Race Swapping

Why does everyone care that The Ancient One is a white person and not that they made Ra's Al Ghul white?

Name one jap or edgyptian actor that is actually good.
Protip:No Jackie Chan or Mr. Robot

Because Marvel and Marvel fanboys are always patting themselves on the back on being ''just like the comics! we are not embarrased about it!'' while actually changing tons and tons of stuff.

That and the fact that they altered the character just for the sake of making money on China, so they don't give a flying fuck about these characters beyond their ability to make these $$$$$$$ appear

Probably David Goyer's fault in both cases. He worked on an earlier version of a Doctor Strange movie, then went on to Batman Begins and probably recycled a plot element he was going to use for Doctor Strange in BB, which is why the movie strangely has aspects that feel like a Doctor Strange origin story.

Only PC SJW with too much time on their hands gets into a snit about these things. Normal people don't give a toss.
Jackie Cha... DAMNIT!

A lot can change in a decade. Also Ra's is a villain.

Because casuals don't know what nationality Ra's is.

>Normal people don't give a toss.
>Normal people
Get out.

>Implying casuals have any idea of who the ancient one is

Because D.C. Gets away with shit by virtue of not acting like they care as much. Marvel bends over backwards to show how progressive they are so people think they want to listen to the complaints to learn.

I cared. Still do, Arrow sucks

Actually Ra's identity was a twist. The fake one was presented as the real one until release. It was likely Nolan's idea as he repeated it with Talia.

Well, Ancient One is very specifically from Himalayas.

I honestly can't even think of that many egyptian actors or even middle eastern ones.

because he only became Ra's after the old guy in the ninja temple died, it was a title in the Nolan verse

>It was likely Nolan's idea as he repeated it with Talia.
Yeah, repeated it after the fact. I haven't seen Strange yet, but apparently there's a scene where he sees an old Chinese man he thinks is the Ancient One before he sees Tilda Swinton. It just makes me wonder if it's a remnant of an earlier script, even maybe the one Goyer did.

Ra's was always white until sensei was introduced, he was pashtun aka Aryan as fuck

from what i've heard that sounds like it's more of an easter egg/reference to the comics than anything plot related like in the Nolan movies

They don't. Casuals don't care about side-character XYZ being changed. It's just that someone on the internet went "What? NOT MUH ANCIENT ONE", then that spread to tumblr, who are on autopilot concerning raceswapping, whether they know the source material or not.

Case in point:

>We can't make it a Tibetan monk, China will boycott the movie.
>Let's make the Ancient One white
>Oh but that won't fly with tumblr and left-leaning media
>Make it a woman, then. Or something androgynous for extra brownie points. That'll balance it out.
>How does Tilda Swinton sound?
>Crazy enough to work


>You want asian? We're setting up the Defenders. Iron Fist is a-go-go.


>But it's just like in the Comics, where Danny Rand is a fish out of water in western society and an ethnical minority in K'un Lun


You CANNOT win with these people. That wouldn't be a problem if people weren't constantly giving in to their rhetoric.

But most people who watch the movie will eat up whatever explanation is given and not think anything of it because they've never read a comic in their life.

That Korean guy in lost

>You CANNOT win with these people.
>Give an example of the company giving them two white characters

or they could just adapt like Shang Chi or give a hero an asian sidekick instead of a black guy.

Asians are box office poison in Hollywood and you know it. This is the same shit that Sup Forums argued about over ScarJo being casted in the GITS movie despite the fact that the Japs themselves don't mind and that nobody in anime is Asian.

I still don't understand why they didn't make the ancient one Nepali, nobody has any beef with Nepal or its people.

shang chi is in iron fist

The example is TAO is white but also a woman now.

The second part of the example is to show that they are on auto-pilot with no regard to the source material. It's not fan outrage. It's pretend-nerd indignation fanned into mock-outrage.

We got black Heimdall and black Mordo, right? Mordo even lost his first name and title, because "Karl" would have given him away a bit

They could, yes. But The Master of Kung-Fu is even less known than Danny Rand. They won't feel like it counts.

"Normal" is a quantifyer - calm your tits.

But complaining about inconsistencies with source they know nothing about is a hip thing in Twitter.

>We got black Heimdall and black Mordo, right?
You have to cater to blacks because they'll riot. Asians are bitches and want to suck up to white people.

Because the movie needed women in charge of something or it would be bashed even more by tumblr. The only other female character with lines is Christine Palmer, and she doesn't get that much to do but be Strange's estranged ex and perform surgery on him while he's bleeding to death. There's a faceless follower of Kaecilius that Strange strands in the desert, I don't remember seeing any other females except maybe extras in crowd shots.

>Why does everyone care that The Ancient One is a white person and not that they made Ra's Al Ghul white?

You mean pink.

Fuck the Napalese

>ScarJo being casted in the GITS

She's a stumpy jewess with muffintop, she's not an action hero.

China is embarrassed at its history with the country - and hollywood is eager to please the giant country.

I love it when Sup Forums is stupid enough to think anyone in Hollywood gives a rat's ass about what 'Tumblr' will think.

>nobody in anime is Asian

You a retard or something? They're cartoons.

Asians don't draw themselves with exaggerated Asian features because to them, 'Asian' is the standard template for what a character is assumed to be. They do, however, draw westerners with exaggerated western features.

I'm more upset they made the League of Assassins Asian.

An old Asian guy was supposed to be called Ra's Al-Ghul. What the hell was up with that?

Nah, get out casual.

because Liam is an actual good actor

EXCUSE ME, are you insinuating that Scarlet Johansen in fact does not play most bad ass female character IN ALL OF MCU?!!!

But China and Nepal has a good relationship

Nice try weab. Go back to Sup Forums and jackoff to your loli cartoons.

Everybody knows Japs subconsciously desire to be white. White is the standard of beauty in the world. Especially in Asia. It's why Asian chicks dig white women all the time and why Hollywood stars are treated like gods in Japan. Or why white models and actors are used in their commercials.

Ghassan Massoud. Played Saladin in Kingdom of Heaven.

>They do, however, draw westerners with exaggerated western features.

really depends on the anime, most just make everyone look the same

A fuckton of them don't even get big enough roles to actually act

Their rhetoric is infecting the real world through the media, you know?
Doesn't really matter what some legbeards on the internet think, but it's seeping through onto campus culture as well.

> not Sif
She can't play Nat. Just eye candy.

this is good,,

no and you can't make me.

For me, all race swapping is bad. Whether it be Ra's, Bane, Iris West, or anyone else.

The argument as I understand it is that there are next to no decent roles for Asians/Arabs in movies, and now roles that were designed for Asians/Arabs are being given to white people.

and your talia cast.

Maybe, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence that that affects ticket sales or that Hollywood executives give a fuck.

I love that you're this blatantly blind deaf and dumb to how much of an impact they've already had on culture in general. You're a fucking ostrich. How do you breathe down there?

There are no designated roles in acting. Anyone can play anything theoretically, but within a business context, you cater to where the money is. Nobody that's white is going to watch a movie full of Orientals.

>this stupidity again

Japs don't think anime characters look asian the same way we don't think most cartoon characters look western. Nobody, no matter where the come from, looks like Ben 10 or Dipper, real people don't have faces like that, and they're not detailed enough for us to get a clear sense of ethnicity from them (this is intentional, by the way. It makes it easier for more people to identify with these characters). We do, however, assume them to be western unless stated otherwise, the same way they assume characters to be asian unless stated otherwise.

Ethnic features are only really played up in cartoons when they deviate from the assumed norm of the cartoon in question. And even then it's often really subtle, so that, again, as many people as possible can identify with these characters.

mordo just got blackwashed so it all gets balanced.

Hollywood pretends to give a fuck at least.
If they can spin something as progressive in an effort to boost ticket sales, they will do it. Both the Ancient One and Ghostbusters 2016 either almost or spectacularly backfired.

Probably very little, because your average person doesn't blog on Tumblr, know what Tumblr is, or give a rat's ass about what some minority group on a blog collective thinks about movie casting or culture in general.

That one guy in Iron Man was alright. Ip Man series was decent. Was just obvious Japanese directing and type of acting format. Those are all about I can think of though, so that sets the bar pretty low.

>There are no designated roles in acting.
I said "designed", not designated, and yes, there are designed roles in acting if you're retelling the story.

>Nobody that's white is going to watch a movie full of Orientals.
This is exactly the kind of thinking people have a problem with, the idea that movies should pander to whites to the exclusion of other races. Your movie isn't "full" of Asians just because you add one or two.

Try harder

Characters with blue eyes and blonde hair aren't Jap regardless if they speak the lingo and live in Japan.

I don't know any Arab actresses so I'm at a blank there

Except Shoreh Agdashloo but she's in her 60's

The obnoxious SJW movement hadn't entered full swing by that point.

That said, all complaints about ethnicity in Doctor Strange should be answered the same way - they didn't cast white actors or black actors or whatever actors, they chose absolutely based actors that would play their roles incredibly well.

Mia Khalifa

Why the fuck should people watch a movie with a chink when there's millions of films in Asia doing that? Just have SJWs watch those instead.

It's not tumblr itself but the ideology tumblr embodies. Don't even try to pretend it hasn't affected Marvel comics and DC to a lesser extent.

Because having good actors means sooooo much when it comes to the MCU. Remember how Hopkins phoned in every single line in Thor?

>Asians are bitches and want to suck up to white people.
Just because we don't complain loudly doesn't mean we wouldn't get our revenge later. Rest assured, we remember every transgression.

That, at least, is true. Both Chihuahua Ageoffour and Tilda Swinton killed it.

It hasn't. It only affects you if you're a Sup Forumstard.

>because your average person doesn't blog on Tumblr
No, but they browse Twitter, which is just as bad, and frequent newsfeed sites that are ever at the ready to post clickbait articles on the lack of Diversity™ in American media.


They're generally not meant to be Japanese even in the context of a show if they have that combination of features. Characters like November 11 are given blonde hair and blue eyes precisely to make them stick out from the mostly asian characters in their shows, demonstrating via their different appearance that they are not of the norm, and influencing the audience's assumptions about them.

Be less of a pleb.

Sure you do T.Y. Chung. Now go back to the fuck you came from and make me my iphone.

Yes, that's what everyone's been saying but that's not what they want.

You sound just like those dumbass that think Goku's supposed to be Asian. Nobody gives a shit about your Nip cartoons or casting preferences weab.

Shouldn't you be in a Suicide Squad thread?

Pretty much everyone in Doctor Strange brought a ton of character and believability to their roles. Even Kaecillius, who was interesting but could have been fleshed out more, was enhanced massively by how well Mads played him.

Not Tumblr per say, but it is the ideology and type of "progressive" that Marvel is submitting too. To say that these people don't exist and don't have vocal opinions is absurd. To say that Marvel isn't half listening to these people is also stupid. Take Marvel comics for examples on the level of retardation that "Tumblr" has wrought.

They're too good for the MCU. Same with Hopkins

Last time I checked this is still a white majority country. Asians need to remember their place and STFU.

I don't really care about casting in films.

And Goku's an alien, right? He's not meant to be any ethnicity. His black hair and black eyes are clearly there to make him look markedly asian to the asian audience, though.

Asians are STFU'ing.
It's mostly white people virtue signalling and getting offended at their behalf because it's the [Current Year]

Props to you you've never encountered this shit, because it's getting pretty much into every nook and cranny currently.

>asshurt company loyalists

Look, Warner Bros has made shitty films about DC comics, and shitposting in as many threads as possible will not change that.

This isn't a thread about your vindictive desire to discredit other things because [thing you wanted to like] was bad. Go elsewhere to discuss that.

>Last time I checked this is still a white majority country.
And yet the media would want you to think six or seven out of ten Americans are black.

Most people who will see this movie don't care because like me, they know shit about Doctor Strange.

David Goyer was not involved in the fucking casting.

It is in certain parts of the country I grant you. Georgia has a fuckton of blacks.

Media also wants you to think that gay people are a majority.

>implying console wars
Marvel was already wasting actors in half-baked roles left and right way before MoS or BvS premiered. Hopkins as Odin, Weaving as Red Skull, Rourke as Vanko -- Rourke's case especially was so bad, he up and swore never to work for Marvel/Disney again.

To be fair, it becomes sort of silly when you're making a film set in a non-white country and all the main characters are white for no reason. If you're making something set in Texas or Indiana or wherever, sure, but if you want to shoot a character drama about the Indian cast system, it would be pretty silly to have everyone be white.

Of course, that doesn't apply here, as Doctor Strange is set basically all over the world and they pretty much just grabbed the best actors for the job.

only if she gets her nips fixed

This. It's crazy to think that the majority of the people outraged could possibly be white.

What exactly makes you think I like DC movies? Because I dared to say something negative about these marvel flicks and how literally getting any actor does not matter? Every single last one of them phones it in except for Hiddleton.

Puff puff pass, user. You know the rules.

>White guy Ra's Al Ghul
Honestly I thought it had to do with BB's more "realistic" setting, that they were gonna play it off as some pseudo-mystical body swapping or passing on of the mantle.

There are white arabs though, met some guy from lebanon who looked like an aryan ubermensch

Because it's always about DC movies. It always comes back to that. Every time I've had this discussion, it always ends up that the person screaming bloody murder about how awful and bad these films are is just butthurt that nobody likes DC movies.

I don't like Thor 1 and I can't say shit about Thor 2 as I haven't seen it. Hopkins' scene where he banishes Thor was probably the best bit in the film, however, and it wasn't him that brought the film down - it was Natalie Portman bringing everything down to her level.

Nobody in Doctor Strange phones anything in. They all give great performances, even if I wish one of them had more time devoted to him.

It sounds like irony, but before Hitler and his cronies reclassified the word, Aryans were people from the middle east. Also Albanians can be blonde and blue eyed as fuck.

Batman Begins came out 2005. Nobody cared about this kind of shit back then.

Can't speak for strange since I haven't seen it, and obviously every single DC movie to date has been garbage and trash, but it's fairly obvious every single actor in the MCU, can not speak for Avengers 2 or civil war or thor 2, as I haven't seen those, thankfully, but they all phone it in. Robert downey jr. is good as iron man because he's literally just playing himself. My point being that even if they get good actors, they're still going to give fairly wooden performances because they're super hero movies. As I said, Hiddleton is probably the only actor, that I've seen mind you, that actually aced his ass off. It's just a goddamn shame it happened to be in the worst marvel movie to date.