/bb/ Big Brother 19

RIP Alex Kidwell, We will always have you in our hearts.

HOH: xmas
Veto: paul
Nominations: jason/kevin

previously on /bb/

Ian needs blacked

Reminder that your waifu isnt the greatest at anything bb related




She has the best tits in the game.

Raven? Worst tits

mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfuggen

Unlike most of your waifus, my waifu ____won

second post is the charm


This delusional faggot doesn't know what samefagging is or how to detect it thats how new he is.

Why are you responding to an old thread?

Because he's such a newfaggot it needs to be displayed

t. mad phone poster

Lol :\

Oh yeah.
Well, take a look at dis

so did mine! on a tranny's online version

this is a bb thread

>muh pol boogeyman
Gas yourself

he calls people "newfaggots" what do you expect he posts on Sup Forums and Sup Forums lel. we need to move to a new chan next season

How's /ourgirl/ doing?

she resigned from rhap

phone posters only post on Sup Forums?


Don't worry ill find you and shit up your threads like I have all season and I'm not a Sup Forums Sup Forums faggot stay sperged. I'm from the best shitposting board on this shit /o/.

my waifu actually won

pol is all stinky brown people pretending to be white and they're too poor to afford computers

She's been losing some weight lately.

Lmao. Stfu

Pol is reddit I hate reddit

>Don't worry ill find you and shit up your threads
ok. find all the threads I currently have up right now, there's only 2

>can't win because you suck at comps and even if dragged to the end paulfags won't vote for you anyways
>can't leave because you will lose your 25K

should Kevin go full commando and start terrorizing these people?

is the gook the ugliest girl to ever be waifu'd in /bb/ history

Those who believe fight in the name of Allah.

Kys redditor all that will do is split the fags here lol

you said you would find my threads. go find them.

That's probably Shelby or Bridgette


Sperging this hard lol. If fags will actually leave ill find them. Nobody cares about your autismal general cross sites.

find my threads

If you get people to leave Ill find them.

you're not Paul are you? you're gonna do what you say you will right? here's what you said please do it

>Don't worry ill find you and shit up your threads


You said you get people to move to a new chan next season. No one cares about your general with 3 posters.

>Don't worry ill find you and shit up your threads
still waiting

Don't hold your breath fag if this general dries up Ill find you.
Literally replys to all my posts in the other thread and this thread. Stay obsessed.

>Don't worry ill find you and shit up your threads
still waiting

How many butts have you fucked to enjoy this?

I'm at 2 and it is still not fun

Needing me for your general because its just you lol. Still replying to my posts so obsessed LOL

What's with the two autists arguing about shitposting

all of shelby's fans voted for morgan.. nobody wanted to take shelby to the end cause they knew she would slaughter them. even morgan

>Don't worry ill find you and shit up your threads
any time now. come on you're not paul are you? you'll follow up with your threats right?

I guarantee this guy can't name another chan besides eight chan

I've never butt fucked anyone but I've had mine fucked
I've been baiting him since the last thread and he is so obsessed
Reddit isn't a chan LOL

Feeds were so bad that production gave them outdoor games to play

sponsored by poptv/BBAD cause they know nobody is watching

ratings desperation party

nobody cares. and the games come form bbad

Somebody should tell BBAD to give them alcohol instead

dumb phone poster

its from poptv. if it came from cbs they would cut the feeds

Is there any likely scenario where Paul doesnt win? Woke Josh won't be able to persuade anyone, they're completely brain washed.

they got beers too and a bbq

t. too poor to pay for a phone and service contract

If Josh or Kevin/Alex (which ever one survives Thursday) wins final four veto they can just evict him with a sole vote.


josh has to go for it basically right now. blow up everything. if alex and jason are aware of whats going down and josh votes out kevin instead of jason he can use them to take out paul.. if he doesnt its over

>replies to all my posts

>bud, bud light, coors

absolutely disgusting

I would be pissed if I was them.

has paul told kevin they are voting out jason?

he looks sad as fuck. why did i turn bbad on

why? does is paul not happy?

They get pisswater beer. I hate pretty much all beer anyway but they don't give them any Patron?

oh I see it's your first season watching and you post too much

I've been watching longer than you fag

I prefer waifuposting to the autismos bickering

surprised raven doesnt have beer allergy syndrome desu

bow to the queeen of /bb/

pandafag missing alex double hula hooping

then why dont they give them patron? clearly you should know dumb phone poster

Bridgette is cuteness personified.

Im recording it I have over 200gb of her to be made into webm


Paul literally the next Dan Gheesling.
Also Jason did nothing wrong

They'll fuck each other up but it would fix this seasons ratings. Just imagine jason knocking paul right out.

love it when my rare oc is randomly posted

Dan wouldn't have lost against Nicole.

This feel it makes me hard

dumb phone poster. you're the showfag that used to post trump all the time and doesn't have feeds lmao your life is so pathetic, you're only here because you're bored and lonely

i want to squeeze those tits real hard

That would be extremely painful

>there is one person who posts
Lol keep sperging autist you and drumpf have to go back to

yep it's you. reminder, you're the unemployed faggot that trump hates, go get a job lel

Superneet projecting this hard lol. Your probably white to can't wait until we kill you.

I'm a black dude fucking the girl you had a crush on in high school

Uncle tom kys

so you're unemployed lel


>selling weed

reminder, the showfag is the guy that's in every thread asking to be spoonfeed. you retards created him

will you be my black friend i can refer to whenever i get accused of racism?