Why does Hollywood call anyone who lives outside of the city or suburbs is an inbred hick?

Why does Hollywood call anyone who lives outside of the city or suburbs is an inbred hick?

Formerly inbred Chucks.

really makes you thing

Because they are?

Because people who live in an isolated, insulated location for more than 1 generation is likely to eventually marry a cousin. Not even intentionally, just mathematically it'll happen.

Sneeds inbreed and seed

Literally nuffin wrong wif bein inbred

because coastal liberals fucking despise people who are low class

filthy poor peasant hicks

In English, Doc?

because they are

wtf happened with southern india

Because it's true. We're all inbred. I love my brother-dad and grandmother-mother.

poor countries=rural

Sneed (Formerly Chuck)

Yuppies hate the lower classes unless they are POC or gay.

Because they're a bunch of kiddie diddlers snd fudge packers and deep down they feel insecure when confronted with traditional morality of rural peoples so they project degeneracy on these people to feel better about themselves.

Shit meme


because they would rather eat shit than looking like unfashionable rural folks

Because it's a stereotype and stereotypes are easy to make fun of

because rural wh*tes are all hillbilly incest children drumpf voters

>tfw mass immigration has raised inbreeding levels in western europe

Because if you are not half brazilian half irish quarter pounder with cheese you are too imbreed for their taste