South Park

>8 days before new season
Predictions? I have a feeling it will involve Coon and Mysterion since the game is getting released in 5 weeks.

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Whatever they do, they have more than enough material to create 100 episodes. Fucking hell, the past year was bonkers :^)

Any news if it's going to be one continuous story again? I really disliked that about the last two or three.

Last seasons final episode was called "the end of serialization" so there's that.

Let's hope for the best then. Their long story arcs were just not interesting enough to go on for whole seasons.


>It was the greatest experiment in South Park history, and for one season it worked brilliantly.
>Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone attempted to run a single narrative throughout an entire season, using a serialized episode format.
>But after the genius 19th season, the psychotic news cycle of the 2016 election completely destroyed South Park's rhythm.
>And while it had its moments, the last season of South Park couldn't out-ridiculous Donald Trump.
>And that's why this season South Park will go back to what it was before serialization and Trump.


you literal fucking shill stop saying this and replying to yourself in every south park thread

Thank god, i'm sick of hearing about Trump every single time I turn on the tv.

dude chill lmao

Yeah, me too. I voted for him, but only for the memes because where I live is overwhelmingly Republican. Truth be told he's shit. I didn't want Clinton as President no matter what though. Anyway, yeah, Trump honestly makes an ass of himself enough without the help of South Park.

Nice samefag.

more hard hitting swiftian satire like trump being darth vader.

>I didn't want Clinton as President no matter what though
Without turning this thread into a political shitstorm I'd like to add that reason is the only reason drumpf got elected. People are simply sick and tired of the same talking heads telling them what to think and do.

See Also, kill yourself.

kek this was also going through my head

i dont actually say it alot but this time it's clear, a clever, elaborate shill

i like it though since i like south park and seeing south park threads is much better than the usual faggot threads


Official Season 21 "trailer"


You think they'll do a three parter that ties into the new game? That would be cool I honestly never get sick of the kids playing pretend thing. And their game of thrones parody shit was actually good. Especially princess kenny. Kinda looking forward to the game more than the series.



It's going to be fucking awful just like the last 4 or 5 seasons

I am 100% hoping for this and it was maybe part of why I made the thread.


I hate that Season 19 keeps being called the benchmark for what "good" serialised storytelling has been within South Park.

It was about half as good as S18 which was actually clever about it. Referencing previous events and then (optionally) tying them together at the end of the season is a much better way to go about things as it leaves room for completely standalone episodes while not neglecting the idea of continuity.

With S19, they got stuck on some really uninteresting storylines but had to stick with them for the whole season. PC Principal was funny for a little bit, but really overstayed his welcome. The SoDoSoPa thing was never particularly interesting either, for example.

That being said, I think Tweek x Craig is one of the most brilliant episodes of the entire show.

Is Towlie coming back?

Friendly reminder that South Park jumped the shark with the scientology episode.

I stopped watching comedy Central reruns of Futurama and southeast park because every time It gets to commercials I would see Trevor Noah or that stupid presidents show with their unfunny garbage. Hell I think they are making another politics related """comedy"""



says the guy who saved that pic