
Suspiciously looks like wew lad

Haha Sneed XD! Can you fags stop ruining simpsons threads? I like discussing my fav show when getting kick ass blowjobs by my wife

1. You don't have one

2. She's fat and disgusting and you brag here like it's an accomplishment

Reminder - the anti-sneed poster our true enemy.

s-s-shut up user

What the FUCK was his problem?!

>my fav show
Cause S11 truly was a shining star in TV history.

He couldn't lay off the seeds because he was depressed at always being in the shadow of his older brother Chuck.


he does it For Free


Does he ever sleep?

simpsons was always dogshit


cast him

Sneedposting is better than crack

Formerly coke

Aiden Gillen


My name is Sneedland Brown
And I am proud to be
Right back in my own store
With Chuck and Old Man Sneed

There's old feeds and new seeds
And some gummy bears
Through good weather and bad soil
It's good seed we share

And so I've found a place
Where everyone will sow
My seeds and buy my feed
This is the Sneedland Show