Thor movies

In your opinion what was the problem with them? Was Chris a miscast? is it because its the only MCU film with a memorable villain that it overshadowed everything else? is it the lack of chemistry between the two leads? or the lack of effort from the actors except chris and tom?

I personally found the 'its not magic but science!' shit stupid, Thor should have been the medieval part of the MCU, they never advanced to having Rocket launchers, black hole grenades, laser gun as they never needed the technology because what they have already works.

Also the one thing that baffles me is the looming implication that the whole 9 realms and all the infinity stones within them is saved by Jane's convenient teleportation thingies

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The Thor movies were just as good as any other MCU movie.

They are awful in general and don't treat Norse mythology with any kind of respect because it interferes with their (American) vision or w/e. But I suppose you can't really blame the movie for that since the comics are almost as bad with it.

I literally found no problems with them, and I quite enjoyed Thor 2.
Thor/Chris carries himself well enough to be the star of his own movie. In Thor 1 he's a frat boy and in Thor 2 he's Loki's foil, both of which he works great in.

They're not as good as Iron Man or Guardians of the Galaxy, and they do have a flaws, but they're part of the better MCU films, at least Thor 2 is.

Chris is fine as thor.
Designs are great.
Costumes are great.
Everything is great.
Heres why they sucked:

1.) Shoehorning romance subplot into a superhero film. Only Sam Raimi has ever made this work and even then he just barely fucking managed it. Romance subplot has never ever ever EVER worked in any other superhero film. Deadpool made it work because it was the main plot of the film and played for laughs. Either go whole hog and make a romance movie with superhero elements or dont fucking bother.

b.) Natalie Portman's character was bland as fuck. No personality. She lives with a weird girl and her weird boyfriend and her alcoholic boss. Those people are amusing to see on screen. All Natalie did was sit around and occasionally solve problems with her 'smarts' and thats about it.

Three.) Endgame villain is not great in either film. Loki is funny but not intimidating and anyone can kick his ass. Dark Elves looked cool but they didnt do anything outside of get sucked into Portal 2 with Thor and bounce around some planets while cars got slung around.

There you go.
All these things could be fixed by getting a good writer who likes action advennture scifi films and getting a director who isnt a hack.

I know a lot of people like Chris but I hate him in the role. Visually he looks like some college student who's trying to look tough/like HHH. Thor should look chiseled and hair flowing, not hiding a giraffe neck behind some light scruff. If you're gonna beard it up, go all out.

Character-wise the way his dialogue is written makes him seem like a child and they only really play up his out-worldish speech pattern for laughs. No
Even after his own films and Avengers he still feels like the frat bro of the team, which is okay when it's casual interactions but when shit gets serious the first thin people should notice is that he isn't taking any shit no more

Oh also fuck his costume designs. They all look like plastic trash which cover up his arms, outside of Ragnarok. I just wish they had found a way to intergrate the disks better into the Ragnarok design.

>In your opinion what was the problem with them?


Science instead of magic is my only real complaint.

Wait, who was the villain in Thor?


A giant robot

Chris Hemsworth is incredibly hot as Thor.
He is the only reason I put up with those trash movies. Most people seem to prefer Loki though because he looks "sensitive" and "mysterious".


Chris and Tom are good
Designs are okay
Rest of the cast is ass
Thors power pals suck shit
The humans are bland
Non-Loki villains are cookie cutter

>Rest of the cast is ass
Anthony Hopkins user

De powered as fuck

His purpose and reason to be on earth was weak


Taika will save the Thor franchise

I genuinely liked all the scenes in Asgard, especially in Thor 2. Thor and Loki interaction is also great.

The problem of these movies is all the screentime wasted on Earth and Earth characters like Jane, Darcy, Selvig etc. The romance is also dogshit and they spent too much time on it.

Robert Downey Jr shaved and is gonna be in Ragnarok?

1. They made it to sci-fi instead of going kirbyeseque, this is more a problem of the second film and it fucking ruined it for me the dark elves ships are so shit and

2. Thor's power use is so tame its a joke, the best sequence in both films is the frost giant fight at the start of the bloody first movie


Generic, boring shit. I have already forgotten everything about them.

>but they're part of the better MCU films, at least Thor 2 is

what would you say are the worse MCU movies?

winter soldier


>In your opinion what was the problem with them?
It wasn't about a glorious redhead who cruises the sky in a chariot pulled by goats, fucks giants up, and doesn't afraid of anything,

This guy gets it.

We didn't need that level of earth interaction. We didn't need Masters of the Universe reboots

I know a lot of people here prefers Thor 1 but I prefer the 2. They're both below average but I can't stand the part on earth and the science and scientists in those movies. Thor 2 spends a lot less time on earth (and often just fighting).

Thor 1 is cheesy but still among the better MCU movies. The scenery of Asgard is breathtaking, the villain is the best in the MCU and the conflict is actually emotional and meaningful beyond evil wanting to destroy the world.

Thor 2 I like a lot still because I enjoy Thor and love Chris in the role. Asgard is still great and Loki still steals the show, and on some level I just have to appreciate that a big budget summer movie about space Dark Elves with laser guns and gravity grenades battling space Asgardians even exists. But the reality is that the story and villain are weak and it's just kinda of a mess.

High hopes for Thor 3 though. Thor continues to be my favorite part of the MCU.

Asgardians are not gods, they are just super powered aliens

>Asgardians are not gods, they are just super powered aliens
This sums up everything that's wrong with Marvel's treatment of mythology in one sentence.

He does fuck up giants though.

good warriors 3, though I would like Volstagg to be louder, hes my fav asgardian after Thor

Thor deserved only one film imo
They should have saved the other 3 for the others like wasp and could have introduced captain lesbian early on

Writing, mostly. Cast is fine.

If she had been introduced earlier, she wouldn't be Captain Lesbian.

>Romance subplot has never ever ever EVER worked in any other superhero film

what about Superman I and II