I missed it when it release. Is it any good? Worth torrenting?

I missed it when it release. Is it any good? Worth torrenting?


Politics aside Feige was a bad director for the movie and his style clashes with the concept. There's too much improving which the actresses are clearly confused about, meaning the actual talent (we know McCarthy at least is fucking funny when she wants to be) that's there doesn't know what the fuck to do.

The ad campaign was desperation to trick people into seeing a deeply mediocre movie as a political statement.

>we know Mcarthy is fucking funny


It's enjoyable enough. Definitely worth torrenting, I dunno about paying for.
If you liked Bridesmaids you'll probably like it. Don't think of it as trying to "replace" the original, either.

I'm tired of the Kristen Wiig's "awkward" humor.

"What? I'm a unprofessional mess? Yeah, look at me, I'm the unprofessional mess! Uh-huh, yeah, uh uh, unprofessional. I'm so messy and unprofessional"

Paraphrasing, but you know what I mean when she does it.

I don't know, why don't you ask the board about Movies?

It wasn't really that good, which is a shame, because having a new batch of Ghostbusters all be women is not, in itself, a bad concept. Sadly, aside from the blonde lesbian (who manged to bounce off the others pretty well), none of the leads had much in the way of chemistry with each other. Paul Feig's direction and reliance on "awkward" humor just doesn't thrill me, and it didn't when I saw SPY either.

>Booyah. Emphasis on "Boo"

>Is it any good?
No. If you're a Ghostbusters fan, the new Ecto-1 looks cool, but that's about it. It's obvious that Paul Feige and whoever wrote this script weren't Ghostbusters fans, not to the extent that they actually cared about the concept of the original movie. The Ghostbusters in this movie - I shit you not - do not manage to successfully 'bust' a single ghost. I have no idea why anyone would celebrate their efforts or want to hire them.

The primary problem I had with this movie is the lack of chemistry the team had, which made the other flaws stand out even more.

The originals are a pretty diverse group of attitudes and backgrounds, but before the movie is over they feel like a team and they bounce off each other very naturally. The girls never felt like a team or even really comfortable with each other. Even worse, Chris helmsworth's character was annoying as fuck.

And the villain was completely wasted. Conceptually interesting but beyond shit execution and barely a threat.

It was ok. Not great. Not bad. The hate for the movie is exaggerated. Yeah, the original is a classic and this remake is pretty substandard compared to it, but it's not a bad movie and it has it's moments.

I do agree that Feige was not a great choice for this movie. Nothing in this movie feels "big". All of the scenes feel very low stakes. The action feels very small. I don't feel bad about not seeing it in theatres.


Do you like a watered down, unfunny, dumb version of a really good classic?

Do you really wanna know how they got their logo?

Do you like seeig the most unfunny women in hollywood scream "GHOSTS!" for two hours?

Do you wanna see your smart, capable characters behave lime california high school students?

Its a terrible movie. But apparently I'm sexist for not liking it because of is all female cast

Like, motherfucker, I LOVE all-girl squads but apprently Im sexist because I hate melissa McCarthy

fuck off to Sup Forums

God no. It wasn't funny at all.

It's funny that people keep saying this is feminist propaganda when it was literally directed by a man and not a woman

it wasn't worth the 1.51 MB of your image, much less dowloading

A feminist man

Kate McKinnon is the only reason I want to watch it.

She's painfully unfunny.

Its a movie that had good work put into that that ends up being horribly mismanaged due to ideas that didn't pan out at all.

The movie CAN be funny. Moments of this film will probably make you laugh. But all of those moments involve side characters, or possibly a single lead interacting with a single side character. These are the jokes that are actually written into the script, and they are good enough.

But the four leads, overall, manage to not be very funny when near each other. The actresses prove at multiple points in the film that all of them CAN do comedic delivery and be funny, but for some reason the more of them are in the same shot at the same time, the more the humor sucks.

These are the parts of the movie where the actresses are clearly supposed to improve it. And, for whatever reason, that just didn't work for these ladies. Not enough to carry a movie.

I suspect that the PG-13 rating didn't help either, because part of what I think sunk their improve was that they couldn't REALLY improve. The material and sort of jokes that some of these actresses normally gravitate to would get cut by the censors.

So this movie had an okay cast, but it was wasted on a directorial style and rating that they inherently were not suited for. Either give them a good script, or give them the freedom to use the kinds of humor they are best at, but don't deny them both and leave them awkwardly hanging in the middle.

Which is a shame, because if the movie was consistently funny this would actually have been a good reboot.

Most famous women are

>"my vaginaaaa"

I thought she was one of the few saving graces of the film, personally.

It's alright

>men can't be feminists

In no way.
Her delivery and her lines in general were awful

>Sup Forums - Television and Film

It was directed by a man who did a guest article entitled "Why Men Are Not Funny" in which he runs around a set egging on female cast and crew to talk shit about men being unfunny.

Based on his logic, Feig is not funny.

Come on, Feig. Don't you know the hip new trend is to only hire female directors and writers? Better snip that dick off and throw on a dress if you still want to be a feminist director.

I didn't watch it but I thought the few scenes I saw with Chris Hemsworth were actually funny.

It's comparable to a Michael Bay film. If you like 2-dimensional characters who are complete shit-bags 24/7 for no reason, glaring plot holes, and 8th grade humor, it'll be right up your alley.

Wait. Is this where the "Women are funny. Deal with it." joke in South Park originates from?

I could not find myself to finish it. I got about half way not laughing at a single joke, and just finding everything frustrating or awkward.

I started laughing simply because how unfunny and surreal it is. All the characters behave in ways that aren't cute, endearing or fun, but simply weird, even for "ghost busters."

The movie felt like it tried a more "slice of life" approach, which could have worked if the characters were worth watching, and the jokes didn't fall flat every single time.

At least I learned the black chick posted hamtaro porn. That was a fun day.

Michael Bay movies don't end up losing $70 million at the box office though.

get over it

Ghostbusters was a product of its time. Even if it starred the same people (or this generations equivalent) it would bomb hard.

>- I shit you not - do not manage to successfully 'bust' a single ghost

Do they fail to capture them, or simply just "kill" the ghosts?

So, here's the thing about Ghostbusters - it's a very, very simple concept. "What if ghosts were real?" That's it. Everything else in the movie flows from that core conceit - and it needed to be that way because Dan Aykroyd has no sense of scale. His original draft had the Ghostbusters travelling through space and time fighting giant monsters. You can barely get that kind of a movie made, today, much less thirty years ago.

So, ghosts are real. You have three fringe science types who study the paranormal, even though everyone thinks they're kooks, and just as they finally prove that they were right all along, the university pulls their grant - so now they have to come up with a way of monetizing this amazing discovery which nobody believes in.

The remake? "What if the Ghostbusters were girls?" That's not much of a plot hook - where it's not aping (don't start) story beats from the original, it's making a spectacle of how hilarious women are - what is literally going on in 's pic? Is it supposed to be funny? Sexy? Awkward? Because Harold Ramis' character managed to be awkward without having to lick his fucking proton gun.

It had potential but everything was a bit too '2016'

It was okay. I think the PG-13 rating holds back Paul Feig's directing style though. He's much more at home in the R-rating. The Heat, a departure from his traditional comedy films, worked because his style went good with that quasi-action thing the Heat was going for.

Just give it a watch. This isn't saying much but its better than Ghostbusters 2 and the Ghostbusters video game.

Ghostbusters 2 was good. Fuck you.

The catch one, let it out, then figure out a way to kill ghosts, THEN at the very end of the movie build the Containment Unit.