Happy birthday, user! :)

Happy birthday, user! :)

Making out with her behind the garage would be kind of painful but also hot af

>le webm

Kiss her neck instead of her mouth


Please stop posting this one
It's making real sad and regretting not listening to my parents about getting married

lets just get this thread over with
who dis
who dat
post webm
sick fucks

Yea her neck and her clavicle while unbuttoning her jeans and whisper that she needs to keep it a secret

thanks for getting the whiny faggot redditer post out of the way for us!

what's your reply?

Thanks kid!

*smile at her and muss her hair as you open the fridge and grab a beer*

I would want to find a more private location to start the unbuttoning


It takes a genius, or perhaps a madman, to appreciate kino...

>tfw fell in love too

kek at post webm

for you

i was the youngest sibling and long to be an older brother

Starting out didn't seem so bad, like a line or two, then it when down the drain real fast.

>tfw 27 on the 17th

>tfw this is what Sup Forums used to be
I miss when this board was original and entertaining. It's so full of whiny faggots now who get so buttblasted by the slightest thing.

>tfw no qt niece to bake you cakes and cuddle with while you watch kino


holy shit user you just gave me major feels
>made out with my little sister when she was 12 and i was 16
>she looked a lot like the girl in OP's pic
>had braces, the kissing was kinda painful
its not as great as it seems

>tfw neighbors daughter bakes you cupcakes/a cake every year for your birthday

>>tfw this is what Sup Forums used to be
To bad I didn't get to see them days. I bet game of thrones brought a lot of the whiny ones


You forgot
>and pound her tight pink pusy into the mattress whenever you're horny

I got to hang out with a neighbor's daughter at a 4th of july party. We played with a cat and watched tv. It was really nice

No you just want to gently molest a hypothetical sexy little sister

She would probably be gross and completely undesirable.

Thanks. It's actually my birthday today. I'm 19.

instead of trying to drill MLA format into highschool kids for 4 years there should just be a course on siting sources

Lost brought in the first batch, but the board was still mostly good at that point, Breaking Bad ushered in a lot more, things were still good though. GoT brought in the most faggots who insist on trying to change everything about the site that they don't like instead of integrating. Rick and Morty completely ruined the board for me. I'm waiting to see if it gets better when summer ends, but this year Sup Forums has been garbage compared to what it used to be.


no one will ever whine as hard as Sup Forums