Why was the anime ending so much better than the manga ending?

Why was the anime ending so much better than the manga ending?

It isn't

By the end Light was a complete piece of shit, he doesn't deserve the sympathy that the anime ending seeks for him

I think he was good

t. underage edgelord

t. human rights humanist

What sympathy? It's just expressing tragedy at what the death note did to him, and during the Yotsuba arc we get to see what he could have been if he never came into contact with it.
Corruptio Optimi Pessima

the movie was fun but i want a "serious" adaptation now

YOU DUMB BRAINLET PIECE OF SHIT, Light was literally the good guy.



Disregarding that, even if what happened was indeed "tragedy," the ending still tries to garner sympathy for him.

No he wasn't. Just because someone is the main character doesn't mean they're the good guy. It's common in literature to have a bad guy as a main character. You should know that

This is the point of a tragedy

Light did literally nothing wrong, don't try this revisionist history with me

the ending in Death NOte: The last name was perfect

Fuck Mello and Near

Light was the hero, though. If you don't think the filthy scum of the earth deserve to die then you're one of them.

Anime went from 8/10 to 4/10 after L died desu

Creator said last name is canon ending. Anime is like dbz kept going cuz money.

I'm biased because I love Near

WORST character

Seeing light dying and desperate for ryuk to kill everyone i thought was fitting.

By the end he had nothing left. No way out. It was cool seeing the briliant tactician lose and cling to any option, despite knowing ryuk wasnt on his side.

The anime ending was still good, but the manga ending felt more fitting to how high and mighty light was by the end. Also, seeing X-kira realizing light wasnt really a god was much cooler than him killing himself.

L was the bad guy since he attempted to trap light without probable cause.

and I am perfecting 100% okay with that.

It went bad not because L died but because those 2 faggy twats couldn't compare.

This DESU pham

got heem

>If you can't win the game, if you can't solve the puzzle, then you're nothing but a loser.

what did he mean by this?

The anime was extended against the wishes of the creator. I actually like the anime ending but it seems forced compared to the manga ending.

To the people who think Light is a good guy I hope you understand what a caliphate is.

Anime was fucking dumb, if he was so smart he should have built power and influence over time. Maybe had children and you got to see how power like that slowly kills a person and everyone around them. So much more you could do with the concept, he should have never started killing random.

Manga ending must've been really bad since the anime was absolute shit waste of time in the second half

Anyone else think that the anime would have been cooler if they all saw light die from a heartattack, so that why they all believe that light was nothing more than a pawn and theres another kira out there.

>manga ends abruptly
>gets animooted
>animu gives it a better, more dramatic ending
I see no issue with this.

I don't know the Manga ending.
the anime ending made me think though. lights such a cocky motherfucker, he should have just gotten the kids name and had xkira leave instead of trying to you one him. the failure of his apprentice guy was inevitable seeing how much he relied on him and how he kept acting alone.

Wow that's such an original opinion user. What do you want, a fucking hand job?

The anime ending gave Light more dignity in the end, but I do miss the part of the manga ending where the people are praying to Lord Kira at night. Light to me was a hero in the story. The world was clearly becoming better with him as Kira. Near just screwed everyone over by killing him desu.

Why is anime CIA strangling Shinji?

the retcon that light is a shinigami in that movie re-release is the only ending I like

Mainly because of the music

I liked the one false ending where Light will experience every death he caused until he stops existing and he's going to try and become SHhnigami King before that happens.

>moralfags fighting different moralfags
>death gods make it abundantly clear that the universe is indifferent and don't give a fuck about writing in their notebooks

it was a lowkey nihilistic show

Light was a manchild

>Light did literally nothing wrong, don't try this revisionist history with me
Heil Hitler!!
>If you don't think the filthy scum of the earth deserve to die then you're one of them.
If that were true you wouldn't exist

>I'm so smart I thought of your plan to catch me and countered it
>haha! I'm smarterer and knew you'd figure out my plan and countered that!

Show ended when L died.

So were L and Near, they're all doing it because of their ego

Light's impact on the world as Kira was objectively positive.


oy vey

>ryuk literally tried to lie to light about heaven and hell the first time he talked to him

This. He didn't kill anyone without absolutely knowing they were criminals.
>Defending literal thieves, rapists, and murderers.

Light tried to kill L in the 2nd episode just for opposing him


>light if you use the note you won't go to heaven or hell
>haha cheeky fuck you mean there isn't a heaven or hell
>oh shit you got me

>Light was the hero
I didn't know 14yo girls posted on Sup Forums. Pretty sure that's against the rules.

Is english your second language or something, how the fuck do you interpret something so badly

>t. cuck
ftfy faggot

>Is english your second language or something, how the fuck do you interpret something so badly

Whats different in anime ending? Only read the manga

Whats different in manga ending? Only watched the anime.

>ftfy faggot
Why the homophobia?

Kys retard.

care to explain where exactly my interpretation is incorrect?

Technically he wasn't lying

okay he wasn't "lying" but he was being intentionally misleading in order to spook light.

my point is that the shinigami aren't exactly trustworthy guys. it's even written right in the death note that the shinigami have no obligation to explain the death note.

I had to force myself to keep watching after Light gave up the notebook in confinement

>shinigami aren't exactly trustworthy
yeah definitely

Near was my spirit animal, he always tried to think with a level head. He had an option to just kill light, but he wanted to do it the right way and get the evidence, confront him with it, "convict him", and sentence him to death. And that's what he did.

your post seems so non-sarcastic that it makes me think you are being sarcastic? are you being sarcastic user-kun?

Light doesn't beg Ryuk to save him. He runs away while reminiscing of himself from the day he found the Death Note and hides in an abandoned building. Then Ryuk writes down his name. Light dies while hallucinating of L.

That's really up to the interpretation of the reader. In a way it could mean that the souls of those killed under mysterious circumstances (L's death wasn't something anybody could think of Light doing) the soul stays on Earth until their soul is at rest. Then they pass on to Mu or wherever they go.

I'm agreeing with you lol

They probably take pleasure in confusing lesser beings

on Sup Forums it's considered cool to be a piece of shit

I thought summer had ended?

Literally from like the second episode Light is portrayed as unhinged and power hungr

Light also went full retard when L died. I mean for fucks sake his master plan was to have the guy with the notebook write down everyones name, but didn't even tell him to test the notebook the day of the plan.
And what's more retarded is that he had the guy hide it in a safety deposit box. I mean that's the first fucking place you'd look for it
>Tear several pages from the book, make sure it's a clean tear so there's no sign of it
>Hide these pages in several different locations, in another book, one in your wallet, bury one somewhere, have it hiding in plain site with a list of groceries or notes written on it
>Day of the big plan test out the page on someone who you can check the results of instantly
>If the page doesn't work, try it on every page you hid until you find one that's the real notebook page
And Light wins. It would have been so fucking simple but they made him a retard to make Near seem smart. I mean Light hides a piece of the page in his watch the entire anime, but doesn't tell have his worshiper with the book do it as well

>not understanding the most basic principles of justice/retribution

idk why people like this so much, the show completely falls apart once L is gone and light isn't a good enough character to carry the second half


Did you even watch the anime? He tried killing L for opposing him in the second episode, and killed 12 FBI agents for just doing their job

So is there no after life or was this a ruse.

Which was this one?

the author says that humans go to "mu" which apparently means nothing. but given the vagueness of it all and the fact that there are spooky ghosts running around final destination-ing people to suck up their life force makes me personally not rule out the fact that "mu" isn't literally nothing.

think whatever you want. i guess that's what the author wants.

>the fact that there are spooky ghosts running around final destination-ing people to suck up their life force
When does this happen in death note?

Nvm, just got that you meant Shinigamis

self defense

Except when he killing the fake L in episode two he wasn't in any danger of being caught at all. He threw a tantrum over being called evil and killed the guy, exposing his location in the process

In the manga he was also planning to eventually start killing people for being lazy

he was threatening him, ergo self defense

How lazy exactly? Also is it worth reading if I already watched the anime?

I haven't watched the anime all the way because I got bored already knowing everything from the manga but it's pretty much the same from what I've understood, other than Light's death. Mikami started killing lazy people and Light thought to himself that he had planned to kill people who refused to contribute to the society but thought it was too early for it

I liked the live-action movie ending where L lives and gets Light killed in front of everyone.

No, Light outright refused to kill non-criminals

you must have brain damage

That's silly, he killed lots of non-criminals throughout the series. But I'm not gonna find you the page I'm talking about, it would take the whole day

Yeah, it's basically a frame for frame adaption of the manga. I watched the anime again and started reading the manga a couple of days ago.

He contemplated it, IIRC. I'll try finding the page.

Severely underrated character that people only hate because he replaced "Muh L"

>implying he even has a character

Mikami was. Light was against it.

That's some fucked up logic you got there user. A detective threatens to catch you because you killed dozens of people and you call that self-defense? I call that fleeing and breaking the law. Light is in no way a good guy. And you still haven't given an explanation for killing more than ten innocent FBI agents.The end does not justify the means.

He's a cheeky motherfucker in the manga. Is he different in the anime?

Found it.

misa is /bestgirl/

>but if he's be able to do this

sounds pretty good if he could somehow reliably do that. Hard to see how he could though. It's not like they publish the names and faces of lazy people throughout the world.

>Too early
He obviously wasn't against doing it eventually