Is this the power if autism?

Is this the power if autism?

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Most shit tier """""documentary""""" ever.
>random """"""experts"""""
>have balls to the walls insane theories about the film
>reading too much into it, the movie

Kubrick is single-handedly the most overrated director ever

Literally entry-level geometrically-obsessed robot shooting photographs of sterile environments with robots inside them

"When you look at the clouds they look like Kubrick. I know it's hard to notice but believe me'

kubrick is and will forever be a legend, you could pause his films at any point and he would explain to you his intentions for literally everything on the screen

his autism made him a master, his anti semitism made him a god

thats the fucking point you retard. it's a documentary about the theorists and the theories, not the movie.

That's the whole fucking point, jesus christ you pleb.

>the ski poster theory
i was in stitches

some of the theories were really stupid

this was the most autistic thing i ever saw. it came off as a documentary but as it got further in i realized it was just filming a bunch of fucking nerds who watch the shining every day

Am I supposed to think these people are crazy? I was looking forward to hearing about the making of this film and instead I get this schlock.

This same guy made a movie about sleep paralysis. I watched it unknowingly. I expected them to go into the science of why and how we could maybe help these people. Instead I got some bullshit horror doc with nonsense recreations. Worst of all, Instead of actually attempting to find an actual cause they SERIOUSLY entertain the idea that SP is brought on by demons/aliens.

Fuck this director.

You could do the same thing with many other directors, but the difference is in how cold and sterile Kubrick's movies are.

>You could do the same thing with many other directors
>So, Michael, what is the meaning of framing this shot this way?


is the shining worth watching?

Pretty good forc omedy purposes.

>he's a "If it's a symbol it's good"fag

No 9/11 foreshadowing here.

What Danny does with the cars is induction. He moves two cars up and down the side of the red cube on the carpet, and a ball rolls towards him out of nowhere. Maybe that is why they faked the Moon landing, to induce a viable space craft?

>Danny rises the same way the Apollo did
>the hotel is a fake set, just like the "Moon" was
>Danny goes to Room 237 aka the "Moon"
>when Jack goes there he sees a fake ghost and then says "there was nothing there"
we only had to listen

not a criticism

The point was obviously to discredit any and all theories about Kubrick films.

The criticism is that there are many directors who do the same thing, and often much better, and are able to elaborate on it when asked, whereas for some reason Kubrick is held higher when he does it

Oh wow. I'm glad this website can still make me angry.

Cuz he never talked about his movies which makes people add all kinds of theories. Because his films are often shot very well, people think he must be great at the other things too.
He didn't even have a finished script when he shot Full Metal Jacket. That doesn't mean some things don't make sense within the film, but there is way less thought put into it than people think.

He edits so long because he is a perfectionist. Surely means he knows what he is doing. But considering he also wanted self-written pages of "[...] makes Jack a dull boy" instead of copies, it simply shows he's insane. Which stopped him from doing many movies.
horrendous ocd

This whole movie shows that interpreting art past a certain level is pointless.

If it had only been about the indian/holocaust stuff, it would've been fine. But jesus christ, a fucking minotaur?