Why aren't there any movies about the plight of balding men?

Why aren't there any movies about the plight of balding men?

>be 27yo touchless virgin
>also balding
>don't give a shit

why is being bald such a big problem for normalshits?

Didn't you see Man of Steel? BvS?

>3 years!

Damn PJW looks like that?

can you imagine that?


Elliot had luscious locks naturally and never had sex.

Can you fucking believe it? THREE YEARS!

>No sex for three years

Hha w-what a loser

His downfall was being a manlet.

>3 years

Is that the ducklipped rightwing faggot?

>three years
Obvious fake news, nobody can go without sex for three years.

>didn't have sex for THREE YEARS


>not shaving it off and looking good

And a Psychopath Chink Dicklet lmao

Wow...three years...That must have been awful.

is that Paul Joseph Watson?

I didnt fuck for 3 weeks and already feel like a loser

Holy shit man, I don't think I could stay sane after 2 weeks bro, ehehe em I right guys

>this is what hairlets tell themselves

>3 years without sex

>Shaving off
>looks good

I have a bad news for you

>tfw used to be a 6'2 chad with healthy black hair
>lost half of my hairline within 2 years
>can't go out without a hat
>feel so anxious all the time because of it
>become shut in loser

you are. sex doesnt changes anything

Why this is in caps? Is this suppose to be shocking?

Woah THREE YEARS without sex how do you manage?

FFS, just go full bald.

Fully bald, if buff, is brutal as fuck.

just shave your head

Nah I only feel so because my friends are giga fuckbois and have Sex with different girls in one week
But how can a Sup Forums virgin understand this I ask myself?

you think you look like Stratham and not a holo-survivor

Better to look like fucking Vitas than to look like Homer Simpson.

>His downfall was being a manlet.
not such a harsh downfall now is it

to look like a lanklet concentration camp victim

>I only feel so
stop feeling so then

> three years

haha imagine being that much of a loser lads end me

> Make a movie about the plight of bald men in 2017
> It's outdated in less than five years because of all the new treatments

ducklips and sucking in his cheeks? this man is 100% homosexual

would you rather be balding or short?

>No one cared who I was until I put on the hair


im 28 and going gray. i dont know wtf is going on.

People have been saying that for last 50+ years

>tfw healthy long hair
>only old women compliment it

how bad is it?

happened to me too, it can be genetic.


you thinks that's bad?


save up for plugs, you have good hair for plugs

>it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our hair

oh boy

Take Finasteride if you're going bald 1mg a day will do, it'll probably ruin your boners a bit but it'll stop it falling out even more.


I went gray and bald when I was 17

Show cock boi

"brutal as fuck" isn't really something a normal person would want to go for

If I pulled your hair, would you die?

you're very cute so don't worry too much

>for last 50+ years

For thousands of years actually. Egyptians put crocodile fat on their heads or something.
But stem cells wasn't around back then.

Can you not afford hair plugs? If you're a shut-in anyways, you can hide while it grows in

>Caring this much about impressing women

Who fucking cares what they think. Most people here probably wouldn't be kicking any goals with or without hair.

Sounds made up clickbait shit for a slow news day.
1" isn't humanly possible

Haha how could someone go 3 years without sex haha

If you're a numale, sure.

dude they are never gonna find a cure. think of all the rich bald fat gross mother fuckers that have ever existed. with all that money they would have found a way to stop it already if it was possible.

looks like shit though. I don't have the head for it.

>shave your head if you're bald, you'll look brutal

Let's face it. Most people here would like Stephen Merchant in Logan or like Jabba the Hutt.

>kicking any goals

Wtf does this mean? Besides, it's perfectly socially acceptable to shame men for body deformities for some reason, premature hair loss, micropenis, bad jawline. Makes many of us insecure with women so here we are

So the dickhead doesn't have sex for three years and now that he's getting offers he's turning them down?
What a jack wagon.

check muh do

And his crippling autism, don't forget that.

hahhahahahaha where is this from

>the plight of balding men
this ridiculous "plight" is something they put on themselves. they are too insecure and hide it to the point of it ruining their lives, as it did with this man. if they are this shallow about their own appearance, then i can only imagine how they would be in a relationship.

He probably masturbated twice today and didn't eat or sleep much.

they are insecure because they are bald

one inch was flaccid. he was a whole 2.7" erect.

More like hair4u

Why would you keep your hair that long if you're going bald? Of course you're not going to get laid.

Danger zone user

Curb your google image search.

Is that the Infowars "well imagine my shock" guy? Looks like a nonce, 2bh.