I stopped watching the show in season 4 because it got boring, I started reading the comics...

I stopped watching the show in season 4 because it got boring, I started reading the comics, taking breaks here and there, I'm at issue 128 now, I've enjoyed the comic 10x more than the show. Is there any reason to go back and watch the past seasons or should I keep on reading and disregard the show?

Season 4 part 1 was good. Part 2 was boring.

Season 5 and 6is a mixed bag, but agreed it's pretty good. A lot of Alexandrea stuff is neat to watch.

Maybe I'm mixed up then, I stopped watching when people started getting sick and Carol killed Tyreese's girlfriend and got exiled.

i like all the killing in the breaking bad.. such is life in america.

I really can't recommend the show if you're reading the comics. The show tends to drag a bit, and they completely ruin some characters. It never gets any better with the later seasons.

Its also pretty telling that the best parts of the show, or at least the most popular parts, are the ones ripped straight from the comics.

I was going to watch the show until I found out what the fuck Andrea was in it.

A few retarded as fuck original characters and the prison plot going for like 10 fucking million years killed any remaining thoughts.

k thx

Yeah, they killed Andrea too soon and made Carol the badass Andrea was in the books

Do you think Andrew Lincoln would consider amputating his hand?

You don't watch the show because you enjoy it, you watch it as a chore so you can discuss it with your normie friends at work or at da club.

Just stick with what you enjoy -- the comic.

The comic is hot garbage so I'm not sure why you thought the show wasn't any good, considering your tastes.

My bad, I guess I'll start reading slice of life comics with shitty art now.
Is that why you posted in this thread? Are you trying to actually get people to read comics that aren't about zombies, or are you just being a dick commenting on a thread about a comic you don't like so you can pretend the shitty comic books you like are better than the shitty comic books I like?


This is what Star Wars has become

Thanks Disney

>implying anyone wants to educate your pleb ass

Then why are you in this thread? Create a thread about the comic book you want to talk about.

You're right. I'm sorry for being such a pretentious faggot. I'll stop baiting now

Wow, I haven't seen an apology on Sup Forums in a long time. I accept your apology. You're not just fucking with me right?

You know too bad Robert Kirkman never intended to reveal the cause of the outbreak or overall plot resolution in mind when he created WD.
Every interview he's in he comes across douchey like he can't be bothered to give a serious answer. At this point I'm convinced he never had a elaborate vision for Walking Dead, only trying to make something that would sell and was easy to shit out forever.

Why would he need to teveal the cause of the outbreak? The reason for the zombie apocalypse has never been the focus of the book, it's been how humans react to it.

>What's your overall plan for the the next 200 issues?
>read it and find out
What an asshole right?

myfriend keeps asking me how negan dies in the comic

thats a kirkman cop out
You missed the point.

OP here, I'm only where Negan gets his throat slashed by Rick, and Rick makes sure he lives, only to tell him he's gonna put him in prison for the rest of his life. I'm sure some more shit's gonna happen but I'd rather not get spoiled in this thread

What's the point of reading it of you need all the answers up front?

We actually get Negan backstory later on as he ruminates on his life.

It was a government test of biological weapons that went airborne when they weren't expecting it to. It's the most obvious answer. Does that help your headcanon?

How long did you read it before you realized that's a question that will never be answered?

>At this point I'm convinced he never had a elaborate vision for Walking Dead

Within the first dozen issues or so he makes it clear that a lot of the zombies are breaking down to the point they're no longer a threat, and this is within the first 6 months of the outbreak, meanwhile we're 3+ years into the timeline nowadays and zeds are still truckin'.

This detail is quietly ignored and thrown out once it became apparent he could make this a perpetual cash cow as opposed to a one-volume series.

I stopped watching the show mid season 3 for the same exact reason, and right now I'm skimming through any new issue that comes out because most if it isn't anything you can't piece together from the images alone.

I mean, okay, the Alpha is dead, so the Whisperers are boring because they have no personality otherwise. They're just guys in suits.

Rick is becoming more corrupted, which is interesting, but that's about it. Every time Kirkman comes up with a cool idea, he seems to go out of his way to "subvert" expectations by going with the most boring path open to him.

Yeah, this is more "realistic", but it doesn't make for good storytelling.

It makes sense once your realise several key factors:

There's 7 billion people on the planet
the virus is already in every living human and they turn once they die with their brain intact
Humans die from a whole lot of reasons, most of them just shit luck and genetics, so it makes sense there would still be zombies. The US alone is made up of ~300 million people. That's a lot of zombies and soon-to-be zombies.

They sure make it seem like 99.?% of the population pretty much died in the first month tops, the fresher zombies still working should be such a small number they'd be a non-issue.

>Every time Kirkman comes up with a cool idea, he seems to go out of his way to "subvert" expectations by going with the most boring path open to him.

This. Kirkman has been doing this almost exclusively lately across all his books.

The ones who are small in number are not an issue.

The real problem is when one zombie sees another, it starts following it because it thinks the other one found food. This snowballs until you have a shit load of them going in one path, forming a herd. Combine that with the fact that the zombies can go on for a way longer time without food, and so herds of them can still exist years later.

In that way, the whisperers actually directing a herd is a real credible thread.

I attribute it to Kirkman not thinking it through at first because he thought it would be just another one-off comic with Tony, hence why they could afford him to take so much time with each issue's art. When it became popular, they needed a quick art-monkey to crank out generic crap on the daily.

I am so fucking glad I don't read anything else Kirkman writes. I have nothing but compassion for those who read Invincible. It seems like a regular cape opera, but with even less interesting elements.

>they needed a quick art-monkey to crank out generic crap on the daily.

This always struck me as weird, because Moore seemed to churn out that weird roach comic of his a couple years later at a pretty solid clip.

A shame too, the art style post-issue 7 is garbage and only slowly clawed it's way up to mediocre even today.

Negan is my favorite character. No joke.

I think it's because of the black & white nature of the Walking Dead. Moore did literally all of the art himself, from the pencils, to the inks, to the graytones, and I think he did it all traditionally.

The art was phenomenal, to say the least, but it made a few issues be a month or so late because of it.

Now we have Adlard, Gaudiano, and Rathburn. Three guys that only do one piece of the job... and we get (as you said) mediocre art.

I guess it's true what they say. It doesn't matter how shit the art is, what matters is that it's delivered on time.

He's about the only who has a personality beyond "smiles in half-profile at reader".

I'm not joking, read a few issues and count the number of times someone smiles in half-profile at the reader. Turn it into a drinking game if you're a brave soul.

Don't like the comics but still enjoy the show sometimes.

I quit the show after beth died. It was hands down the most uneccesary and forced death Ive ever seen in anything ever

>"Okay, we'll give you your friends and all you have to do is leave us alone"
>then she runs back and gets shot in the head for no reason
I'd be more upset over Negan's kill being spoiled for me but Im sure that's the only good thing that has happened since I stopped. I'll probably bunge watch the show once its done