WHICH SIDE did u pick???

WHICH SIDE did u pick???

The side that made the most sense
>Come on, lets just sign this bullshit to make them happy, then we can change it later to say whatever the fuck we want.


a reminder that Tony was right and Cap was wrong.

>Lets just like, give the Government power, we can like totally take it back later peacefully NO PROBLEM.

You vote hardline left don't you?

cap was blatantly and obviously wrong

I'm a centrist and have no strong convictions either way.

The civil war only made sense in the comics where it included the x-men and was basically the mutant registration act again for the fiftieth time

t. Someone who has never given a signature. It was a deal. Governments don't take lightly on the breaking of deals so it would have basically been a ticking time bomb for the Avengers. Cap was right but the way he portrayed it, he seemed like a retarded bro who had no proper reasoning besides "muh bro". Tony being the arrogant douche he is didn't help the situation and actually made it even worse. Why they called it Civil War though is beyond me though

>sure Bucky killed your parents Tony BUT he was mind-controlled bro! it doesnt count lol


I don't care, I'm just here for Scarlett's ass.


These. There was no reason for the government to make that shitty accord in CW. If they had included Inhumans in the movie, it would have been an understandable thing.
The way it happened, it was totally stupid

>Vision and Witch only powerful beings worth of controlling
>both introduced in movie before so pretty much unable to control
>other Avengers in movie no serious threat to the government except for Tony
>Thor and Hulk not even in the movie

Yeah, it was a retarded idea to begin with

Tony is a globalist shill

Neither, because both were retarded.
>WAAAAAAAH, People died when evil robots and aliens attacked them; we couldn't save literally EVERYONE
>That black kid had a 3.8 GPA
>Hey, I'm going to act like a total retard, because I think becoming a criminal will help me clear my friend's name rather than being Captain America

I was rooting for underwhelming Marvel Villain # 15




That's a legitimate complaint though. Why do fucking Tony retards always pick the worst reason to be against Cap while literally every other reason would be acceptable and reasonable?

>brainwashed Hawkeye did nothing wrong in Avengers apparently
>Bucky does it and everyone hates him
>Tony creates Ultron and doesn't instantly go to prison after AoU

In a world where there's magic and all of that shit, one would expect people to be more understanding when something like that happens. Tony not getting jailed up after creating a killer robot DESPITE being warned was the real crime

Ultron was work of Banner and Stark yet no one gives shit about Banner, or perhaps after his rampage in Africa he was sent to space. Who fucking knows

Thor's a prince of a sovereign nation on top of that.

Um Scarlet Witch mind fucked banner and sent him full rage into a populated African city....willing under her own power

If anyone should be in a cage it's her. Hell she should have been fully put down for that type of willful terrorists act

neither was completely right, but cap was retarded for defending bucky and tony was retarded for wanting people to sign away their right to privacy.

Yea but does the government even recognize Asgard? Not like they have had any formal communication with Odin or any governing Asgardian body. And I doubt they have had sit down with Thor concerning the affairs. I doubt they view him as royalty at the moment

based toni

Cap is lawful good
Tony is neutral chaotic

After the SHIELD internet infodump they have to at least be aware of his position. As well as the fact that Asgard could and would send a SWAT team of superbeings to come get him if they locked him in prison or something.

>let's just give the government total control over our lives. SURELY they will voluntarily give it up later.

He's a god who lives in another dimension or on a planet that's arbitrarily far away. What are they going to do, subpoena him?

>the Government
It's the UN.
They churn out "binding agreements" that can't be enforced like a Charmin factory churns out toilet paper. The only purpose of something like the Accords in reality would be to sell to the public the idea that "We're doing something about it, really, no further questions." In reality if the Avengers needed to act they would and the govts. of the world would cover their asses.

>These powers vested to this ruling body totally don't do anything, we just wanna look busy babygirl ;) cmon come suck my pussy it tastes very nice

How exactly is the UN going ot force the Avengers to do anything, dipshit?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand MARVEL films. The symbolism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Marvel's anthropology most of the dialogue will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Tony's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from the "devil in the bottle arc", for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these visuals, to realise that they're not just awesome - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Marvel Films truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the depth in Civil war's existential catchphrase " I am from brooklyn" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Stan lee's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>Governments don't take lightly on the breaking of deals

lol who gives a shit? thor and hulk could probably take out most of the world's armed forces on their own

Thing is the villain in CW was meant to be underwhelming

I don't know tough guy, why don't you take it up with Captain America and see what he says?

Take it up with the fictional character? Great idea.

>it was supposed to be shit

The right side.

neither. the movie made me hate both of them.

I know it is. That's why I said it, you big dumby fuck fuck.

based cap

Captain America was right.


this. Tony was right here
but then again Merifarts dont care aout international laws

Reminder that whatever ideological differences Tony and Steve had became irrelevant when they revealed that Bucky killed Tony's parents in a brainwashed state and that's the real reason the two fight.


I couldn't get invested in the main conflict of this movie. The fight scenes were good tho.

>go to iMax to choose my side
>no options to vote