

/frz/ is dead.

In couple of weeks, it will be alive again user ;)


Nope, can't get over her fucked facial proportions.

Hopefully it stays that way.

Frozen was overrated to hell and Elsa is/was a basic bitch who was only ever liked by basic bitches.

Deal with it, /frz/. :^)

Elsa only made for rule34

Pretty much.
Elsa has the fucked the entire football team and is now burned out and boring appeal.
While Anna is innocent, pure and naive.
Also white hair is simply unattractive and looks old.

>Also white hair is simply unattractive and looks old
Fuck off

You can have Elsa and deal with her countless exes who were all on the football team while you have to settle for the chess club.
I'll stick with a loyal, fun and adventurous Anna.

Anna is boring and shitty. You can tell because little girls, who have a nose for these things, don't like her. Her toys are all pegwarmers while Elsa sells out. They know.

>Anna is boring and shitty.
Exactly you want your slutty hotdog in a hallway girl because you don't have the maturity yet to start from the ground up.

How is Anna not a slut? She actually threw herself at the first guy she met and hooked up with Kristoff off the advice of fucking troll people.

Why is the troll song, which is the worst song in the movie, also the last song in the movie? We literally don't hear any more singing after that monstrosity.

Glen Keane, designing first childhood faps since Little Mermaid.

He's baiting user

Am I missing something? Why'd you say "Goddamn...."

Elsa blue dress is so tight & her boob & her ass jiggles

it's called muscle movement. When you walk you don't just move your legs, your entire body is moving, including hips, chest and arms. She doesn't have nearly enough boobs and ass fat to have it jiggle.

For me it's those hips.

Except shes exaggerated it a little.