Why a new Red Sonja movie hasn't happened yet?

Why a new Red Sonja movie hasn't happened yet?

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SJW's don't like women in bikini armor.

Conan was a massive failure. There was no interest in seeing Conan so they have reason to believe there's no interest in seeing Sonja. Her current comic sales are niche, and attempts to revamp her for modern crowds failed hard.

She is a barbarian warrior maiden from thousands of years ago, so it makes sense. Besides Conan wears even less. And Red Sonja is the definition of "woman empowerment". She takes heads and names. She leads armies in battle. SJW's wouldn't have problem with that. At least in theory.

She could wear a leather bikini. Like Angelica Bridges in the old Conan series did.

Sure but SJW's will want her to keep taking heads and names while not showing skin.
But Red Sonja without bikini armor is like Wolverine without claws.
Everybody knows that. Bikini armor is like, her trademark. So since they can't do away with it, they rather be no movie.

Yeah. Sure, that's why. SJWs

Yup, that's why.
Everything today in entertainment is put to the same question: Can it fit the liberal agenda? If not, it does not get made.

This is so horrible. It sounds like dictatorship.

What a sad world you live in.

I'd imagine it be quite uncomfortable if your nipples got caught on the ring bra.

Well, they pretty much dictate to everyone to submit to the tenets of social justice, white guilt, feminism, etc. etc.

Isn't it?

Do people not realize there's a layer of cloth under the metal?

> muh sjws

No, it's because Conan sucked and no one saw it.

Especially since it's one you make up yourself so you can feel victimized.

Because her previous film was an enormous flop, and the attempted Conan reboot was also a flop.


Not the way some artists draw it.

That's true. Though not a single movie tried to be close at Howard's novels, the comics, or any other source material. Perhaps if they try to be more faithful to them, the result could be better.

The point is that they won't try any time soon. Between Conan and John Carter, the barbarian genre is dead until Robert Rodriguez gets off his ass and finishes Fire and Ice.

What do your farts smell like.

>Between Conan and John Carter, the barbarian genre is dead
You misspelled "Hercules."

And Clash of the Titans and 300 both did well enough (that's why they decided to do Conan in the first place).

We're off cycle, LoTR did gangbusters but the Hobbit staggered to a financial success. Right now the big thing in Hollywood is Superheroes, aliens and tech. I mean think about it the fantasy movies that came out:
Warcraft : Bombed
Huntsman-Winter War: Bombed so hard
Gods of Egypt: Bombed
If you want Hollywood to take that risk you're going to have to wait till someone makes a mid-budget fantasy movie that's successful... or at least successful in China. So pray for the Wall?, whatever that movie set in China with Matt Damon is.
> SJW not having a problem with something they could complain about
That's funny, you got jokes man, that's funny.
In all honestly it's not about whether or not the character and their rendition is sexist it's about the appearance of being sexist. If within 5 seconds someone could look at a poster and go "That's sexist" then it's automatically sexist since they would rarely invest enough interest in the subject to make a rational judgement as it takes time away from being outraged. You have no idea how much time I've wasted with "X writer/character is sexist" debates that end with "Now I haven't read those books but this one page taken compeltely out of context is enough to make me declare this the work of a bigot"

The biggest problems the Conan reboot had was that Jason Mamoa has no charisma and they kept stealing scenes from other recent movies. Towards the end where they started using original ideas and designs I thought "Why wasn't this the whole movie".
Also why did everyone forget that the Heavenly Sword movie came out on Bluray and flopped hard. You'd think one movie about a red-haired warrior woman would influence the success of another red-haired warrior woman.

Wouldn't help. None of the stories, save Hour of the Dragon, are long enough for a feature length film.

That, and 90% of people are only familiar with the pastiche, so to make it more true to the source material will if anything only alienate the audience more.

>the Hobbit staggered to a financial success
That's what happens when you take a 300 page books and try to milk 3 feature films out of it.

300 want part of the genre, and Conan was nothing like it so I fail to see how they even attempted to capitalize on it.

Clash was a sword and sandal picture, which is similar but still a different genre from the barbarian genre.

Warcraft made twice it's budget in China, so it wasn't really a bomb. Just in the US.

And make dumb as fuck changes on top of that.

That's funny
The real reason for it is that investors don't have any faith in the IP.

The studio behind it called it a bomb.

>includes John Carter of fucking Mars
>complains Clash of Titans doesn't fit
Autism: it's a hellova drug.

> there's only one user in the conversation

Perhaps you are right.

What about a tv series? I heard somewhere that Bryan Singer plans to produce a Red Sonja series.

The biggest problem is that we're entering into a movie making era where a movie has to make near a billion dollars to be called successful and even then you could lose some if you're not close enough. I miss the days of more varied, but smaller budgeted movies.

Yea, I know that's what the China line in my original post alluded to. Although I did see that one video of a Chinese guy going into one of the "Sold out theaters" just for it to be him and like 8 other guys in the theater. China does have a habit of telling people things are successful regardless if they actually do succeed.

With your head so far up your own ass, I'd think you have a pretty good idea about how farts smell.

>rotten tomatoes called it a bomb

>it's one you make up yourself so you can feel victimized.

the fucking irony

I don't see a Sonja series doing to well without stealing material from Conan. She doesn't have a lot of memorable antagonists.

I mean the actual people who funded the movie said that it was a bomb.

Maybe they bought out the theatre so they could have it to themselves? The Chinese are crazy like that.

>originally created as a sort of children's book
>"dude let's stuff in all this superfluous supplementary material and tell the REAL story and be super serious and wacky at the same time, completely destroying all tonal consistency!"

Thulsa Doom could work. He is mainly a Kull viilain, but he appeared at Conan and Sonja's comics, and he was in the 1st Conan movie (even if there was actually Toth Amon, and not Thulsa Doom).

>Warcraft : Bombed
That's a video game adaption.

>Huntsman-Winter War: Bombed so hard
It's a crappy sequel to Snow White (they're still making Live Action versions of Disney Princess movies so I imagine we'll see a few more Fairy Tale adaptions as well).

>Gods of Egypt: Bombed
This ... honestly it LOOKED like a video game; but I'm guessing it was more inspired by Clash of the Titans and Immortals.

But you're correct: Cutthroat Island ( a really shitty movie ) bombed back in the day ... and pretty much killed anything related to Pirates up until PotC came out ( and THAT was actually an adaption of a fucking Disney attraction like Haunted Mansion ).

Still: given the success of Fury Road ( that's basically Barbarians with guns and cars ) I expect there will be more to come.

Also: this looks fucking abysmal (but I'm hoping that it's just the trailer going for that Suicide Squad goofy feel):

/comblr/ strikes again!

>I don't see a Sonja series doing to well without stealing material from Conan.
I expect that 90% of people seeing it would think it was ripping of Xena regardless.

Fuck that, why wasn't Little Conan the whole movie. That kid was 100 times better than Momoa was

Agreed the first minutes of this movie were intense! Then.....Mamoa happened.

>can't do anything but make smug replies

>I'm so unimpressed I felt the need to post and tell you about it
ProTip: Ur doin' it wrong.

Kid Conan stories are always the best. I love that issue of Conan the Avenger where he remembers his dad killing a witch and telling him that people that use magic are trying to cheat their way through the world.

If I recall they weren't sitting near each other, like you would if you were friends, but I don't feel like hunting down Chinese social media sites to find the video again.

1. To a Hollywood exec and the general public swords+orcs= fantasy. Even though we know the genre is more than that
2. Snow White and the Huntsman was a Universal film (Comcast/NBCUniversal) not a Disney film. So while Disney keeps doing live action remakes of their classic archives, I don't think you'll see anything except offbrand princess remakes aimed at girls. Although Cinderella was a really good movie, Pete's Dragon and Jungle Book didn't really hit the same spot for me.

3. I am not looking forward to Guy Ritchie character pretending to be King Arthur. Is it utterly impossible for him to make more than one character? It's the first fantasy film I have no interest in because it'll just be a London Crime drama dressed in fantasy clothes.

The most frustrating part with me and that movie is that it had so many scenes where I thought "Yea this is a great idea!" that they never capitalized on. Silly Russians thinking they can make films.

Sonja has other outfits apart from the iconic chain mail bikini. For example the blue furry one, which is barbaric but more covered.

Because the first one sucked ass.

>offbrand princess remakes aimed at girls
Like this?


I liked Maleficent well enough that I wouldn't mind them doing some other Wicked inspired revisions.

The one from 31 years ago????

Doesn't count because this was not a Red Sonja movie. This was about Brigitte Nielsen cosplaying as a generic warrior woman.

Bryan Singer is making a Red Sonja tv show


Why wasn't it made when Rose McGowan was the next hot big thing after that gun leg movie? Rights? Script? Budget?

>She is a barbarian warrior maiden from thousands of years ago, so it makes sense.
>it makes sense

It makes sense according to the fictional world she lives in. It's the typical Hyborian Age fashion. Take for exampe Conan or Belit, from the same fictional era.

we will never see Valeria on the big screen again...

SJWs don't care if it makes sense. They don't care if it empowers women. They only care that it titillates men.

They're fundies wearing a new mask.

Movie Valeria she is the number one for me!

I always wondered between Valeria, Belit and Sonja, who is the best Howard warrior girl?

But what teenage boys will he molest?

>brian singer
so it won't be Red Sonja at all

the original movie is very well loved you underage pleb

... you do realize we're talking about Conan, the reboot? right?

Add tan Leather leggings and an arm thing they like putting on people these days with the chain bikini on top leave abs exposed. Keeps the iconic look, without looking silly.

That's precisely what liberals want, they just don't want to admit it. Everything about Hillary are the call signs of a dictator.

>That's a video game adaption.
It's still fantasy.

Thanks user, now I can't stop thinking about a sexy Red Sonja twink.

I remember that episode.

Angelica Bridges was a very beautiful and fierce Sonja.

Something like this maybe