obsession

in fact, i like to put on dresses

By definition, men cannot be virgins.

>it's an user proyects episode

I can't imagine anyone who isn't a virgin would say this

I believe the writers said that Johnny does get girls, but they only show him failing because it wouldn't be funny otherwise.

In my head canon he's a virgin though, I think him being a lady's man off screen kinda ruins the show.

Seriously though, how did Johnny not get any chicks? A guy like that in real life would be fucking swimming in pussy.

And after the volcano spits him out, he lands on the Island of Beautiful Men.

There was also the antelope girl.

Farrah Fawcet wanted him as a "date for the night", but they don't meet face to face in the episode.

there was also a spaceship full of women in season 2 who got him cause he was the manliest man. Then they dump him after they saw footage of Mel Gibson in Braveheart.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.

>The charm
Debatable. Throughout the series we see he really is a good guy, but he's not very charming at first glance; his interactions with most of the women make him come across as extremely vain, stupid, and shallow, not at all charming.

his pickup lines were super shitty. and he constantly tried them out on women in public. he'd say something dumb right from the get go instead of a simple hello

>him being a lady's man off screen kinda ruins the show.

Using your good looks and shitty pick-up lines to get some 2/10 girls doesn't make you a lady's man. He only fails when he tries it on actual lookers.

It was the 90's. Kids then were being told the age of the cool guy alpha male was over, they were sadsacks made for mockery. See yesterday's Sonic thread and today's Cerebus thread for more.

You know what helps me sleep at night? Having sex. Because I do it every night.

Hands don't count.

I, too, always end each night with a vigorous session of sexual intercourse with my beloved female partner. It is very satisfying.

>in highschool or college like most people do
>like most people do

In one episode he was going to be used as a virgin sacrifice for a volcano. He look at the camer, raises an eyebrow and says "Did she say virgin?".

She finishes her incantation and before he gets thrown he starts "Look lady, I'm no v-". He falls into the volcano. The volcano rejects him and spits him out unharmed to another island.

he had pretty good success with nonhumans


Johnny's a furry

I mean, that's the joke. He's the kind of guy you'd expect to pick up women easily. Which is why it's funny to see him fail at it over and over again. It subverts your expectations.

The joke is you faggots think a guy like Johnny Bravo wouldn't have fucked dozens if not hundreds of girls.

Guys like that DO get shot down constantly though. Only a small fraction of women are horny sluts especially at any given moment but it's a bankable fraction. Johnny just tries too hard and doesn't have a pat way he handles rejection.

I don't know. He seems like the kind of guy who'd have a lot of One Night Stands but very few lasting relationships. But I'm not an expert.

Oh absolutely. Once a girl did it with him she'd instantly regret it. Hell, a lot of the girls who reject him the hardest he probably already did it with at some point in the past. I'm sure he's also terrible at sex.

Probably one of his mom's friends

Some mall slut or bar hookup probably. All the shut downs we see are Johnny going after chicks with higher standards, a higher degree of intellect, or outside of designated pick up zones


he's kind of an idiot.

I'd say he handles rejection extremely well considering he immediately tries to put the moves on someone else.