Marvel's Inhumans is currently sitting at 0% on RottenTomatoes

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Good, they keep trying to push them at the expense of the X-Men, just give FOX a bajillion dollars for the X-Men rights already

bruh look at these dudes

Inhumans were always a joke. I don't understand why they try to push it as "the cooler X-Men"

Is this the beginning of the end for tv capeshit?
One can only fucking hope it is.

looks like some cosplayers from comic con

I thought they gave up on doing a standalone inhumans project because it's shit, and that's why agents of shield got to do what they want with it.

This is what's supposed to take the X-Men's place in the MCU?

Isn't AoS canceled now?

season 5 is out in a few months, but it's being moved to friday night so I dunno maybe they're trying to kill it.

I can't believe Iwan Rheon agreed to star in this piece of shit right after GoT,this is going to fuck his career up

What the fuck that redhead

Wtf is that the Ramsay dude? He deserves better than this lol.

what are you talking about, ramsay was a wacky evil meme of a cartoon character, this awfulness isn't that much of a step down.

They are like the Xmen but instead of cool and relatable they are arrogant royals who own SLAVES. Yeah good luck selling THAT to millenials

where is our guy armond white to save us?

I just can't get over hoq ugly that redhead is. She truly is inhuman.

>just give FOX a bajillion dollars for the X-Men rights already
No. Fox is doing fine with the franchise. X2, days of future past, and logan are all better than anything marvel has produced.

Even he won't stoop low enough to support capeshit of this caliber

>Who own SLAVES
dude it's even worse they captured humans and make then retards mongols to do all the work in Attilan

she looks like an alex ross drawing

and Legion is the only tv capeshit that's not a bag of shit.

Armond is a DC man

Oh wow how far has this actor fallen? Seriously you were on a hit hbo show and now you're on B team capeshit.

with a terrible facial hair


Jesus Christ, just the looks of the characters is already too hilarious for me. They actually decided to make a show about a C-list comic book with a giant teleporting bulldog.

It's getting decent ratings and reviews are good. I tried watching the show myself after people said it becomes good after the first half of season 1. And they were actually right for once. Not sure what they did but the show seems to completely change after a certain point and it becomes fun and compelling to watch.

Let's be honest. At the time he was approached, Marvel could do no wrong and was making everyone rich stars. The Inhumans project just really got shafted and he already signed a contract.

Shithumans taking the deep dick.

Nobody wanted the inhumans even in the comics.
Marvel Studios should have just put them in all the movies before Civil War to make that more of a civil war.

>Iwan Rheon
>Anson Mount
What did they were they thinking?


>Doing fine
>3 out of 8 films are ok
Wow, they are doing amazingly with the franchise!

Better than Marvel's track record of 1 out of 16 films and 8 tv shows being ok.

Fucking bullies

Is that Starfire? She doesn't look black AT ALL! Das racis!

I thought the same thing.
>redhair with purple outfit
What did they mean by this? And why isn't her outfit like this?

can black women have those proportions?

wait is that Bohannon?

The Swede would be so so disappointed


With costumes like that I'm already turned off

So Fan4stick did better than this?



>This is theoretically in the same universe as Daredevil.

pls no

>token black guy
>token asian guy

This shit might actually be so bad that it boomerangs into badtastic territory. I hope the effects are as shit as the costumes and they play it all deadly serious.

This could be unintentional comedy gold.

bad ones at that too

Alright...Karnak, Black bolt, Medusa, Crystal and Maximus...who's the poncho-wearing black dude?

Can't be Triton. I don't think anyway.

nice eye

It's not over until Armond White writes his review.

They got nothing else.


If the slaves are white it could be woke af

thanks man

>dcfags are going to carry this over our heads for years to come



Are you fucking retarded or what?

Unironically kys yourself


they did give up but Ike still wanted to do an Inhumans thing so the made it a TV movie with no budget instead

Niggas gotta eat yo.

Nobody likes the Inhumans.
Nobody has ever actually liked the Inhumans.
Black Bolt is a meme.
Medusa and Crystal and third rate waifus AT BEST
Maximus is Loki for edgelords
Karnak is meme for hipsters
Gorgon is a literally who
Triton is such a fucking nobody you're wondering who Triton is right now

They are inbred royalty who are literal slave-owners who ritualistically mutilate their children for cultural reasons whose problems are all created by their own arrogance and refusal to countenance that anybody else at all ever has a point.
Also they're all boring.
Fuck the Inhumans

this is completely retarded

>with a giant teleporting bulldog
spoilers: he's the most likable character

wow wrong move senpai

Perlmutter would rather try and turn them into the X-Men then pay to get the X-Men's rights back.

Oh right.

How underwhelming. He has a cool design in the comics.

>It's not over until Armond White writes his review.
oh boy will it be a sneering line of faggot drool attempting to couch it as a mirror of what's wrong in Trump's America, I can't possibly imagine

who's a good little uncanny valley nightmare? you are!

at this point chroma keyed footage of an actual dog would look more natural

It's depressing what Marvel has done to Black Bolt over the years. This guy just looks retarded.

Disney could land a fleet of C-130s full of gold bars at Fox's doorstep and they still wouldn't sell the X-Rights back because they know it's fucking with Disney that Marvel can't have a third of its characters in movie/TV form so they have to pump out crap like this.

Same reason Universal is hanging on to the distribution rights for Hulk.

It's not just about making money, it's about stopping the other guy from making as much money.

>Disney could land a fleet of C-130s full of gold bars at Fox's doorstep and they still wouldn't sell the X-Rights back
Disney wont have to. The X-movies are making less and less money. They'll give them the same deal they gave sony for spider-man. Fox gets full access to the marvel universe, and disney cleans up on the merchandising and comic book sales.

Medusa and Gorgon looks atrocious

Crystal is meh

Karnak and Black Bolt is "we'll see but not hoping on anything" tier

I hope Ramsay Maximus delivers

>From the director of Scorpoin King 3.......SCORPION KING THREE....LMFAO

They couldn't even afford to get the guy from Scorpion King 2 whoever that is??

Is TRUMP on lil wayne's hat?

they went from a serial format to season long story arcs

Fox isn't over a financial barrel or suffering from a hacking scandal like Sony was. And while the X-Men movies aren't making as much as they used to, they didn't bomb as badly as the ASM franchise did. Even if the franchise loses steam, they'll still squeeze a turd out once in a while to keep the rights. Look at Fantastic Four.

Besides I'm not sure you get the specifics of the Sony deal. Disney wouldn't give Fox access to any MCU characters. They'd make X-Men movies and Fox would get the distribution rights in exchange for pitching a bit of money towards production to assume some of the risk. That's deal Sony made with Disney for Spidey.

Anyway, there ain't gonna be no X-Men in the MCU anytime in the next decade.