Why doesn't she get more roles? She's a surprisingly good actress

Why doesn't she get more roles? She's a surprisingly good actress.

Other urls found in this thread:


No, she isn't.

Fucking this.

>tfw trans and I'll never have big boobies like her

easily the worst tripfag on Sup Forums

You forgot to turn your trip off you stupid nigger.


My trip has been public for months, jackass.

daer god name now

good joke dumb fuck

so her sex scene isn't shown in the layover?

kill yourself

Who is she?

No, but considering mammario kept her shirt on during hers I doubt it would have been any good. Kate was bouncing like crazy though whenever she walked, so that was a nice consolation.

It's been 2 years. I guess your kind can't count for shit, so I shouldn't be shocked at your stupidity.

are you stuck in 2007?




Kate Upton

Apparently that is kate upton

I thought she was the girl from firefly at first

>spoonfeeding dumb fucks who can't reverse image search
This place is dead.

How do you people not know who Kate Upton is?

Nope, I was drunk one night and accidentally exposed my trip sometime last year.

>tfw trans

I wish you'd accidentally expose your head to a driveby.

>give me attention !!!!

kill yourself, idiot

mtf here, don't see the appeal of big breasts.

I like how you claim to be black Krager, and at other times claim to be white.
Which is it? why not just get rid of your ((((username)))) on an anonymous forum you cunt


>black man gets drunk and exposes himself
Damn it Krager you're a walking stereotype. Do you ask women in the street for pussy on toast?

More like tfw dead

based Krager

Namefags- "That wasnt me! it was somebody else!"
Faggot who would be bothered to reply agreeing with you and using the same trip

Who's worse Sup Forums, Krager, or the people using his trip?

Why doesn't Alex get over here and let me bite her neck? It would be cool.

>see movie with family
>laugh with my father how disgusting kate upton is

Don't even come with "high test", this isn't high test. It's literally zero muscle and definiton with some fat and two giants tits. A fucking fridge.

>A fucking fridge.
>that scene where it's standing on the diving board with both arms up
It's clear as day, too. Based user's father for calling it like it is.

You forgot a comma after worse and it's Sup Forums

Your dad was probably laughing at what a huge fag his son is

tripfags will always be cancerous, but Sup Forums is beyond shit now and will continue to decline deep into the sewer. I miss pre 2010 Sup Forums. The turn of the decade was the beginning of the end.

That being true, its people like you that stop titcows from getting famous.
What theres like three? and they keep getting breast reductions!
I want giggly real tits

What are you crying about, faggot?

He also lifted and did martial arts just like me so we prefer women who don't like a slob of meat. Like pic related.


So by the sounds of it, you like transsexuals. Good to know.

You sound sexually attracted to your dad.
Do you guys jerk it to fitness infomercials and swap hands when you get tired?

Nice shit taste you have mate.

Oh my god you guys are picky!
You are supposed to be men! Your sperm is unlimited!
Thats a fridge?
Chloe moretz is a fridge

Is this supposed to be bad? Maybe if she had a dick she'd be more up your alley.

Boobies! boobies! baby is sad and wants boobies ;_;

best thread on Sup Forums right now famalamas

>im a jerk off connoisseur.

Im a dumb faggot

Why didn't he deliver on nudity in an R rated movie about titcows?

oh nice try krager, we know you are bullshitting about other people posting as you.
As if anyone would.

the producers said "uh uhhh" and he was like "uh haa" and had to ablidge.

I'd put my meat in that fridge, if you get what I'm saying

There are lewds but are there nudes?

Prob cause you're a dude

pro tip: the real krager hasn't posted here in years, every krager poster you see is an imposter.

maybe if redditors lurked here for more than a month they'd know that.

No, autist.

fappening wave 1 mate

I have no life and have been here for years since 2008.
Why havent I heard of this "krager"
You cant just call everything reddit

Women won't go see movies starring really good looking women. They're too insecure, petty and jealous.

that is true, but they will see stuff where the focus is on the actresses hair or dress.
If the actress has a cool costume they think "oh if I wear that i'll be hot too."

they should just cut of everything below here boobs

goddamn her lower body is disgusting

my god, shes talented

sweetheart, you're not welcome or accepted on this earth. Your best bet is to keep it to yourself and just know that suicide is always an option

Good thing we still have trips like these Sup Forums was always dead, cocksucker.

>Sup Forums was always dead, cocksucker.
>getting this upset
my fucking sides

Post your POZ hole

Never understood why they go for Kate instead of diora Baird, who is not a fridge, has better bigger tits and is genuinely entertaining




Upton is trash.

Man face

Actually to be honest I'd love to see Liz Turner get more famous

bless this man he is doing gods work

whatever bro

>having a cutoff webm
go fuck yourself, dumb fuck
you're no better than OP

Shes fat and untalented. She only looks good in air brushed swim suits and form fitting clothes when shes filmed from the tits up. Shes just a whore.

Yeah I bet all women are whores to (You).

No just the ones who make a living but showing off their giant tits and reducing themselves to sex objects instead of getting a real job.

>real job.
i have a very good feeling of a certain goy getting a promotion tomorrow. im so happy for you,user

It pays much more than a lot of these real jobs though.

she peaked ages ago. she was hot when she first came onto the scene in that video of her twerking, but its been downhill ever since.

>got his trip nuked
>forced to use his welfare trip
my fucking sides

>when she first came onto the scene in that video of her twerking
im going to need sauce on this

I've never seen one of her twerking but she did make the "Cat Daddy" her own

damn that GE fridge can MOOOOVE!!! HAHA yessss SLAYYYYYYY!!!


maybe it's time to lose some weight before it's too late, miss piggy.

yah thats the one i meant
