I've always been interested in the popularity of Star Trek but have never actually watched it...

I've always been interested in the popularity of Star Trek but have never actually watched it. What is the best series of the franchise or which one does Sup Forums enjoy the most? Also are the movies any good or necessary to watch?

check the general see

Difficult question to answer because even the most die hard trekkie knows that a lot of the traditional "beginner" episodes are shit.

Season 1 of pretty much any Star Trek series is garbage. And it's hard to tell anyone to start at season 2.

Wow, how rude!

TNG S1 is better than TNG S2 and also is not garbage despite the meme which only plebs ingest and believe to be true. Otherwise, you're kinda right, but not really.

>directing someone to the best place for information is rude
yeah ok

Problem is the first chronological series is TOS and is way too camp and 60s to watch now unless you already like Star Trek

Other problem is that every other series starts slow while they figure out what they want the characters to be - the first season of the others are basically a write of so it's hard convince newbies to stick with them.

If you want to be a bit cunning try overlapping the series, this will generally allow you to alternate good and weak so nothing ever makes you want to quit

Watch TNG S1-3 alongside TOS 1-3, the two bad TNG seasons are balanced with the good seasons of TOS, and vice versa

Watch TNG S4-5, throw in the first 6 movies throughout (they are all TOS cast). Throw in TAS if you're an absolute mad cunt.

Watch TNG S5-7 alongside DS9 S1-2. These overlapped when airing and balanced the quality TNG with ther weak DS9.

Watch DS9 S3-7 alongside VOY S1-5, as these aired alongside one another. Great DS9 balances the overall dullness of VOY. Throw in the rest of the pre-2009 movies as they are TNG cast.

Then VOY S6-7 alongside ENT S1-2. This is the weakest as both of these are not very good, but by this point you will be a trekkie and will want to keep going.

Then finish with ENT S3-4 and the JJ movies.

>yeah ok
Yes, the sort of person who would make a response like this isn't at all rude.

TNG Season1 is kinda crap.

Season 2 was better. Pulaski is a way better doctor than Crusher. The clip show at the end was horrible however...

No, TNG season 1 is kinda awesome. S2 has a handful of brilliant episodes but is mostly garbage. We can disagree, though, even if I'm right and you aren't.

Persecution complex much?

see if you like Enterprise, new enough to look good, and introduces much important aspects about some of the deep meaning behind star fleet morality

People ask this a lot.

I keep getting rude responses from rude individuals, such as yourself.

>watching ENT before the other shows

ENT is 90% callbacks and filling in plot holes from the previous shows


season 1 is hard to watch for newbies, sure it has some great episodes, but its also super lame 80s tacky costumes, and they havent broken far enough from TOS because they were scared people needed it to be like TOS. The only good thing is its remastered now.

Season 1 is by no stretch awesome. It has way to much Wesley in it for it to be awesome.

I liked Wesley. As a 206 IQ who achieved perfect SAT scores at age 13, it was nice to have someone to relate to on television. Loved Doogie Howser, too.

Star Trek is cheesy shit, but if you go into it prepared to watch a comedy its really funny.

I don't have it on hand, but I'm absolutely certain there was one of these for TNG

kirk and picard series.
honestly i just love all the politics and the way space is navigated. comfy is a meme but the show is very comfortable. farscape had the same sort of feeling before it went off the rails.

TNGs early seasons aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be. Just not as great as the later stuff. It's solid sci-fi, otherwise.

Also, I watched DS9 for the first time last year and thought all of it was great. Like, the first season has some downright awesome episodes in it. If anything I'd say the last two seasons are some of the weakest because of how they kept ignoring the war and pissing away valuable plot development time for the sake of doing episodic shit. Also the entire finale and everything involving the prophets and Gul Ducat was rubbish

Wesley is annoying.

It's not his and Gene's fault that you were too stupid to appreciate him as a character

No, Wesley is amusing and endearing and actually a really special dude.

DS9 was just mediocrity all throughout. I don't know why you people hail it as great.

go to bed Wesley

Think about it from the perspective of someone who doesnt understand what Trek is about. I mention this because thats what was asked in this thread by OP.
All of the other Treks are hard for trek virgins to watch. Enterprise looks almost contemporary in its visuals. And on top of that it looks at the establishment of many of the systems and protocols that are present throughout all other Treks. Red Alert! WHy the Prime Directive exists. And it almost gets as deep as Next Gen at times (sometimes at least....).
It's a pretty perfect starting point as its essentially a prequel, and youre not going to notice where things overlap or fill plot holes or anything like that seeing as it would be the first Trek watched

They were hiding it on imgur! Those bastards!

Also, none of Voyager is redeemable. It only showed promise early on, and then it settled into this awful groove of sub-mediocrity that made me want to kill myself. Every now and again there is an episode or two that has a really neat premise or idea executed in a decent manner, but you just hate it even more for being sullied by being a part of a terrible show with garbage characters and a completely wasted concept.

If you want to get into Trek, always start with TOS (skip The Cage unless you're really serious about it). If you can't get into TOS, that's unfortunate, but just watch the essential episodes (you can probably find a list of them easily). Of the movies

The Motion Picture is also not recommended unless you're really serious about it.
Wrath of Khan is essential and generally agreed to be the best Trek movie.
Search For Spock is good, but not as good as Khan
The Voyage Home is really good, actually very funny
The Final Frontier is kino (pic related) but really dumb. Only recommended if you like cinematography
The Undiscovered Country is great. It's part murder mystery and part political thriller.


>206 IQ who achieved perfect SAT scores at 13

And you're posting on Sup Forums.

I don't know either. After seeing a whole bunch of Star Trek threads I wanted to get the memes so I buckled down and watched it. I've seen enough TOS with my father to move right onto TNG, and I loved it. Watched all the seasons and made sure to start watching DS9 when it was appropriate. I made it through most of the first season of DS9 and just dropped it, it was awful. I'd rather watch a full season of Lwaxana and Q team-up episodes.

Voyager isn't terrible, it's just boring. Outside the occassional good idea, it's mostly just episodes you already watched on TNG, but with less likeable character

this seems a bit one sided, I dont agree with much of it. Wrath of Khan and then Next Gen? Why? And calling things terrible...
You shouldnt be swayed by illogical and emotional information like this.

Yup. I also post to rec.sport.pro-wrestling.

I like DS9 the best.

However for a very young person who has never seen any Star Trek TV series, or movies I would recommend watching ENT, the first and third JJ nu-Treks, and then the TNG series; if you like those explore the rest.

It's a troll image made by Stargate fans


Yeah, I don't buy that you have a 206 IQ. Sounds more like 100.

"Wrath of Khan - The Undiscovered Country" means watch Star Trek 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and The Next Generation is the next part of the story chronologically.

And I chose the language very carefully, it's more about managing expectations than genuine quality. If you watch anything labelled as "terrible" or "awful" you can brace yourself and may come out pleasantly surprised, but if I told you any of them were good on the same level as TOS, TNG or DS9 I'd be a liar and you'd hate the experience and drop them all pretty quickly.

I've never seen Stargate. I bet you're the Enterprise spammer.

Two weeks with a psychiatrist doing a battery of tests verified it, though it's probably much lower now due to alcohol abuse. In any case, you're just jealous! Lates!

>none of Voyager is redeemable

I really liked that episode about the planet that was experiencing time at an accelerated rate compared to the rest of the universe, so the crew of Voyager got to see A primitive society on the planet develop from stone age to a space age civ more advanced than their own.

But then the only thing I like more than watching science fiction is playing Civilization games, so maybe my interest in that episode is obvious.

I also thought Voyager's pilot The Caretaker was one of the better ones. Other than that yeah the series is the worst of Trek.

this sorta

That was a good one. Kinda sad too. The Inner Light-type sad.

What was sad about it?

The Doctor had a family and meaningful life, the planet was saved, Voyager escaped, their civilization became prosperous and spacefaring

Nearly everything was positive