Has Jay ever done drugs?

Has Jay ever done drugs?


is it even possible to reach adulthood without having tried drugs?

Get some real friends, you worthless faggot.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the latest gossip? This is where I left off:
>Mike used patreon money to buy jewelry for what's her face
>Mike is a crippling alcoholic on the verge of suicide
>Jay is gay

What did I miss?

>Can someone give me a quick rundown on the latest gossip?
Kill yourself.

Nah, he looks like he takes care of himself.

Mike and Rich, on the other hand...


Unlike the spergs at Channel Awesome, the RLM guys are about as normal and well adjusted as anyone online. Why are you autists so desperate for bullshit fanfic drama?

What the fuck, who's car is this?

I think he's too inhibited and uptight. He plays into Mike's "I'm
drunk and I don't give a fuck" thing, but I think he has some old
school puritan style shit going on. He and Jack are both a
couple of weird rural creatures, except Jack is clearly some
kind of serial killer or gimp-by-night.

I need it


i wonder if he's a virgin...

I think he's just straight edge aside from alcohol. Probably raised upper middle class

Just imagine being so fucking pathetic and lonely that you spend your time e-stalking minor internet personalities

How do we know?

I don't have to imagine

i managed it

You can run carfaxes from the license plate, and we all know Jay's plate from an ep of HITB

i eat terrible food, i seldom exercise, and I spend hours each day watching movies/tv and playing vidya

will i end up ageing as poorly as rich evans and mike stoklasa? How can i stop this?

Eat as much terrible food as you'd like, just eat less. Try to get some friends and get some movement in once and a while but as long as you limit your intake of munchies you can prevent total obesity

>Becoming fatter and getting a nu-male hipster haircut/beard is what Millennials consider as "taking care of oneself".

God I want to kill all Westerns so fucking badly.


>new car
>2600 miles

I thought jay was a jew?

>E-Celeb shit

Fuck off this isn't Film or TV related

I'm in the exact same boat but i maintain this bod.
as soon as the inactivity produces floppy jowls or a big gut, I do something about it. I'm deathly afraid of all the damage being done internally, and I'm worried a whole bunch of ageing will occur all at once in 10 years

>speaking of: MOOOVIEEEEE
>what did you think of: movie 2: the movening?
>that's right jay

what is this clever style of humor called?

Isolated semi-farmer kid from what I recall being
said on their Let's Play channel. Not a city kid, but
not full rural either.

Jack is full farmer stock though. Killed small animals growing up.
Weird mix of total libtard and farm-gun experience. Add the body-hair
shaving...it screams secret killer or pervert.

Probably had a hard-on during their "Exploding Varmints" video.

From their Suicide Squad video he knows what pot smells like.

Christ you fuckers are retarded.

>Probably had a hard-on during their "Exploding Varmints" video.

who didn't?

Anyone with any amount of social life knows what pot smells like.


Ooooh now I get why you wouldn't understand this.

not even alcohol?

No thank you. They are also illegal and you should report any you have or see to your local authorities for them to manage.