1990's Nostalgia

Born in 1997 so I missed out on the 90's. Seeing how Hollywood is doing a lot of 80's homages in TV and movie like Stranger Things and the new It film, what would 90's nostalgia look? What defined the 90's as a decade? Grunge?

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The matrix

just watch hackers and space jam then you'll understand

The crow and fight club too

The 90s were edgey

They're already trying. Look at shit like the Full House spinoff. There's gonna be more of it. Mark my words. They're gonna fully transition into 90's homages by 2020.

The 90s is tough cause there was like 87-93 which was all neon geometric clothes and that new jack swing R&B styled hip hop. Cosby show.

93-99 was EITHER grungier/girlrock shit or like techno or industrial stuff. Hackers, matrix, crow.

This. Early 90's was drastically different from late 90's.

The Matrix was at the tail end of the decade in 1999.

Hackers is something I saw years ago and I vaguely remember it.

90's movies that I've seen are what I think about that decade:

Wayne's World
Empire Records
Can't Hardly Wait
Good Will Hunting

To me, the 90's really defined itself somewhere between 1992 and 1998. As for TV shows, Melrose Place, Step by Step, Married With Children, Family Matters, Beverly Hills 90210, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and even the Daria animated series (Beavis & Butthead obviously) captured what was in that decade.

Hmmm The Craft is very 90s

I feel like american beauty is aswell
The tail end of the 90s seemed to be more nihilistic/cynical for some reason.

Yeah I've noticed. Technically, 1990 and 1991 are no different from 1988 and 1989 on a fashion and music level.

Maybe it's just me, but I really liked the way 1995 to 1999 looked. I liked girls wearing those chokers, denim jumpers, crop tops, slip dresses, and all that other stuff that today's girls don't do. And the music is definitely I can still listen and relate to.

this basically youtube.com/watch?v=MNzS1Hk-sLs

Oh yeah The Craft.

>The tail end of the 90s seemed to be more nihilistic/cynical for some reason.
Why is that? I've noticed this in a lot of late 90's/early 00's movies and shows. Daria is the best example of that kind of angst from that era.

Watch Trainspotting for an interesting look at the drug scene in the 1990's. There's a reason it has such a cult following.

Yeah, getting the 92-98 years is probly best cause you leave out the 80s influences and 99 was basically prototype for what was all of the 2000s. Big fucking impact in 99.

Wayne's world is sort of leaning towards the hair metal 80s stuff but only close comparison I got is Airheads, might be a bit more 90s'd.

Clueless is a hard point in those 90s. Got salt+pepa and no doubt so you've got the girl rock themes being built out of girl R&B stuff. Think young Christina Ricci films fit that sort of thing, Alex Mack, Buffy/Charmed/etc those.

Craft, yeah. Goths were a thing in movies.

People were bracing for the end of the world, buddy.

Yeah I watched a lot of Beavis and Butthead from the 90's and it gave me a lot of insight to the music scene. I liked how the reboot poked fun at what MTV became and how incredibly shitty music was in 2011. Say what you want about 90's performers and groups, but they actually had some talent and creativity instead of these cookie-cutter singles.

>MFW they will eventually make a remake of The Wonder Years but in the 90's
>MFW it has passed the same amount of time from the 60's to the 80's as from the 90's to the 10's
>MFW I'm officially old

Girls are starting to wear chokers again,it doesn't seem as charming though.


Stoner movies were always going to be stoner movies, but the 90s ones had surfer talk.

Now that I posted biodome, I think clerks is a bad example. Mallrats or Chasing Amy fits the theme better, joey is classic 90s actress.

I read the book so I definitely want to see the movie when I get a chance.

>Think young Christina Ricci films fit that sort of thing, Alex Mack, Buffy/Charmed/etc those.
I really liked Charmed Seasons 1-3, but the rest sorta sucked in my opinion. Really liked how the girls looked. Never got a chance to see Alex Mack and I tried seeing Buffy but it doesn't click with me. I used to watch Supernatural when it was good and I prefer exploring monster lore than Whedon's quippy Scooby Gang.

>People were bracing for the end of the world, buddy.
Oh yeah Y2K. My cousin told me how everyone was freaking out over that. I even saw the Family Guy episode that dealt with the apocalypse because Y2K screwed everything.

I've never seen this. Definitely on my to-do list.

That'd actually be kinda cool. But they won't make 90's nostalgia shows and movies until the 2020's.

I agree. There's something definitely different with the way girls from the mid-to-late 90's looked and acted compared to contemporary ones.

Yeah Mallrats and Chasing Amy are probably Kevin Smith's best films. And they really do capture the 90's well for 1995 and 1997 respectively. Chasing Amy even had inklings of SJW complaint about non-white representation interestingly enough.


A lot of the 80s had that cold war fear just in the background. Nobody acknowledges it or really really believes WW3 will happen but it's still a distinct possibility til the USSR falls. The later 90s with Y2K was like that. Everyone knew shit was going to massively change, computers were up and coming (in the consumer market) cell phones started to exist but weren't really common outside rich Clueless tier people.

It was in the back of their minds all the time that the world was not going to be the same so there was a lot of nihilism and mindless indulgence. Bubbles were built, futures were not planned for.

Why? The Wonder Years premiered on 1988, less than 30 years away from 1960, and 1990 was barely 27 years ago, so we could expect that remake very soon

Everybody's still doing 80's nostalgia as of now. The 2020's will probably be the decade where the 90's are idolized as the 80's are today.

My cousins told me that being in jr. high and high school from 1996 to 2003 was really a turning point. Not just because of how the Internet really exploded into the mainstream or 9/11, but the fact that it was the last time that people's private lives were closed-off outside your neighborhood. Nowadays anyone can see your Instagram account or be tagged in Facebook. Not to mention having video uploads on Live Stream for millions to see.

>Futures were not planned for
I mean you can't expect kids to plan and you certainly can't expect them to plan for new shit but social media was a mistake.

From my personal experiences I was on the "internet" pretty early but you still had to go out of your way to be a niche hobbyist on Sup Forums shit. Hanging out at the $1 theaters for recreation, going to the expensive as fuck artsy theaters rarely, and keeping an eye out for random foreign films showing up in the rental stores you practically lived at. They also rented video games so if you even wanted to know about new releases without being subscribed to a fucking magazine you had to keep an eye out.

feels like people have been idolizing the 80s for well over a decade now

To be fair, a lot of fun stuff came from the 80's. That decade had so many nifty things that's easily identified in pop culture that it's no surprise people idolized it. Though did it begin in the early 00's or even before?

I remember when I was 5, my parents took me to Blockbuster and I rented out PS2 games. Nowadays you just need Steam.

I'd think Nickelodeon stuff like Secret World of Alex Mack, Pete and Pete, Are You Afraid of the Dark etc. Also Terminator 2 has a great early 90s aesthetic.

>Pete and Pete, Are You Afraid of the Dark
These 2 shows are glorious. Especially Pete & Pete. Why the fuck can't they make something like this today?

Yep, all good shit. I don't think Alex Mack would hold up but oleynik a qt. Mostly just early tv CGI fuckery from what I remember.

Pete & Pete was pinnacle of grunge/jam music on surreal kid show with best musician cameos.

Are you afraid of the dark was blatant ripoff of every other thing but the fashion was 90s as fuck.
>That black girl and her yellow beret thing
>The snick couch

I was born in '88 but I wish I was born in like '75. 80s and 90s were GOAT for everything except maybe music.

always loved xmen tas, it's a quintessential 90s show to me

What I could respect about Are You Afraid of the Dark was that it was pretty dark for a kid's horror anthology. Like the episode with the vampire that stalked in a hospital and threatened to toss a nurse off the roof and lick her bloody remains.

Same here. If you were born in 1975, you'd get to actually experience the 80's and the 90's from public school to college (or even grad school by 2000/2001).

It was still just that 80s Transformers/GI Joe style pushed into comics like iron man and spiderman and all them were. TMNT and Ghostbusters held out into the 90s. I think Ghostbusters got a second version of the original show that was nearly the same?

It wasn't the worst but it was kid-cleverness in the mystery-er ones. Goosebumps too but it had books to fall back on for source for forever.

Thanks to Sup Forums threads and looking things up on Wiki, I had no idea that the 80's and early 90's was the last hurrah of US kid cartoons. Especially Saturday mornings and weekday afternoons. Nowadays, that's pretty much dead.

>oleynik a qt
I always had a crush on her in 10 things I hate about you. alicia silverstone in clueless too.

Late 80s and 90s are the best all round for me, especially music


Sonic had a really badass darker cartoon on saturday mornings (satam) but a shittier one that mostly I saw in the weekdays.

Same, I was all bout that Silverstone.

I don't give a fuck about Full House, but when are we going to get a Step by Step reunion movie?


Step By Step went bad. I think Cody got the roid rage.

It's a shame clueless was the only good film she was in at that time

>Same, I was all bout that Silverstone.

Can any Oldfags explain why she was so big for a brief period of time and then in nothing? It couldn't have just been batman and robin flopping.

She was in some medium-bad sexier ones though. Crush, batman & robin. Blast from the Past was great but very 99. She was even a one-episode crush? in wonder years.

No idea, I lost interest personally cause I hit puberty but i think she just up and semi-retired. Maybe she went to school or had a kid or something.

>implying The Crush didn't give every hetero male massive boners
Just the idea that some lush teenage girl was thirsty as fuck for an older dude while swinging innocently made this film glorious.


>mfw I see his current photo
Well everyone is older so there's definitely going to be physical changes. He can still act like the Codester. Patrick Duffy is very much in favor of a reunion movie or mini-series so we might get it in the near future.

I mean from what I remember of vague rumors I think Cody pulled a gun on one of the young girl cast members who may have been banging him?


No, what happened was, Cody's wife was abusing their kids. Cody stepped in to protect them, cops came in, and the wife made it look like Cody's actor was the abuser. It ruined his reputation for a while (Patrick Duffy was 100% behind him because he knew he wouldn't do that), which is why Cody disappeared. Once the truth was revealed and the bad press went away, they brought Cody back for that 1 episode in the final season.

Gotcha, if patrick duffy is behind him then I'm all for it. Most trustworthy guy ever. Still he went full roid rage and it could be awesome if they play up to it.


I for one welcome this current 90s nostalgia. It means that they're finally finishing one of my favourites shows from the time.

I can't imagine those characters grown up any further from the show. They were written as little adults with childlike motivations.

>They were written as little adults with childlike motivations.

That's what made the show so good to watch as a kid. I didn't want to watch kids acting like kids in such a realistic setting (apart from the dreams and urban legend stuff). More adult stuff like Helga's over the top passion and Arnold dealing with his orphan status was more interesting, even then.

At least you got the mid 2000s in your childhood which were ok, before the iPhone was released in 2007 and social media changed the way children live their lives.

It was really one of the best written cartoons there is.
>Every problem has a serious adult-toned solution with real world consequences
>That crazy or weird person has actual depth and needs to be dealt with as a human in every situation


Early 90's (Grunge)


Mid 90's (Alternative)


Late 90's (Nu Metal)

It was certainly a cut above.

What is under Jurassic Park?

1990-Sept 9, 1991 - 80s leftover 90s
Sept 10, 1991-1996 - classic 90s
1997-Sept 10, 2001 - Y2K futuristic 90s
Sept 11, 2001-summer 2006 - classic 2000s
Fall 2006-2009 - Social media iphone big bang theory recession 2000s

Generic establishing shot?


Girls here are doing that again

Will there ever be nostalgia for the late 2000s? I see a fair amount of 2000s nostalgia rising but it's always dedicated to early-mid 2000s ONLY (i.e. Finding Dory, The Incredibles 2, Invader Zim revival, and Samurai Jack season 5).

Will the late 2000s forever be seen as too close to the modern day, due to the rise of iPhones, social media, shit economy, Auto-tuned pop music, HDTVs, etc.?

I think the 90s are the last times that'll have a bit of mystique to them considering there's just so much footage available now
like looking at this kind of thing is interesting and nostalgic youtube.com/watch?v=RYbe-35_BaA but I don't know how interested someone in the 2030s/40s would be if a similar video was made today just because people film everything nowadays

The 2000s were literally just 1999, continued.

Rogue was my first crush

>t. 97' kid

I'm an 80s kid. It's basically all the same shit til iphone 3 or 4.

This image is a puzzle?!
>where's the cratered federal building piece?
>It's over there next to the beany baby

>last time that people's private lives were closed-off


The only people that ever bought into "social media" are attention whores and idiots. The rest of us used FAKE names and didn't post personal shit on the internet....because we weren't fucking stupid.

The marketing Jews appreciate your ignorance, though, and thank you.

>The only people that ever bought into "social media" are attention whores and idiots

In other words, the large majority of people.

I have family members with nothing noteworthy going on in their lives who overshare on Facebook as if it's compulsive. This shit is an epidemic among the under 30 set.

Hell, even if someone doesn't post anything personal on social media, it doesn't mean some asshole with a smart phone isn't posting pics or videos of you without your knowledge. You don't have to post anything, because some shitbag will do it for you.

>In other words, the large majority of people.

No, not the "large majority" of people...the large majority of idiots and attention whores.

>You don't have to post anything, because some shitbag will do it for you.
I agree with that. Seems like if you're not on camera at some fucking public store, or at a stoplight, or a street corner, some asshole has a camera out taking pictures anyway.

Orwell was right all along.

Fake names don't matter, they're just going to assign a number to you anyway while tracking you.
(tracking was the real issue with social media)

Shit's pretty addicting, I can see why they would if they can't see the big picture problems with it.

Commercials are a great nostalgia trip


>while tracking you.

Tracking an IP will only get you within a certain geographical range. To land the exact location you have to go to the ISP people use.

>I can see why they would
I can't. E-mail allowed for the same capabilities as social media, as far as sharing info and pics with people you actually know, and it was much more secure. There was never any need for "social media", other than for attention whoring, stalking, and data mining.

HAH, that 100 was a fucking death trap. Pumped too high and that extra tank that you're literally putting next to your face pops off at super speeds.
>tfw supersoaker gave me a black eye

No, combined with other things you can even switch up your IPs and get tracked through all of your browsing. They're experts at keeping track of individual users across most websites and turning that into advertising data.

Email was never a good system technically, the shit that runs email today is roughly the shit that was running it in the 80s and equally fragile. Finally getting a browser that can do all those things (let alone apps on phones) was a pretty huge breakthrough for centralization and abstracting a lot of that awful email tech out of the way.

Not the guy you replied to but they use mostly cookies and their social media plug-in for tracking. Yes, even non-users, it caused some shitstorm in Belgium and Germany already. Why would you need an IP where you can identify a user through your own id?

Turbo Kid is preying on 90's nostalgia. Olso women hate this movie

>No women characters in entire film
>women feel they should be represented and complain instead
Sounds right, is that 90s nostalgia shit though? It was definitely giving me an 80s vibe with all the music and kitch crap.

This movie poster sums up the 90's

It's more 80s to early 90s nostalgia tbqh.

Dreamcast in 1999 was pure KINO

Babylon 5 best 90's kino.

I wish they had spent the cgi budget elsewhere though, it did not age well.

These intro's take me right back


Are those youtube videos just butt shots? I feel like if I made an NYPD blue post with a bunch of youtube links I'd just post buttshots.

tommy boy
black sheep
billy madison
happy gilmore

Things started to look differnt to me since 2006-7 for some reason.

Fresh off the boat is set in 1995.

The 90s marked the end of eras being defined by having different looking technology/fashions etc and from like 2000 on despite small differences everything still looks the same, as previously half decade to half decade things were changing rapidly.

They're already doing 90s throwback shit, because everything still looks the same and has for 18 fucking years.

The early 00s still have a lot of that overused 70s recycling.

2006-07 was around when smartphones and social media became a thing. This lead to Wifi and internet being constant. Since then technology has snowballed. As much of a cliche as it is, things were simpler before technology and social media.

That's representative of the spirit of the early 90s. The California and Florida dude-surfer-ninja archetypes died out around '94 to be overshadowed by a period of positively comfy normalcy combined with rap and b-ball culture in the mid-nineties. Sometime around '97 that was replaced by the gangsta Rastafarian preppies v. cyber punk goths culture up until Sept. 11, 2001.

God damn. Thinking about it, what the fuck happened?

Anyone a California Dreams fan here? Or Hang Time?

This is the 90's.

Also there was music on MTV, Nickelodeon wasn't fucking trash, you could go out skating with your bros and the skater girls that hung out with you all Summer, end up making out and banging one of the skater girls under a halfpipe or in an empty pool at the park at night while drinking terrible beer or liquor your bros stole from their parents or a store, listening to Sublime and Bad Religion and even if the cops caught you they would just tell you to go home. Jnco jeans, Airwalks, Soaps, DC, Vans. The biggest worry was getting a girl pregnant. It was a better time.

Pants and t shirts that oversised were rare outside USA, It was a trend but not everybody used them.

1988-1992 was the peak of comfy college rock culture. mid 90s devolves into nsync ricky martin crap

>tfw will never relive 1999, or late-90s in general

Monday Night Wars were awesome. Internet, sans connection speed, was fun as fuck. Lots of good movies were coming out. Coming home from school and watching TRL was always fun.

Lots of fun times were had back then.

I barely remember most of the 00s.

>That QT skater girl that was obviously into you in high school but you never did anything about it because social autism and now she's a perfect 10 and didn't reply to your facebook comment saying you should hang out sometime