So, why did James always dress up in womens clothing?

So, why did James always dress up in womens clothing?

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Wow maybe he's gay, huh? Imagine that. A gay person existing. Terrifying, I know.

I'd hit that. She looks gorgeous. More attractive than msty and jessie

Doesn't make sense, he fell for that girl in Maiden's Peak

Why did Ash always dress up in mens clothing?

dat jessie's suit tho

What is the context of this?

That's a great point. Ash never won a tournament or fucked a girl. Worse, he hung out with an electric rat. Some kinda man

Not terrifying, just disgusting.

Do you know what a bisexual is? Um.. look it up, sweetie.

clearly you never watched the show

Its funny.

>in anime men and women's faces look the same
Why are they so progressive, bros? We need to learn more about their amazing hermaphrodite culture.

>men and women's faces look the same
anime characters confirmed to be asian and not white


>population growth: -0.1%

way to go nippon

Beats being flooded by Muslims.

that's not a bad thing considering how fucking crowded their country is

Too many people already in this fucked up world.

More resources for myself, I say.

Ok, gay/bisexual people dress as women apparently. You're still not making any sense cupcake

i can't believe James is gone ;_;


too many people people in india and africa, not in the world

>Crossdressers are gay
You're trying to be PC but you're assuming someone's sexuality based on their hobby

Do you know that is a misnomer and not a literal translation? Anime is the perfect medium for storytelling and self expression.

He's a flamboyant ex rich boy with a femdom complex.

*adjusts glasses*

Listen, fool. You've spoken your foolish rhetoric for long enough. It's time logic destroyed you. Crossdressing (CD as it is known among some circles) is perfectly acceptable behaviour for a bisexual individual.

This is the only reply I will give you. Enjoy it. Do not ever reply to me ever again or I'll have you banned.


You mad fruitcake? You can't do shit. Your attempts at sounding threatening are hilarious