Stan Lee gets creator status in the credits

>Stan Lee gets creator status in the credits

Why though? Steve Ditko was the sole creator and even Stan Lee has admitted this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stan Lee is still classed as creator in order to get get the mone from it.

Non comic book fans have no idea who Ditko is and love Stan Lee, anything with Stan Lee must be good in the casual fan's mind.

Stan Lee created everything

Including the modern Marvel

Why else would he still be alive this whole time?

if the avengers in any indication they'll fix it in the sequel when people on the internet get mad about it. Though I wonder if Steve could possibly care

I'd imagine we've gotten to the point where the fans pretty much just expect his name to be there.

Stan Lee created comics. All comics in existence were created by Stan Lee.

Superman? Stan Lee.
Batman? Stan Lee.
Garfield? Stan Lee.
Calvin and Hobbes? Stan Lee.
Maus? Stan Lee.

Stan Lee is the linchpin to comics. When he inevitably dies, so too do comics (at least as far as casual fans are concerned).

Another good reason not to watch this crap.

Because Ditko became a crazy hermit, that's why. Nobody wants to acknowledge him in an official capacity anymore.

>Stan Lee gets creator status in the credits
If Stan Lee shouldn't be credited as a co-creator of Doctor Strange, even though he contributed to the name, wrote dialogue for the original run, leading to him coming up with Dormammu before Dormammu was even visually depicted on-panel, then by the same token, Ditko should't be credited as co-creator of Spider-Man, even though he made the suit, improved the web shooter idea, and did the art for the original run, by the same dint of him not having the initial idea. Kirby was even involved with Spider-Man before he got to it.

>Superman? Stan Lee.
>Batman? Stan Lee.

He totally did, haven't you ever heard of Just Imagine... Stan Lee Creating the DC Universe? :^)

You know, I was totally wondering too if there were a bunch of people who probably think Stan Lee is the creator of Deadpool now because of his cameo in Wade's movie.

>Batman? Stan Lee.
But user, Bob Kane was the sole creator of Batman, him and no one else.

I believe OP is arguing that at the very least Ditko should get co-creator credits since he supposedly doesn't have any. I don't know if stan lee actually said that it was Steve's idea but if he did that would also defeat the purpose of the Kirby analogy

Also I saw your original post. I think you made your point well enough

>I believe OP is arguing that at the very least Ditko should get co-creator credits since he supposedly doesn't have any.
He didn't say that.
OP, if you're still in the thread, are you upset that it said "Created by Stan Lee" or that it said "Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko"

>Though I wonder if Steve could possibly care
You think he even got an invite to the premiere?

He could have. I watched a documentary where someone called him and did answer. Also a 7-year old kid wrote him a letter which he responded to. But I can't imagine him ever showing up

Because Stan Lee was savvy enough to have his name included in the contract.

Ditko is and always was a reclusive weirdo who never made demands but complained when things weren't given to him.

I had to explain to my uncle that Stan Lee neither writes nor dictates his work to get written for him, and is basically a figure head that they roll around to cons. It's funny that people still think he has a hand in everything.

Can't you read user, it was a co-production between Bob and God.

>He didn't say that.

Yeah you're right. I assumed he didn't have credit because if he did why make a thread beside to complain about stan lee getting a lot of credit without giving lip services to other creators. Though you could just make a thread about that instead

Can cam-rip watchers confirm?

The reason I ask is because Derrickson and Feige mentioned Kirby's work as an influence a lot in interviews, so if they have any pull, which they probably do, they'd probably want him to see it.

>if he did why make a thread beside to complain about stan lee getting a lot of credit without giving lip services to other creators.
Because according to contrarians Stan Lee created and contributed nothing. I've actually seen people claim that on this board.

>Steve Ditko - goy
>Stan Lee - full blooded jew
yeah, I wonder

Kek, you're right. Forgot about that.

>It's funny that people still think he has a hand in everything.

we'll it just makes sense really. Most of the early comic book creators are dead/really old and non of the other have as many prominent cameos. The only one I can think of is ed brubaker being a surgeon in winter solder and frank miller being a guy who got killed in daredevil

Because Ditko will have nothing to do with Marvel at all, ever.
Which includes a credit on a film.

Like Alan Moore.

from what I've read of and about ditko he seems both very principled in general and plain business when it comes to his marvel stuff. When asked about spider-man (around 2012 I believe) he said it was just another job. Even if they're wanted him for genuine insight or a PR blurb he might have shut it down just out of sheer principle I guess.

I'm surprised nobody has tried to smash this yet. People have done worse over less.

I feel like I remember one user saying he had peed on it.

I can understand their frustrations with the marvel method. I think utterly removing stan is a bit too much, but the current set up isn't good either. But creator credit in general especially in regards to comic books is probably not a concern for non-fans which are most people.

do think ditko cares when he sees a billboard or something for this like when he rides the subway

Stan also gets credit for shit like the Inhumans and Black Panther which were Kirby concepts

Majin Buu? Stan Lee.
Hitler? Stan Lee.
You local Starbucks barista? Stan Lee.
You're mother? Stan Lee.
God? Stan Lee.

What? It doesn't need Stan Lee. Fuck I would even bet that 60% of casuals don't even know who stan lee is still. All it needs is Marvel's logo and people will eat it up

>I would even bet that 60% of casuals don't even know who stan lee is still
this nigga

why would Steve care about creations with no moral character?

Stan Lee? Jackie Chan.

What you just posted in the picture though though? That isn't the "Marvel Method" Lee used with Ditko, that's when Stan was in his capacity as an editor. The Marvel Method was Stan comes up with a plot synopsis, Ditko or Kirby draw out that story with notes to Stan about the art (which were sometimes ignored or overridden by how Stan wanted to interpret the panels) and then Stan filled in the narration and the dialogue. The variable aspect was how much Stan had input before the initial panels were drawn, and that's reflected in the credits on the comics, because some will say things like "Story and script by Stan Lee" or just "Script by Stan Lee"

I actually posted the wrong image accidentally but since I can't remember the issue I'll just drop the whole thing unless someone in the thread has those layout from the jack kirby collector?

Because roger the Stan Lee experience is 100% factual