Is this movie realistic? it's about a 40 year old man but in the poker scene and after he was acting like a teenager

is this movie realistic? it's about a 40 year old man but in the poker scene and after he was acting like a teenager

Shut the fuck up and stay off my board

>40 year old

of course its not realistic

>40 year old virgin
>is it realistic

lmao what the fuck do you think

Why the fuck do we have this same exact thread every single day?

this one is different, I just can't imagine a 40 virgin would be embarassed about it like a high school kid thinking about comebacks after

Let's be honest, "bags of sand" is a perfectly valid answer and the question is retarded.

Yeah user I'm sure actual 40 year old virgins are very proud and outspoken about the fact that they are still virgins, yeah.

I just don't think a 40 year old would make such a big deal out of it, at that point youre mature and shit


pick one

>"bags of sand" is a perfectly valid answer
t. virgin

t. virgin

I hope someone asks me that question so I can say bags of sand

Its really not though

Lost my virginty at 15
AMA nerds!

Uh oh, these two are really freaking out

I am going to die a virgin (32 years old) and I can admit that emotionally I am obviously immature due to a lack of experience

Where exactly do you think you are right now?

>it's a "co-worker(s) found out I've never had sex so it's time to quit and find a new job again" day at work

No. Anyone over 30 with a full time job and is attractive as Steve carrell would be completely downing is roastie pussy trying to get married before they hit cat lady status.

the women in the movie were all into him it was him being in his feelings, his boss literally asked for it


did you even watch the movie

im going that route

im 23 years old, /fit/, my only sex experience was with prostitutes

how i can avoid it

Go out to a bar, get some shots in you, and just don't act like a fucking beta sperg. Its truly not that hard

okay, i did that like a year ago, all i got was a kiss and some whiteknight cockblocked me hard (he didn't got any and the girl went back to her house afterwards)

On a friday/saturday night if you go to a bar later than normies, you'll find that it's full of very drunk sad women because they didnt get picked. Easy stuff. Very easy if you're fit especially

>let a whiteknight cock block him
>didn't act like a beta

I mean come on user. Maybe a bars not for you? Go to a coffee shop or some places where you could meet a girl with the same interests.

>as attractive as Steve Carell

The guy looks like someone's dorky car salesman dad

Post a pic of yourself user

honestly it was a little more pathetic than that, the guy was taller than me so this girl started to get interested in him, but he was only interested on fucking my chances up, so i left and then saw the girl leaving alone afterwards.

the guy stayed with his friends and i went with mine

honestly i think it's because i'm ugly and short, and my hobbies are somehow really lonely (i play chess and do some calisthenics, i also study engi in uni so no women at all)

Im a huge pussy when it comes to talking to girls but for some reason to them it comes off as me being mysterious or not interested or some shit, which makes them want me.
Worked out pretty well for me I guess.

because you reply to it

well i think those comes after you go through the basic checklist, but if ya ugly then they don't even think about you at all, ya just a creepo

imagine if he fucked the mother AND the daughter, making the titcow drink all the cum from her gentile mother's pusy