Would it have been capekino?

>Written and directed by David Goyer.
>Ryan Reynolds as Wally West.
>Based on Mark Waid's and Geoff Johns' comics, particularly "The Return of Barry Allen" and "Blitz".
>Inspired by Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN trilogy.
>Scientifically accurated certified by the MIT.
>Slated for release in 2007.

>Ryan Reynolds as Wally West.
>Based on Mark Waid's and Geoff Johns' comics, particularly "The Return of Barry Allen" and "Blitz".
>Inspired by Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN trilogy.
>Scientifically accurated certified by the MIT.
>Slated for release in 2007.

Sounds neat

>Written and directed by David Goyer.


The script.


>Forensic scientist Barry Allen protects Keystone City as The Flash, having developed superhuman speed after being struck by lightning and doused in chemical products. Barry's wife, investigate reporter Iris West, and his best friend, Detective Hunter Zolomon, are aware of his secret, but Barry doesn't make public appearances, stopping crimes faster than people can perceive him, and as such is dismissed as an urban legend by the authorities.

>Iris' nephew, Wally West, who is fascinated by the Flash, visits them for the summer, and follows Barry and Hunter as they investigate a disturbance in the outskirts of Keystone City, which turns out to be a trap laid by Victor "Turtle" Vesp, a mad scientist obsessed with stealing the Flash's speed, which he believes is the key to immortality.

>Barry is trapped in the Infinity Transducer, a machine designed to harness his speed and which soon becomes unstable and threatens to level the city. Barry manages to escape by breaking the lightspeed barrier and "going nova", which seemingly disintegrates him in front of Wally.

>Hunter is paralyzed after being shot by Vesp, who is arrested by the authorities. Iris writes an article revealing Barry's secret to the world so his sacrifice will always be remembered.


>Wally is living in Keystone City, but is haunted by Barry's death and believes he'll never live up to him, and as such has avoided applying for college or for a job, to Iris' concern. While visiting a statue built in Barry's honor at the Keystone City Park, Wally is unexpectedly struck by lightning, which affords him superhuman speed, such as Barry.

>While struggling to his newfound powers, Wally is approached by Dr. Tina McGee and her ex-husband, Dr. Jerry McGee, scientists from S.T.A.R. Labs, a cutting-edge research institute, who have dedicated their lives to studying Barry's powers. Jerry theorizes that Barry harnessed his power from an extradimensional quantum field known as the "Speed Force", and that in the moment of his death he redirected that energy through the space-time continuum, reaching Wally years later in the form of a lightning bolt.

>Scientifically accurated certified by the MIT.

no Speedforce, no guy running over 30mph?

what's the point?

Sounds NEAT.

IF it was directed by Raimi, not Ayer, the faggot.

>Wally learns to control his powers with help from Iris, Tina and Jerry, and they design a friction-resistant suit for him based on Barry's old uniform. Hunter expects Wally to take Barry's mantle and become the new Flash, but Wally is afraid of runing Barry's legacy and only uses his powers for personal gain, appearing publicity stunts sponsored by big corporations, such as playing alone against Keystone City's hockey team. Iris is disappointed by Wally's behavior, while Hunter denounces him as selfish and unworthy of the power Barry has given him.

>Wally grows closer to Tina as they learn more about his powers and ultimately develop a relationship, which upsets Jerry. Meanwhile, Vesp finds out about Wally's powers and arranges for a letter to be sent to Iris' workplace, annoucing that he has planted a bomb in a commercial airplane, which includes Hunter amongst its passengers.

>Wally arrives too late to prevent the detonation, but manages to evacuate the burning plane before it crashes, and is celebrated as a hero in the media. Finally understanding what it means to be the Flash, he decides to take the mantle.

>Vesp is rescued from Iron Heights Penitentiary by a speedster known as "Zoom", who has been artificially infused speed by Vesp. Jerry accuses Wally of being responsible for the breakout until Zoom attacks S.T.A.R. Labs, calling Wally out for a fight in order to steal his speed, which Zoom believes him permanently connect him to the Speed Force. Wally and Zoom fight across the city, with Zoom gaining the upper hand and forcing Wally into retreating.

>While Wally is recovering, Jerry analyzes the footage of the fight and finds out Zoom's identity, but Zoom ambushes and kills him before he can alert Wally, and then kidnaps Tina to lure Wally into another confrontation. However, Zoom's speed is reduced, and Wally defeats him, learning that he is Hunter, embittered that Barry chose Wally, an immature teenager that doesn't appreaciate the power he's been given, as his successor, while leaving Hunter, his lifelong friend, to suffer as a cripple, unworthy of speed.

>Hunter recaptures Tina and returns to Vesp's lair for more speed. Wally follows him and is trapped inside a new Infinity Transducer, which Vesp has rebuilt. Vesp announces how he manipulated Hunter's obsession with speed to lure Wally into his lair and begins harnessing Wally's speed, while Hunter reluctantly stands aside, having been promised a lifelong supply of energy in exchange for his cooperation. The machine once again becomes unstable and threatens to kill everyone in close vicinity, including Tina. With no other option, Wally also breaks the lightspeed barrier and goes nova, vanishing without a trace.

>Despondent over Wally's apparent death, Hunter confronts Vesp and kills him by transferring some of his speed into Vesp's body, causing the vibrations to kill him. Meanwhile, Wally finds himself inside the Speed Force, outside of the space-time continuum, and meets Barry, who has been trapped there ever since his apparent death.

>Barry reveals that he chose Wally because he knew Wally was strong enough to handle the power without being corrupted by it, and professes his power before infusing Wally with what's left of his speed. With the extra energy, and the memory of Tina acting as a "lightning rod", Wally is able to run his way out of the Speed Force.

>Upon seeing Wally alive, Hunter has a nervous breakdown. Having grown addicted to the speed Vesp provides and having now killed him, Hunter kidnaps Tina again and threatens to kill her unless Wally gives him his speed. Wally manages to rescue Tina and battles Hunter across the planet, with Hunter gaining the upper hand.

>On Tina's suggestion, Wally transfers his power to Hunter, but his body is unable to process the vibrations while running a near-lightspeed and Hunter dies, crumbling into dust.

>Wally returns to Keystone City and reunites with Tina, and they express their love for each other. Wally then picks up Iris and takes her to Barry's memorial statue, revealing that Barry is alive somewhere in the Speed Force and vowing to find a way to bring him home. Wally then scrapes the date of Barry's death from the statue's ceremonial plaque. When another disaster strikes, he bids farewell to Tina and Iris and speeds off, promising to be "back in a flash".

the jews are really bad at camouflage

Reynolds would have made a better Wally and a better on-screen Flash that we're getting from Grant (whom I like and I do watch the show) since they're giving so much personality and other aspects of Wally's Flash run to "Barry" (who is really nothing like the Silver Age run starting in 1959, even through to Rebirth and the New 62 run.

They also should have cast someone else as Hal, it would have been a role for Evans but at the time he was too associated with Johnny Storm and, in spite of what every one says, Fillion was just too old at that time, unless they wanted to go with an older Hal. That would have worked best without an origin story, something involving the Corps and that would have been too much for a general audience.

Goyer would never have gotten to direct it. Just like the writer of ST didn't get to direct BEYOND, etc. and they replaced the writer for the DECU version for inexperience.

But yes, 'written by' is also a bad idea.

>since they're giving so much personality and other aspects of Wally's Flash run to "Barry"

Not really.

>Goyer would never have gotten to direct it.

Goyer is a veteran director. All he directed so far were duds, but he has the cred, and in 2006 WB didn't care as much as they do now. Superheroes only truly became profittable in 2008/2012.

>Giant trap by the Turtle
>Tina and Jerry McGee

There's also some nice Baron/Loebs refs going on.

>>Written and directed by David Goyer.
Go watch Blade: Trinity.
That's what we would've gotten. A movie where they had to CG Ryan Reynolds opening his eyes.

>Tina is Wally's lightning rod

I like the idea of him banging a married woman as the pinnacle of Wally being a slut, but just fast forward to Linda if you're gonna do the lightning rod.

>Ryan Reynolds

Don't confuse me with a stupid cracker
-From Blade

Nah, it was Blade who they had to CG his eyes open. A lot of the problems on that film were Snipes fault, actually.

I don't have it on my computer, unfortunately, but there's a big-ass post where Patton Oswalt talks about all the ways Snipes fucked around during the production of that film. Shit is hilarious.

Ryan Reynolds seems like a really good choice for Wally, and Blitz and The Return of Barry Allen are both great stories.

>Inspired by Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN trilogy
Honestly, I might actually prefer a really solid trilogy of solo Flash movies than an entire DCEU. Some part of me actually wishes that WB would have went with their original plan of making all the DC movies in a vacuum. The need to wrangle continuity is one of the biggest reasons BvS didn't work and why Justice League probably won't either, as well as the reason why Marvel can get kind of formulaic.

>-From Blade
You cheeky bastard.

Fucking kek
However people blame snipes but Goyer is very clearly a cunt

>Inspired by Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN trilogy.

Imagine the memes it would have spawned

Blame Wesley Snipes for being a crazy person, blame David Goyer for being a sniveling little cunt, blame God for presumably related reasons.

No. Only because if this happened they'd fucking get rid of Linda in the comics for Tina and that's shit.

Imagine all the stolen pizzas.

>Some part of me actually wishes that WB would have went with their original plan of making all the DC movies in a vacuum.

You know what I think would have worked? If they'd started with a Justice League film and spun off from there. Establish the world as a superhero world from the get-go and just let the characters get on with their stuff, rather than tying everything together, then bring the actors together for Justice League stuff.

What DC are doing now is the worst way they could go about it, it's neither here nor there.

David Goyer dropped out of the movie due to creative differences and Warner had John Brancato write a new script based on some of Goyer's old ideas. The result is so hilariously bonkers I'm compelled to post it.

>Forensic scientist Barry Allen protects Keystone City as The Flash, having developed superhuman speed after being struck by lightning and doused in chemical products. Barry's girlfriend, investigate reporter Iris West, is aware of his secret. Her nephew, teenage delinquent Wally West, is sent to live with her after being taken away from his abusive, neglectful parents, and quickly clashes with Barry, dismissing his morals as outdated and particularly denouncing the Flash for using his powers to help others.

>Wally is arrested for stealing a car and Barry picks him up at the police station, where Wally develops a crush on Barry's intern, Linda Park, and is disappointed to find out she is attracted to hotshot Detective Hunter Zolomon, who belittles Barry and dismisses Wally.

>The following day, Barry attempts to reach out to Wally while riding bikes together, and although Wally ignores his advice, he volunteers to accompany Barry to the police station, hoping to meet Linda. That night, the forensics laboratory is struck by lightning, and Barry is injured by the blast. Barry ventures into the room to rescue an unconscious Barry and is doused in chemical products, before being knocked unconscious by an explosion. He awakens in the hospital, where Iris reveals that Barry has died.

>Nah, it was Blade who they had to CG his eyes open. A lot of the problems on that film were Snipes fault, actually.
That's the joke. If this had gone through Reynolds would've pulled a Snipes and not opened his eyes either.

>Barry ventures into the room to rescue an unconscious Barry and is doused in chemical products, before being knocked unconscious by an explosion. He awakens in the hospital, where Iris reveals that Barry has died.

Crisis on Infinite Barry, lol


>Wally has become a succesful, but arrogant motocross pilot, who has pushed away everyone in his life aside from his wheelchair-bound best friend and engineer, John Harris. Iris, now a state senator, is advocating for an environmentalist reform in Keystone City that puts her at odds with Mayor Vandal Savage, CEO of the Savage Energy Company, which Iris holds accountable for wasteful management of natural resources.

>While passing by Keystone, Wally decides to visit Iris after seeing her on television, and meet at her apartment to discuss their lives when it is suddenly struck by lightning. Iris is critically injured, while Wally miraculously survives. With her dying breath, she tells Wally to uncover the secret in Barry's old ring, which she has kept.

>Wally soon develops superhuman speed, and finds Barry's uniform in his ring, learning that he was the Flash. Upon learning from Iris' notes about how Barry developed his powers, Wally deduces that the same happened to him, and the lightning strike activated the changes in his metabolism caused by the chemical bath from 10 years prior.

>Wally confides with Harris about his newfound powers and they modify Barry's suit, testing the limits of Wally's speed and learning that if he is fast enough he can even travel a few moments back in time. Wally plans to use this powers for profit despite Harris' claims that the Flash stands for something greater.

>Wally also reunites with Linda, who is dating Zolomon. Their relationship is strained by Zolomon's arrogance and infidelity, and Linda agrees to go on a dinner date with Wally.

>After Iris' funeral, Wally finds out that her environmentalist reform has been declined, and becomes suspicious that Savage might have masterminded her death. Wally then sneaks into Savage's mansion, but is caught and neutralized by Savage, who then calls Zolomon to kill him and dispose of the body. Wally finds out Zolomon is corrupt and on Savage's payroll, covering up Savage's numerous crimes in exchange for advancing his career.

>Savage reveals that he was born in pre-historic times and the radiation of a meteor has granted him enhanced intelligence, peak physical attributes and immortality. After centuries amassing powers, he's grown tired of humanity for its perceived weakness and has decided to destroy it, sparing only himself and his mistress Samantha, in order to repopulate the world to his image. He further reveals that he is behind Barry's death as he had learned he was the Flash and could interfere with his plans.

>Zolomon, who had sabotaged Barry's laboratory to ensure his dead, is surprised to learn about Savage's immortality and his masterplan, but bargains to also be spared in exchange for his continued assistance. Cornered, Wally vibrates his molecules until he travels back in time to the day his younger self was riding dirtbikes with Barry, to ask for help.

>Surprised to learn an adult Wally will become the Flash, Barry teaches him how to control his powers and encourages Wally to return to his own time. Later that day, moments before his death, Barry tells Iris that should anything happen to him, she should hold on to his ring and give it to Wally "when the time is right".

>Wally returns to the present and manages to escape from Savage and Zolomon. To prevent Wally from interfering with his plans, Savage stages a mass breakout at Iron Heights Penitentiary, unleashing all of Barry's old enemies, the Rogues, upon Keystone City. Wally stops them one by one while also having dinner with Linda, who grows suspicious of his erractic behavior.

>Wally and Harris find out Savage is planning to use a machine that controls the weather, developed by Dr. Mark Mardon, a scientist at the Savage Energy Company, to trigger a catastrophic climatic shift upon Keystone City that will build up and become an extinction-level event, ravaging the world. Savage betrays Zolomon, who is then arrested by Wally and agrees to testify that Savage used Mardon's machine to kill both Barry and Iris. Linda breaks up with him and finds out Wally is the Flash.

Snipes wanted Guillermo Del Toro back. He didn't like Goyer or the fact that the whole movie was a stealth pitch for Goyer's spinoff pitch

>Savage creates a barrage of tornadoes to destroy Keystone City and generates a lightning storm that unleashes a raging fire, but Wally manages to unravel the tornadoes by running counter to their spin and quell the fire by cutting off its oxygen. Savage then launches bombs into the city as a last-ditch effort, but Wally manages to disable them and arrests Savage, Samantha and Mardon, as well as all the fugitive Rogues.

>The Flash is embraced as a hero by the people of Keystone City, and Wally realizes he's meant to protect the innocent. He professes his love for Linda and recruits Harris to keep helping him in his new career, before speeding off into the night to answer to another emergency.

It wasn't. Goyer's original pitch was about a post-apocalyptic future where the vampires had won, which was rejected for being too dark.

Snipes got butthurt because Goyer have Blade a team and refused to shoot his scenes and shit, which caused Goyer to expand the Nightstalkers to fill the gaps. Since by that point the franchise was still profitable and Snipes was being a dick, Goyer proposed a Nightstalkers spin-off.

No thanks . I read comics.

No, you don't.

The movie was NOT about blade and cool vampire shit.

It was literally Goyer pitching his damned to absolute failure Nightstalkers movie with Reynolds and Beil while using the still and up till this absolute disaster profitable Blade IP to do it.
Fucks sake, Resident Evil was ridiculously profitable and it's trash.
Blade HAD that potential but Blade 3 and the abysmal tv show completely ruined all of that shit.

Goyer's has totaled TWO money making IPs so far. How that guy keeps getting work is an absolute mystery.

Haha, this is my new favorite meme.

Didn't Goyer wrote Blade 1 and 2 though?

>I might actually prefer a really solid trilogy of solo Flash
I'd love a chain of Flash movies.

1. Flash vs Reverse Flash
2. Intro Kid Flash including the death of Barry
3. Return of Barry Allen
4. Rogue War

Very little of what Goyer actually did had any affect on how good blade 1 and 2 were.

No seriously, it was mostly snipes being a giant asshole who was able to get it off the ground in the first place plus really swinging his weight around and really good acting in some key roles.

The actual story itself could have been replaced with almost anything.

Blade 2? The story was pretty damned mediocre by everyone's standards.
What actually sold it was the directors, actors, music action etc.

In blade 3 it was litterally all goyer. He wrote directed cast every etc. It literally shit the bed

in every single way. Goyer knew it and the actors all knew it after the fact. Snipes knew it was fucked from day one and was being a total weed addled fucking loon all throughout production because of it.

New line and goyer fucked that and their attempts to bring it back with a hoodrat studio thug blade for the abysmal and 99.9% white blade tv show basically said everything we needed to know.

Kek, forgot that Reynolds was supposed to star in this Flash film.

>and quickly clashes with Barry, dismissing his morals as outdated and particularly denouncing the Flash for using his powers to help others

I mean, criticising him for being too boyscout about it maybe, but who, even as an edgy teen, actually criticises someone JUST for helping other people?

Remember, movie writers are some of the least subtle people on the planet. They're the kind of people who think "we're just following orders" is the height of subtle references. How else are the burger munching drones of middle America supposed to realise that Barry's a good guy or that Wally is a jerk at the start?

I guess Tim Burton had only directed duds and his Bat movies were such money losers that WB didn't care who sat in the director's chair, huh?

That's a terrible analogy.

>Written and directed by David Goyer.

Okay. Sounds neat so far.

>Edgelord Wally

Why does this happen so often? He's a quippy jokester in the comics.

Why would it be Wally West?
Why go with the successor first?
You'd have to spend half the movie explaining what happened to cause Flash and Kid Flash and then Flash going away.
Or you'd have to delete Barry and simply replace Wally's origin with Barry's, in which case Just Use Barry.

Synergy. In 2007 Barry Allen was dead for almost 20 years and was considered one of the characters that would never return to life. A movie about him was as implausible as a movie about Jay Garrick.

Ryan Reynolds plays the cape universe

Like Spider Man, he's an edgelord under bad writers but they usually make him start out as jerk to point out how flawed he is compared to Saint Barry Allen.

>Why would it be Wally West?

Because Barry used to be dead, and because "young man struggles in shadow of beloved mentor" is a stronger narrative hook that "Man runs fast and explains science"

As is, we're going to be getting a Barry Allen movie that is "Barry tries to prove his mom wasn't murdered by his dad" because Barry Allen's marquee storyline now is Flash Rebirth, a godawful piece of shit.

Casual piece of SHIT. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

I sense some butthurt in this post.