This is going to be Rosemary's Baby, right?

This is going to be Rosemary's Baby, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that James Jean's art?

Looks intriguing

J Law still has it, I'm in

>J Law still has it

Jennifer Lawrence is just another rich, liberal, feminist who doesn't know when to shut up.

God, Jennifer Lawrence is so fucking ugly.

Nah man she's still sexy. She just had her incredibly banging body revealed against her will. It's ok to be upset about that, though I think it's a bit dumb. Her body is incredible.

Scar Jo is the real cancer.

She's only mad because she won't be getting paid the big bucks for that first on screen titty reveal.

No. Rosemary's Baby was a masterpiece. This will be some feminist trash just like Jennifer Lawrence.

This is going to be a movie that I won't watch becasue of main actress


I hope you kill yourself, white knight piece of shit. Jennifer Lawrence is a dumb feminist whore, a good for nothing liberal retarded piece of human trash who likes to complain about things she doesn't understand. I hope she goes to the middle east and gets raped by a pack of sand niggers. Let's see if she still believes we treat women unfairly here after that.

I have a feeling the Epic Twist is that he's just fucking with her. Basically a remake of Gaslight.

THIS. Do not watch this movie. Supporting this movie is supporting feminism.

Daily reminder, if you think Jennifer Lawrence is good at anything, you have no taste. Feminists can't act. FACT.


"She eventually falls asleep and Bardem takes the baby. She wakes up in a panic to see him holding the baby up to the people. She grabs him and turns him around, and he's no longer holding the baby. She sees the baby is being passed over all of the people, they're cheering... then she hears a snap sounds. They've killed the baby. She follows them to a room screaming they've killed the baby. A man moves out of the way, and the baby is just a bloody corpse (looks like a bloody rib cage on a platter). She turns around to see that now everyone is holding a piece of meat from the baby. They eat it. She freaks out and says they've murdered her baby. She attacks Bardem and scratches his face. She grabs a piece of broken glass, and starts killing as many people as she can with it. They eventually knock her to the ground where they brutally stomp on her and rip her clothes, calling her a cunt and a whore" Sounds KINO

t. triggered feminist


Her and Zuckerberg must be from the same alien race, look like reptilians wearing human skin

>revolting Jennifer Lawrence
>drawn to look like angelic Rosamund Pike
Disgusting false advertising.

Word going around is that Michelle Pfeiffer has the best performance in the film. She'll probably be up for an Oscar if true.

Sounds like something a 15 year old edgelord would write.

>jennifer lawrence
pleb actress. no thanks

The fucking posts in this thread are ridiculous. I understand not seeing it in theaters because of the lead actress, but not seeing it at all is a little stupid. It's Darren Aronofsky. He's usually pretty fucking good.

Sounds like the movie is an artistic expression of the experience of being a woman.

So it's irrational and delusional self-victimising in the most pompous way possible. Dirge.

The wrestler was good thanks to the performances, but the rest of his movies are trite garbage.

If you want to watch feminist propaganda then go to reddit. Here we don't watch Jennifer Lawrence movies and we're proud of it.

There were spoilers that all 4 mc's are actually quadruplets (kek) and whole movie is a metaphor to abortion, mother is the house. I don't like Aronofsky but this sound so bizzare that I'd def watch it.

Horror movies aren't film. This is a flick. Doesn't belong on Sup Forums, please go back to Sup Forums.

Fuck off, Jlaw. Just because you suck his cock every night, doesn't mean we have to see your movie.

Nigga r u blind?

They seem hell bent on making it look like Rosamund is in it.

christ that sounds like the worst kind of asspull
Noah was fucking shite

So this just got Booed at Venezia
Serves them right.

source faggot


>So this just got Booed at Venezia
Fucking animals

This pleases me so much. I hate Jennifer Lawrence so, so much.

I hope that Ehs to Ehs guy makes another cameo.

>as many boos as applauses

>unexpectedly banal


Tell your children not to hear my words, what they mean what they say

>Starts as Polanski, becomes maternity horror. >Fish/10

I've come to realise aronofsky is a legit hack director. His films look good but are always basic bitch level morality tales. Ass 2 ass is the best scene he'll ever give us.

>gets booed and deservedly
Posting a link because we can't trust anymore in screenshots

Yes. He's doing a lot of stuff for this movie.

Reading spoilers, aronofsky looks like a teen wanting to be Buñuel

>Leonardo Goi
heh heh heh

this shit is getting better

>Rosemary's baby


By those "reviews" it seems like an interesting movie, but nothing worth losing your head for.
I mean, it's an Aronofsky movie, you can't expect it to be the best movie of the decade.

Fucking kek. To think that only 3-4 years ago, Jlaw was on top of the world. Being touted as the next Meryl Streep and everybody loving her "quirky" and "i'm just a normal gal" personality. Now, most people don't like her anymore and her newest film is getting booed. She fucking deserves it though for turning into an outright bitch cunt and spouting feminist nonsense.

Imagine being so pathetic that you need to root for a movie's demise just because you don't like someone in it. I hope you know that Lawrence is getting paid all the same and will still have a career even if this movie flops.

>Best reviewed film so far is del Toro's monsterfuck romance

She isn't fucking Harvey now

Yeah, sure, I'm the pathetic one and not this feminist bitch. LMAO

>Downsizing that low
And I looked forward for vorekino.

The feminist bitch is probably wondering what shoe that costs more than your salary she's going to use for dinner while you're shitposting on Sup Forums about someone you don't know. So yeah, pretty pathetic to aim any feelings at all at actors and actresses.

Imagine being so pathetic that you need to defend an actress that doesn't know or care who you are and would never look in your direction unless it's in your dreams.

>LaStampa guy liking everything

It's more being amazed at someone's shitty life choices than defending someone I don't know. But you can keep pretending that I'm white knighting her of all actresses available if that makes you feel better.

seems good but i cant deal with the jlaw thing anymore.

pretty cool poster sempai

Hahahaha did I trigger you because I insulted your favourite actress? Your're so pathetic Hahahaha

Now it has to happen to Meryl Streep too

He was talking about her looks you absolute autist

>shitty life choices

lol im not the one deciding to white knight for an actress on an anime imageboard

You're doing the polar opposite of white knighting, which is arguably just as sad.

no, because this feminist bitch deserve it

you're seriously gonna keep spinning this, are you

Find a better use of your time, user.
I'm not even the guy he was arguing with

>Find a better use of your time, user.
>says the guy on fucking Sup Forums

you're just as sad as the both of us

Not really

Shut up you fucktards

oh no the feminist bitch whore is in it! wtf i hate movies now! My masculinity is threatened

Why are you out of the fucking kitchen?

No, it's the live-action LILIUM

Is there a website that shows which movies feature actors with feminist views so I can avoid them thanks?
Other than this one.

Not that I know, but that would be amazing.

Aronofsky has one good movie (the wrestler) and he completely ripped off the Dardenne brothers style.

Ironically, it's the feminists shilling against this movie, because it's about Antifa losing the war for America.

The third act is a Waco-style siege where Hollywood auteurs murder dissidents, act with total degeneracy, have people in cages, then Spirit Cook a baby.

"It's boring! And dumb! And the actress and directors are both hacks!!!"

You do the math.

Sounds like another one of these modern """"""""""""""""""""""""""horror""""""""""""""""""""""""" films, that are actually just boring thrillers with a gory twist, that are too dumb and cheap to survive in any other genre, but in the gore n tits paddling pool that the horror genre has become it might just be able to trick everyone into believing it's art.

See; It Comes at Night, Get Out etc.

Twitter saying the best part was seeing JLaw's boobs

>not a new IP

who hurt you

For me its this exact moment J.Lawrence lost her all appeal.

How do they justify the age difference in this film? She's literally 30 years younger than him.

Lmao get a load of this cuck :^)

haha wtf

>Let's see if she still believes we treat women unfairly here after that.

This user got triggered but he's absolutely right. Yall should see how women are treated in all eastern parts of world, this even includes fucking china.

This feminist shit is out of control, thank god it's dying nowadays though. It's drowning in the pool of shit which they created themselves. Its a shame really, feminism could work. Maybe they'll try again in a couple decades.

>This user got triggered but he's absolutely right
The dude is Elliot Rodger 2.0, get your head out of your ass

what an ugly fucking whore

Yep, they can tease that shit out for years. But often do a full nude scene to record their bod for posterity just before having their first child, just in case the pregnancy ruins it.

Richard McBeef 2

From reading the descriptions of the plot here, it feels more like this is a wankfest about the
creative process from the figurative Muse's point of view. She is the thing that inspires the
author. Her baby is the creative work that finally comes out after a "great war", the author takes
it away from her, meaning the credit. He shows it to his peers who are all critics etc, and they
tear it apart to aggrandize themselves as elite literary intellectuals etc.

The Muse dies as the creative work is disseminated into the world. Then the whole process
starts over again with a new muse.

I used to write shit like this when I was a total wanker college-age pretentious faggot.

I'm hip to Pizzagate, but I don't think that's what this is about. Aronofski would totally be into
that shit. He wouldn't expose or damn it. He's a total Hollywood creature, despite the artistic

Nice blog post, bro

I think the epic twist is that they are dead and Ed Harris is either living or the Grim Reaper or something

What a fag lmao