


So the joke is they say "learn french" but the characters are speaking german?





>we have a sharp one in out midst.

/sci/ is that way mr. hawking


I don't really get it either.

However, the english subtitles is not what they're actually saying in german.

1 - Luke I am your father. Are you (a) chupacabra?

2 - Is that train number three?

3 - I have two coconuts.

4 - If you drink beer before liquor you get sick.

5 - The garlic makes my feet smelly.

6 - The germans love David Hasselhoff.

It's been ~25 years since I had german in school so take these translations with a grain of salt.










How many people here actually know (and like) this comic?




Frank Cho's art is great, but god these strips are a "C" grade in terms of writing and humor.




No, they're spot on. I don't actually speak German at all but I've got enough vocabulary to fake it and that's exactly how I read all of those lines.




Where are the jokes...?