
>It's because I'm a mutant, isn't it?
>No, it's because you're a nigger.

Oh. Phew! That's a relief.

Realistically people wouldn't treat mutants like this.

Xmen is fucking stupid for the sake of drama. And...

>muuuuh paralels with black people and dusgusting fags

Boku no Hero is a more realistic aproach to the sudden appereance of mutants.

>Boku no Hero is a more realistic aproach to the sudden appereance of mutants.
but isn't that a world where most people have powers?

Could've gone with Hamatora or Tiger and Bunny

Isn't that the one with the mouse?

I think you're thinking of Hamtaro, an anime about a hamster.

What's a Mutant?

The true hero of a world full of quirks. Since he didn't gain powers via cop out and is a tough quirkless vigilante.

>but isn't that a world where most people have powers?

People saw that having powers was better, and breeded with people with powers.

Never understood why people with no powers would start getting belligerent and outright hostile to beings who for all they know, can literally shoot lasers out of their eyes and control the weather.

that's because you are a coward.

well if we're talking about single individuals against a single mutant it doesn't make much sense but in real life you have people who confront other people that was pointing at them white guns, is not logical but isn't necessary unrealistic.
it's more believable for me when is mobs of people chasing a single mutant, especially the ones white shit powers

Every time that they try to do modern mutant prejudice, it is CRINGE as FUCK.

Meanwhile, on the comics entire crowds go happy to the Inhuman cloud to become Inhumans.

Mutants work in a world where nobody else has powers. That's why people are afraid of them. It's a real world response to suddenly finding out there's humans that can read minds and blow stuff up with their eyes.

But when you have hundreds of superheroes and villains in New York, it really makes the mutant hate hard to understand. And that's been an issue for a long time.

People would be crazy to BE the ones with power and how to make free energy out of them.

Not cringe persecution.

Boku no Hero solved great part of the issues by having a middly competent governament that register powers.

It's also implied that peaceful society they have right now is kinda of a recent thing

Godddamn, kiddo, that's too much sperg even by weeb standards.

Remember that the mutants were supposed to be a parallel for racism. The only reason why giant robots aren't flying around killing black people is because the technology isn't there yet.

Real life conflicts are based on differences in cultural/ethnic environment, there's nothing in x-men universe that can trigger "us vs them" mentality.

What I said implied that I'm a weeb?

its not like it can not work its just that no one at marvel wants to think about it for longer then 2 seconds

X-Men always should have been it's own separate setting and not part of 616.

>Sentinels wiping out BLM
We can dream

Iirc most of the mutants that the audience isn't exposed to are of the monstrous, shitty-powers variety. People that have really awful, scaly skin and projectile vomit bloody napalm from their ass, that sort of thing. It's easy to imagine that people would generally despise mutants if they were a repulsive, criminally-inclined underclass with a natural tendency towards violence.


I do remember the episode when they went back in time to stop Xavier's assassination. someone showed up to tell "your types" to get out, and Xavier gets all pro-mutant on him

"Not you! Them!" *points to the black half of the table

and they sort of roll their eyes at a point in time when people judged people by colors rather than super powers

>hurr the X-Men, one of the consistently largest and best comic franchises across multiple forms of media is shit, Grorious Nippon did it better

gas yourself anime fag

that virus thing, sublime literally put a subliminal message in all humans without mutant genes to hate mutants.

>But when you have hundreds of superheroes and villains in New York
Yeah, New York. Everyone else isn't desensitized to the weird shit that goes on there.

>there's nothing in x-men universe that can trigger "us vs them" mentality
You sure about that?

>special snowflake faggots chose not to identify as human, but totally expect to be entitled to HUMAN rights
>they don't even emphasis on simply being non-human, they call themselves fucking "homo superior" like they're the diversity friendly ubermensh or something
>most of them cause serious complications for virtually every measure of security and law enforcement possible, but don't want the government to know whether or not they have the powers to evade law enforcement if they go on a vicious raping spree or level their own neighborhood by accident
>too many of them have stupidly dangerous powers, or simply some HUGE edge over everyone else that leaves your average joe at a serious disadvantage when co-existing with them, but the center of every single discussion you'd ever have with one revolves around their """oppression""", and how """hard""" it is to have the ability to shit gold or heal from any injury and never be sick
>shitlords like Magneto murder hundreds of thousands of millions of humans, and aren't held accountable for their actions so the muties "on our side" can keep advancing the plot for their shitty soap opera lives
>that bald shit-for-brains telepath keeps trying to play the "pacifist" route without any specific agenda besides "no bully pls", and ends up getting his stupid cripple brain stolen and weaponized by a super-nazi
>pretty much any future where they have a significant presence is a "BAD END" by default

>human beings murder each other for supporting the wrong sports team
>no one would be mean to a dude covered in bone armor!

also I thought Boku no Hero was a joke based on that gay shota manga, just goes to show how generic and pathetic the medium, die weeb

I always like the idea of that Professor X and Magneto are single-handedly behind all the mutant hate. That they actively try to plant seeds of rage against meetings and the X-Men and Brotherhood if Evil Mutants and such are all set up just to basically give themselves a reason to exist. Every single thing that goes on in the X-Men storylines involving the mutants was all done by those two setting it up just to have a point just so they can have something to do.

>Realistically people wouldn't treat mutants like this.

Sure they wouldn't

Well yeah they treat him like that in the real world where there are no superpowers, but this is a comic book universe we are talking about. There is no reason in hell that Spiderman can get off the hook for all his spidery spider powers but another kid who just woke up one day able to climb walls shoot webs from his rest and have a precognitive sixth sense would get any shit from anyone.

Wasn't he what the author planned to make the MC but changed his mind thinking it wouldn't attract as much attention?

>guy doesn't want to stir up a hornets nest
>lol youre a coward, why don't you want to get stung to death like me?

>but isn't that a world where most people have powers?
It's not quite that simple. Powers started appearing one day. After the initial confusion, there was a LOT of conflict. A lot of supervillains causing trouble, along with just the standard disarray. It's implied humans would have been to space by the time of the manga if not for quirks appearing.

By the time of the manga, it's mostly peaceful (primarily thanks to the Superman equivalent stopping most villains). Almost everyone has a power by now, since they see the advantage in it.

...actually, it sounds almost exactly like mutants from Marvel.

one day buddy one day

>Lets be dicks to the guy who could kill all life in their whole city with a single thought!
If anyone was legitimately that stupid they would have drowned on their own spit as an infant.

Pick up that stick and slowly, and carefully now AGITATE THE HELL OUT OF THIS MUTANT!

This was always the case when it came to IRL ethnic conflict, though. If you oppress any group to a sufficient degree, they'll inevitably fight back at some point, and the consequences of terrorism and racial strife will be reaped. Those groups having mutant powers ups the ante, but that doesn't mean people won't try to be dicks to them, especially if they're pre-dominantly freakish, impoverished criminals.

yo forgot
*ba-dam tshhh*

This was always the case when it came to IRL ethnic conflict, though
Last time I checked a black guy has never used his laser beam eyes to atomize someone for calling him "nigger"

You probably missed the part when Avengers were outlaws, Spider-Man was / is considered a menace, FF was hated / loved by public, Hulk was feared, and people boycotting outside of Dr Strange's house

dude, one telepath in our world would completely change it overnight. imagine one evil telepath in our world and the damage it would happen. now imagine that the next step of the evolution is humankind getting weirder and freakier randomly

>people can't differentiate between good and bad muslims because some of them do terrorist attack
>no, people will totally accept mutans and not generalize or fear them even when some of them destroy half the planet on a regular basis

pick one

I actually think that works to the advantage to the narrative of what the mutants usually are analogies for. To me, at the very least, it's made no sense why people are so afriad of people who kiss people of the same gender or dare I say it, people being transgender.

go kill yourself weeboo fag

Strength in numbers. Its why its usually a lynch mob that attacks.

In the rare event you are the shelted type who doesn't believe discrimination still exists. I invite you to go take a tour of or pretend to be black/muslim on some of these boards. You will discover very quickly the sort of hate X-men attempt to show.

Not to bring politics into this, but just go watch the Trump rallies, and replace muslim with mutants. It would be like that word for word.

>Muslims have been part of America for over a 100 years
>Only in last 50 since bonding with greatest ally have they suddenly become a problem
>People still think mutants who accidentally kill people will be accepted with open arms

Yea minus the giant robo hit squads, Marvel's persecution of the x-men is pretty much spot on.

Muslims and Jews are the sole reason that this world is full of war and conflicts

Doesn't /x/ take breaks? Unless Europeans/Asians have transcended their bodies into higher evolution forms. Then simple fact is humans are reason for conflict and people will find reasons to fight each other.

If Jews/Muslims were missing whites would just find a new reason to war on Asians/blacks. If those groups were missing whites would subdivided who are true whites and war the other group. And this isn't some blame whitey shit either as blacks/yellows/etc would do the same thing given the seat of power.

But let me guess, that is lie right? The mean ole Jews tricked the innocent blond hair, blue eyed mountain whites into fighting every war right user?

No, they wouldn't. Where was the last time Asians and Whites fought together? Also all ethnic conflicts with Blacks are inspired by Jews.

The reason that Muslims and Jews are problem, is because they still cling to their ancient traditions. Literally ever other nation secularized and modernized

Which X-Men Cartoon and what season?

Well, except for the "we all have powers because holy shit superpowers are awesome" part of it. But we can place that firmly on the shoulders of Marvel civilians being such dicks they'll happily cut off their nose to spite their face

people should seriously re-read JLA / Avengers.
That page where Superman is disgusted by Marvel universe's citizens is glorious

Also, that page where Quicksilver is shocked that in DCverse, citizens have museums dedicated to superheroes

That's a protest, not a boycott.
This is a whisky and scotch situation.

Yeah, because the citizens totally didn't burn Vision and Scarlet Witch's house.
They "boycotted" them, lol

I found the part with Flash pretty good. "Guys, chill out, if this 'mutant' kid did something wrong just call the cops..." and then he's swarmed by an angry murderous mob.

It hurts that I will never be able to enjoy this since it's style is so painfully weeaboo. Soul Eater I don't mind not being able to watch but this looks kind of fun

yeah, "he probably some mutie as well"
it was hilarious that for Dc-heroes MU seemed like some kind of hell, considering that DC is really good and popular with its noir / detective characters (not only Batman obv, but also Question, Vigilante, etc.)

It was an episode of TAS where Fitzroy goes back in time to cap Xavier. Bishop stops him with help from not-AOA Wolverine and Storm who are also a couple in the alternate timeline.

I know you're being facetious, but there has without a doubt been at least one instance where a black guy has shot someone that called him a nigger.

the problem with comic book readers is that due to them never growing up enough to read real literature (that comics were supposed to get them into), they treat everything literally

the concept of metaphor is lost on them

WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, the current rivalry between China and the West that will probably spark WWIII at some point? You'd have to be insanely ignorant to think that Asians and Europeans have never entered conflict, or for that matter that their conflicts haven't defined the bloodiest periods in pre-modern history, and you'd have to be straight-up insane to think that Europeans and Asians won't enter into conflict again in the future, particularly with China and India explicitly holding hegemonic ambitions.

I asked "where was the last time". All that you mention is a distant past. And guess who inspired most the conflicts?

>70 years ago is the distant past
Tell that to the Nips who are still grumbling about getting glassed.

This makes me remember about the time when goldeballs became a celebrity for being a hero until someone said he was a mutant, then everyone turned against him

You're an imbecile if you think any of those conflicts could be called the "distant past." And no, Jews did not inspire all of the world's conflicts, you dumb shitposting pollack -- you can't absolve a race of all its sins by blaming all of its problems on another race or vice versa, whether it's Jews and whites or whites and blacks.

well, yeah, it's a distant past, it happened before your grandparents were born

found a disgruntled jew

>Boku no Hero
>Not Jojo
shit taste user

Isn't the world of BnH one where the majority have powers and those who don't are hated and looked down upon in the same way Mutants are also hated and looked down upon in Marvel? Also, wasn't there a shit ton of wars and conflicts that led to BnH's world as we know it? I remember reading on Sup Forums threads about that. If anything, BnH doesn't do jack shit better, since it presents a completely different subject from mutants! Mutants are the minority; they're all generalized because of the few mutants that destroy shit. That doesn't work in BnH where EVERYONE has powers, and those who don't are the bottom of the barrel in their society.

>forced to ignore countless examples of human beings behaving like this
>likes anime
>is a homophobe

Wow, it's like you ticked every box on how to be worthy of death.

Maybe because you're a gibbering idiot or desperate to ignore real life?

Except Spidey doesn't get off the hook, or at least he didn't until Slott took over. Remember that practically half of New York saw him as a menace thanks to JJ publishing his "SPIDEY'S A MENACE" thing on the Bugle. Spidey wasn't always seen in a positive light for a long time.

Dude, there was a war between the British and the Chinese over Opium. China and Europe or America having conflicts has been a thing long before this "it's the Jews fault" bullshit existed.

Are you retarded?

>getting glassed
I thought it was considered polite over there as well to offer to buy someone a drink?

>The South China Sea conflict going on RIGHT NOW is the distant past
