GoT: the Prequel Series

A great idea for when GoT finishes is to make a Prequel show. Each character can get their own prequel era so for instance:

>A story of Littlefinger being romantic with younger Catelyn and Lysa Tully
>Davos' smuggling past before he met Stannis
>Tywin's past battles
>Day to day life of Cersei and Jaime being romantically involved
>Day to day life of Joffrey showing how he slowly became a cold and selfish person
>Day to day life of young Ned and Robert's Rebellions events
>Aerys II Targaryen's past life and day to day life of him in the Iron Throne room

only a great idea if you make money on GoT

>4 scripts already confirmed
>roberts rebellion ruled out
Dunk & Egg CONFXRMXD!!


Most of them are shit beside Tywin and Roberts Rebellion. Beside that Tywin fought not many Battles and his most notable one was against the Ninepenny Kings. So you could make a series which starts at the End of the War of the Ninepenny Kings and end it at Jon Arryns Death.
But HBO Said the only prequel they planned is about Daenerys and Jons backstory. So it will be absolute bullshit.

>Daenerys' and Jon's backstory
What backstory? We already saw their forced 3 ep transition from meeting to lovers.

>A great idea for when GoT finishes is to make a Prequel show

The only one i could potentially get behind is a 2 movie/trilogy theatrical release of roberts rebellion.

Everything else would be poorly written assuming the squat fat man will never again write at a consistant pace, he wont be able to write thought out story lines for side stories.

>White walkers win
>Show follows their post-war day-to-day shenanigans
>Winter ends and they need to return to the north
>Final episode is like Koyaanisqatsi - shots of empty scenery

Who is this American idiot

Fuck no, when this series is over; I'll celebrate having finished this vastly overrated series

They are currently working on eight spin-offs.

A prequel series is probably the worst idea possible. The best elements of Game of Thrones' writing are:
A) Intrigue
B) The uncertainty of characters fates.
You'll notice how the last few seasons have mostly done away with this and the show has suffered for it. Most of the audience knows now what will happen and keep watching purely to see the jigsaw fall into place. If you were to do this with a prequel series the show would fall apart all together. We would already know who lives and who dies and we would already know where the plot is heading. The best thing they could do would be to focus on entirely minor characters who, if they were to live or die, wouldn't have a major impact in the future, most likely peasants or knights. The issue they have there is that most of the plot would be 100% outside of these characters control. It's a difficult balancing act and any spin off show would likely be awful.

fuck u all

I'd like to see fanfic about ancient Valyria that ends in its doom. Then again I'm not sure if it's best to leave a mystery or have them ruin it completely.

Or maybe they could do a show about first men and children of the forest. Or just backtrack like 500 years from GoT and make something completely original. Have GRRM give rough strokes with characters, plots and such so we don't get too many Auriel shits from Hobbit.

I don't want to see a Young Dany or whatever.

>But HBO Said the only prequel they planned is about Daenerys and Jons backstory.

You could say the same shit for Star Wars, ASOIAF is just the new star wars now. As long as they can shove in dragons and a shitload of cgi and if they can get a writer who can write competent political intrigue, they can retcon any part of the Targaeryen dynasty or set it in the Free Cities and people will watch.

The Hound can be another segment where we follow his hatred of his brother who scarred him and did many horrible things to him

>ASOIAF is just the new star wars now.
So Rhaegar is Anakin and Lyanna is Padme and King Robert is Obi Wan?

>no dance of dragons

I am dissapoint.

In the show world they are among the only characters that make the story more than just a boring old Europe story. Bran has some interesting power now but he has been followed around since he was a child. In the show they got rid of the ability for the kids to all warg into their wolves

>Robert swings his sword
>Rhaegar defends himself

>he isn't a jew
>he watches TV instead of selling it

>In the show world they are among the only characters that make the story more than just a boring old Europe story.
And yet I have began reading the books and wtf all the characters are so much better and Dany is actually the weakest.

I love the Lannister, Baratheon political subplots and wish the show would have done these parts better instead of constantly cutting to Dany with "MUH FREE THE SLAVES AND MUH DRAGONS"

What I mean is the series has cornered the market on a certain type of storytelling or tone, combining the gritty medieval intrigue with cinematic visuals and special effects. You can argue that it has gone way downhill, I totally agree, but there are arguably only 2 good Star Wars films and people still obsess over that. It's simply an easy universe to become obsessed with so even if the prequel show flops, you'll still see people dressed as Khal Drogo and Cersei at Comic con in 15 years. You can either try to make positive contributions to the ASOIAF community or choose to ignore it, otherwise the fandom will just irritate you.

>tfw no 3 headed dragons
They could always make up that 3 headed dragons were the real ancient ones and then we get a prequel to one of them

>but there are arguably only 2 good Star Wars films
The Phantom Menace is a masterpiece to me if you take out Jar Jar and fix up some dialogue. I loved seeing the early days of the Jedi and seeing them all together as well as Maul walking around with Sheev and Qui Gon strongly believing Anakin would grow up to fix all the problems.

Seriously it has a really underrated story. Even Liam Neeson called the story "epic" in the ancient mythological sense and it is as it borrows from older religions but does a great sci fi spin on it.

I don't want to argue with you about this film but I am serious when I say I truly appreciate it.

Attack of the Clones is far more weaker than TPM. I saw an 80 minute cut that got rid of all the romance subplot and the movie was far more enjoyable. Best part was when Obi Wan had to find the missing planet and the secrecy of Dooku but we didn't get much of that plot unfortunately.