What bothers you more:

What bothers you more:

All those girls dressing as SS Harley Quinn for halloween?
Or parents dressing their little daughters as SS Harley Quinn for halloween?

Why should I CARE?

Sup Forums sure does moralfag wrong when they fap to most of the good female characters who dress like whores unironically

Neither. I'm just amused you're so triggered by both.

I'm not bothered by either.

Me not being in a situation where I can meet women dressed up as SS Harley Quinn for Halloween :(

>harley costume
>hero section

Any good parent should dress their kids in non slut attire.

I mean, if you've ever wanted to fuck Harley Quinn, this year is going to be the closest you'll ever get.

Can't complain about girls dressing as Harley because even now we have a bunch of cringy dudes dressing up as TDK Joker.
I'll say that no one should really consider Harley a role model but it's not like Halloween is only about role models. Kids can dress up as characters if they just like the look. Hopefully not Skwad Harley though. My niece was the cartoon Harley Quinn last year.

All those boys wanting to /ss/ me in my Harley costume. :(

>parents dressing their little daughters as SS Harley Quinn for halloween.

What bothers me is people dressing up as Harly Quinn over all. She's such a shit character.

Skwad harley is fine and I enjoy that it is directly inspired by a female punk singer

How can a man derive so much pleasure from just jerking off?
It's quite admirable

Because Harley's popular, user

As legions of soccer moms have shown, when you hate something popular the easiest way to attack it is from a moral standpoint

Why is she shit, in your opinion

A woman in my office was out on her lunch break buying hair dyes so her six year old could go as Harley last week.

To be fair, she did say it was from Superhero Girls rather than SS, but still.

All those thousands of Harleys for Halloween, yet no/not Jester!Harley.

>What's the point?

Halloween isnt a big deal here. Only kids care about it.

Why would I give a shit what someone dresses up as anyway? And how is this any different from the legions of nerds dressing up as Heath Ledgers joker?


I want to fuck the cute jewy Harley from BTAS, no his slutty clown costumed nobody.

Neither. There are a lot of pretty hot girls too who put effort in their costumes, so win/win.



I don't see a distinction

Nothing wrong with little girls dressed as non-slutty villains. Or will you object to girls dressed as witches next?

It's a pretty sexualized costume, which is fine--for adults, but I don't think it's something a child should wear.

It bothers me more that you even care at all OP. "Oh no girls will be walking around in hot pants for Halloween! We must inform the village elders!"

>A chance to dress up as sluts AND show everyone how """"nerdy"""" and randumb they are

were you really expecting anything else?

capeshit in general is shit but people still dress as superman

>Or parents dressing their little daughters as SS Harley Quinn for halloween?

Definitely this. People are bound to dress up as whatever character's popular at the time, and while it gets tiresome seeing hordes of the exact same version of a character, they're consenting adults.

But little kids? Hell no. Either:
1: The parents are stupid enough to cave into their daughter's requests for whatever reason
2: The parents are stupid enough to dress their daughters as Harley Quinn themselves.

And it's not like it's a recent phenomenon either. There have always been parents with bad judgment that let their daughters dress up in inappropriate costumes. It's just more noticeable now since the practice is more ingrained in pop culture now.

Don't do that. I think a generic witch is a little better than the emotionally damaged pet of another villain.

It doesn't bother me. Why does literally everything bother you autists?

I'm sorry user they are the same stop trying to push this meme

Fuck off Muhammad

post more nudes and I will let you know

something like pornhub /view_video.php?viewkey=ph56ff539b572e9

Neither. I loved all the slutty Harley's last night and idc what little girls want to dress up as.

This is why I'm going to a street carnival in the next town over. There are a LOT of bars, and the girls there are infamous for very little clothing.

"Im quirky and funny and crazy and not like any of those other girls"

It's Halloween you fucking numale cuck. What's next, you're going to get mad at parents for letting their kids dress up as witches and pirates? Fuck off.

I want the moral fag Sup Forums to end.

Why is her name even still "Harley Quinn" when she no longer looks like a clown.

This. When did this place become overrun with white knight, moralfag cum slurpers?

Sup Forumsblmr is real and easily triggered.

She never looked like a clown and neither does the Joker. That's not why she was named Harley Quinn. They named her that because they wanted the Joker to have a sidekick.


She's a mass murdering psychopath who is in an abusive relationship and suffers from Stockholm, she's not a fucking feminist idol.

go back to Sup Forums

Why haven't you kill yourself yet Boco?

Because I'll be dead in twenty years anyway. Just be patient.

Unlike you he's too busy playing games every day to play with his dick

What do you think a Harlequin is user?

I was in SF last night and practically every little girl was some kind of princess.

Didn't see one Harley from ANYONE the entire night which I thought was strange.

That said, someone tell me why so many people were dressed as inmates in black and white stripes?
Is there some meme I missed?


>someone tell me why so many people were dressed as inmates in black and white stripes?
>Is there some meme I missed?

Dude, thats been a common costume for decades.

But i've never seen so many at once.

Yeah Harley never had anything to do with the general clown/jester/harlequin/joker archetype


Weird coincidence?

She still does, just way more slutty.

>implying anyone here is going to a Halloween party or will even see anyone their own age dressed up
>implying there's anything wrong with dressing up your child

user if you have trouble not sexualizing children because they are dressed like a cartoon character you want to fuck then the problem might not be with their parents.

Neither because I don't get triggered by other people's costume choices.

>Or parents dressing their little daughters as SS Harley Quinn for halloween?

Got any proof of that?


holy fuck, dressing them up is sexualizing them you absolute moron

No it's not

Please rate



I mean harley is not exactly kid friendly but neither are alot of haloween costumes and besides I'm not some fucking moral gurdian who needs to protect the kiddies.


would fuck in a dirty alley/10



last one makes her face look mannish but got some nice tits.

if it passes the sniff test/10

About the same time the casuals spilled over from Sup Forums and leddit.

No she doesn't. She's just a random slut now.

No, she looks like a damn punk juggalo.

If you actually looked at the costumes stores are selling for children you'd see its the classic costume or dc super hero girls version, not so. But let's just reee anyway

Tier List
A TIER: Girls who dress up as SS Harley Quinn and actually have the look down
B TIER: Girls who dress up as SS Harley Quinn lazily, just enough to make you go "that's chinese knock off Harley Quinn"
C TIER: Girls who go out and just apply hair dye to pig tales
D TIER: Parents who let their kids dress up as SS Harley Quinn but keep the cloths rated G
SHIT TIER: Chubby + Women who know they're too big to pull off the SS Harley Quinn look but do it anyways to them embarrassment of themselves and others
GO TO JAIL AND DIE TIER: Parents who let their kids dress up as SS Harley Quinn but DO NOT keep the cloths rated G

GOD TIER: Anyone who dresses up as Harambe

Shit Tier is dressing as Harley period.

Thank fuck I'm not going anywhere.

Hey, at least she's a better character than Morrigan.

The great thing about wearing a mask is no one can tell when you're staring directly at their daughter

>Or parents dressing their little daughters as SS Harley Quinn for halloween?+ 0 post omitted.

Fucking what

>Parents who let their kids dress up as SS Harley Quinn but DO NOT keep the cloths rated G

but that sounds great, user

fuck I might just have to go out on halloween after all

Neither because i'm not a fucking faggot.

Oh you.

it doesn't matter any more

next year nobody will dress as her for fear of looking like your fat mom

You are an idiot if you don't think it's Sup Forumstards that have turned the entire site into moralfaggotry.

turn around so I can stick my finger in your ass

She still has the clown motif.

So this is a Harley & Ivy thread?..I can get behind that

What your favorite aspect of the pairing?


That they're both attractive unlike real lesbian couples.

It's pretty cool, doesn't it




The fact that Harley always dumps her to go running back to Mr J and despite of that Ivy always takes her back.
Ivy is Harley's Harley-


Shippers are patethic to be honest.

It's a (sad) fact of the pairing, but it what makes it interesting, I'm sure that if Bombshells had more success DC would have made the pairing canon in main verse, but I like that at least they are a thing in one universe

From my point of view non-shippers are pathetic