What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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His waifu will never be real

He never cared about the money or the fame, he just wanted love

I often wonder why every notices that Garnet is black-coded but almost no one seems to mention that Amethyst is black-coded.

nobody gives a shit about Amethyst

because she's not nearly as "black coded" as Garnet who has a skin color which is a stone's throw from an actual brown skin tone, a fauxfro and voiced by a famous black woman. Meanwhile Amethyst is a purple blob with white straihgt hair voiced by an Asian woman.

He understands our pain.

Fucking lol. I don't care about this show but this kind of shit makes me really like T Pain. He already seemed like a cool enough dude

...Who the fuck is T-Pain?

Some people read her as Latino or white trash, apparently.

Lmao this nigga ate out this girl that I worked with when she was a sophomore in college and he was married not sure if he still is. I'm sure lots of artists do shit like that but I can't really take him seriously anymore.

I find it cute that he's asking for permission.

Popular rapper from the 00s.

I have no clue if he's still doing shit, but since he was in the mainstream for a couple of years he probably has enough money to not do shit for the rest of his life.

T-Pain: NPR Music

How? She doesn't fit any of the stereotypes for either group.

Are you underage or overage? Either way please leave my board.

>rapper gets hot young pussy
>I can't take him seriously now

What's the point of being a famous musician if you don't use it to get laid constantly?

Be easy on him, the poor boy probably listens only to K-Pop. He believes that all artists are pure for their fans.

>you mind if I save this pic in my phone?
s-so pure...

She's loud fat and short. That's an overlapping stereotype for ghetto trash of all races.

That's just another way of saying THICC.

>asking permission to save a picture on his phone


Literally who?
>Sup Forums pretending their memerap, crescendocore, vaporwave and other shit is worth paying attention to

Kill yourself Sup Forumsmblr you give SU fans a bad fame.

The first step to fixing your stats as busta is admitting it. Good for him.

A cRapper who popularized the autotune meme.

>What did he mean by this?

He meant, "OP is a cocksucking pile of goose droppings who will never amount to anything but a tiny obituary in his local newspaper even after he kills himself using a rake, a giant rock, and twenty pounds of tomatoes."

>Them big lips
>She got that ass

This nigga probably post on /co.

Or the obvious answer, he's black.

Well, she sure as shit doesn't have nigger hair