No trial? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this?

No trial? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this?

The guy was sword to the Night's Watch. Being away from the Wall without permission is a crime punished by death. You don't need witnesses or testimonies or anything for something this clear cut

Only noble men and lords can be granted trial. Ned can kill as many traitors on his realm as he damn pleases.


>when your daughters learned nothing from you

If you're away from the wall as someone of the night's watch and you don't have leave to do so, you die.
That's it.
The fact that he's not near the wall and the fact that he wasn't ordered to leave is sufficient to establish his guilt.
Thanks D&D, you tried!

They learned that they can kill a man once he's admitted his guilt.

How did he get back past the wall anyway? They were attacked north of it.
Is this the first instance of the infamous teleportation?

he is a feudal lord - he holds the judiciary and executive power over his lands and can do pretty much whatever he wants

He either climbed or likely went around it. It's not particularly hard.

What about Baelish? Where was his trial? Why didn't Sansa execute him?

His guilt had already been determined. It was merely a sentencing.

The kind that saves time and money.

Not of noble birth

There's a magic gate under the Nightfort

>is guilt had already been determined
No it wasn't.
>Not of noble birth
Yes he was.

All those jokes about not being a man aside, it makes sense that she wouldn't kill him herself, I can't imagine noblewomen carrying out executions themselves, for one it would be too messy.

>No it wasn't.

Yes, his guilt had already been determined. You're stupid.

>he thinks visions of a tree-hugging cripple qualify as evidence

The "trial" was purely a product of DABID. Zero evidence and the knights of the Vale abandoning him despite Robin, their lord, entrusting him with their command makes zero sense to anyone but tumblr YASSS QUEEN types.

>700ft of sheer ice
>no equipment
>not particularly hard

>you cannot use tree visions as evidence
>but you can hold supreme executive, legislative and judicial powers based on your ability to ride flying lizards

It doesn't work like that.

>Lady Shansha, your words betray you. You admit you lied under oath when you said your aunt Lysa jumped through the Moon Door? Does this not matter? How can you accuse me with words that make you a criminal?
>Ah, I shuppoze we are taking a crippled boy's dreams as facts, then? Should all trials be settled this way?
>Do great deeds not weigh in on my innocence? Saving you from the Lannisters, returning you to your seat in Winterfell, saving your brother and bringing the Vale into your service. A fair trial is the least you can offer me.
>No? Very well. I shall demand trial by combat.
>Not even that? Then the Night's Watch will serve me well enough, with the dead on the way you need every man you can spare.
>You wish to kill me right here? What about guest right? You cannot murder a guest you took into your home, you'd be no better than your family's killers.
>You don't care about that? Very well, but you are a Stark, my lady. I shall not accept accept your sentence if you are not the one to look me in the eye and take my life yourself.
>Or, whatever, just have the goblin bitch mutilate my throat with my dagger. At least have the decency to burn my body.
>Or just leave my corpse on the floor. I shuppoze that would be acceptable as well.

Can westerosi lords execute guards of the Night watch? Thought it was an independent organisation? Thought only Night Watch could prosecute its fellow memebers.

it's exclusively a privilege/responsibility of the Lord of Winterfell iirc

Didn't Ned say that it was his duty? Maybe the Lord of Winterfell is made to make sure traitors are killed

sorry littlefinger there were only 7 episodes left in the show we had to wrap this shit up

The Warden of the North has a lot of power regarding the Night's Watch

That's exactly how it works. The giant flying lizards are a real tangible thing that can atomify you in seconds. The visions are in not easily proved to be more that a hippy's trips after he's eaten some of the mushroom growing by the weirwood. And if they were proven to by true to the rest of the people present, it was done so off screen. We might know they are true but they don't, a concept a 3-year-old can grasp.
The only reason the scene made any modicum of sense was that the other houses wanted Baelish out of the way, so they turned a blind eye to lack of protocol during the process

its hard to imagine he was ever even on this gofawful show

it used to be good

first 3 seasons are some of the best television ever

They didn't learn that he who passes the sentence should swing the sword.


>let's invite littlefinger as a guest and slit his throat in our own home

>Petyr Baelish
>Of noble birth

Read the books and try again

>House Baelish began with Petyr's great-grandfather, a common sellsword from Braavos who traveled to Westeros to take up service with House Corbray in the Vale of Arryn. The sellsword's son, Petyr's grandfather, was a poor wandering Hedge knight, who managed to earn a minor lordship - the most minor of lordships, just a few stony acres in the smallest peninsula of the Fingers, with a small keep to reside in.

Not a he XxXDDD

at the end ned really got what he deserved

He confessed

>deserting from his duty
>expecting mercy
nice memeing though

I meant going around. Climbing it has always been a stupid idea, even for the fatman.

Instead Arya killed him hurrrrr

Don't make excuse for the shitty writing

He admitted he was an oathbreaker.

How did he get past the wall is indeed a better question.

Because then you wouldn't have a psshhhh nothing personel moment from the pshhh nothing personel goblin everyone loves

I'm saving this.


Didn't he just go normally up to the wall and snuck south when he got the chance?


This is the real reason for Littlefinger's stupid death.

Don't think so. He says to Ned
>I should've gone back to the wall and warned them
Implies to me he never went back to Castle Black

thats a big sword.

big OP dublers as well
and so am mine



iirc they think Royce is still missing, so if Gared went back, he didn't tell them or at least they didn't believe him.

>not easily proved
Brann could prove his visions in seconds to literally anyone who demands it at any time.

>what did I have for breakfast?
>what's in my pocket?
>when was my last shit?
>what was the name of the dog I had as a child?


But that doesn't happen. And I'm pretty sure there are some restrictions to what he can see, as he didn't know what Rhaegar's marriage was annulled. From what I've seen, probably either a weirwood or a stark must be present

>shitty writing
What shitty writing?

Oh sorry, I thought you actually watched the show

Then why did Dunk get a trial of seven? Fucking showfag

Whats stopping Brann from making up visions and saying its authentic

Someone post the one where it's like 20 feet long.

still smaller than that fucking hammer

I saw the meme pics first and seriously thought it was going to be that big.

It's actually quite modest.

>What sort of due process is this?
It's medieval due process. Reasonably just, in this case, since he was guilty and received the legally-prescribed punishment.

>something this clear cut
Watch out gang, PunAnon is in the building!

>What about Baelish? Where was his trial?
Keep in mind it's Arya pulling the strings, and it's been established that Arya is completely out of her goddamn mind at this point. She's literally the "so obsessed with revenge you become the thing you hate" villain archetype at the end of S7. To the credit of D&D, they're handling her arc better than george lucas, at least.

>but you can hold supreme executive, legislative and judicial powers based on your ability to ride flying lizards
Strange men in deserts distributing dragon eggs is no basis for a system of government!!

valerian steel looks a lot like damascus steel to be honest


don't encourage grrm by reading his gay side stories

retard, he was killed for abandoning his post at the wall.

retard, he was killed for abandoning his post at the wall.
retard, he was killed for abandoning his post at the wall.
you're fucking retarded too.

>words that make you a criminal
Sansa lied but not in a trial, people were jut asking her questions.

>dreams as facts?
Easily provable in seconds to anyone who asks at any time. No one can stump Brann no matter what they ask him.

>great deeds?

>trial by combat
Tommen had abolished that law when the North was part of the Seven Kingdoms again, and Jon hadn't reinstated it, so no, no trial by combat.

>The Watch
Offering criminals a chance to join the Watch is a courtesy Lords can deny, they usually didn't because the Watch was usually undermanned. Also, do you think Littlefinger would actually o it? It's the same as death either way for him.

>murder a guest
No, but you can execute a criminal.

>take my life yourself
As if his acceptance was needed, an he had any right to demand anything. "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword" is a notion of Ned Stark, and we've had seven years of proof Ned Stark's ideals are not necessarily right.

You faggots who want to save that post, save this one too, showing it's bullshit.

Nothing, but he can still prove he's right at any time. If he does lie, it would have to be something that can be proven against him, otherwise it's some guy's word against his, and Brann's word is backed by being able to know impossible things. Oh well.

Did you fail to read? Yes he abandoned his post, and he confessed to doing so. Dumbshit.

I do, that's how I know you won't be able to prove your assertion. Oh, you might offer OPINIONS on certain things, but you are not actually the arbiter on what's good writing.

he did literally nothing wrong

dabid apologists arent welcome, back to freefolk with you


>great deeds nope

literally saved Jon, Sansa and their entire army and people from being skullfucked by the Boltons for the rest of their days

literally shoot yourself in the head you hack kike apologist


>I don't know if this is the answer I've been looking for all my life, but for now I swear my life and my sword to him.

>It doesn't work like that.

Yes it does, and it has worked like that for most of history. Things started to change just after the industrial revolution.

>>great deeds?
Excellent rebuttal right there, I'll be sure to save this post.

Which does not excuse causing the war that led to that battle in the first place. Or are you so dense you forgot that Littlefinger is the reason Robb marched south and the Baratheons started fighting each other?

>No trial?


>guy is in the night's watch
>leaving the night's watch is punishable by death
>he's not at the night's watch


Do so.

>that sword

>he did literally nothing wrong
I mean, on the GoT moral spectrum of "everybody's a bad guy", he's fairly neutral. But as far as doing nothing wrong, meaning "incorrect"? The Hound is like the avatar of the God of Screwups. He hasn't made one good decision the entire show. Even his brief stints with the Good Team just end up making a mess. The biggest "positive" things he's accomplished led to arya turning in to a murderous psychopath and getting Ian McShane killed off in the space of a single episode. Not exactly big points on the board, there.

0.05 HBOGo coins have been added to your account

>Things started to change just after the industrial revolution.
People stopped deriving supreme power from flying lizards after the industrial revolution? You're going to need to explain that one.

>forget important plot points like Littlefinger starting every war in Westeros since the start of the series
>make accusations of shilling when my idiocy is pointed out to me

Littlefinger was there as part of a military alliance and guest and was also actively conspiring against the house that was hosting him.

Noone invited him there though. Sansha wanted him to come and save Jon, then he was supposed to go back to the Vale. He stuck around, like autistic beta orbiter. Fucking nice guys.

Look at all the dried blood.

How many people is Ned really killing? That seems like a lot of work for a lord to be doing.

meanwhile Jon snow frollicks around the continent whenever he wants

I don't get it, why do they treat him like a deserter if hes coming to warn white walkers killed his friends?

What's he meant to do, stay there and get killed so no one can be warned?

Wouldn't he have had to pass through the wall to get back to winterfell, why not mention what happened on the way through?

Why run all the way back there for presumably weeks on end if he knew he'd be executed?

The oath is till death. Jon died.


because he's DABID N DABID's favorite little gay cuckboy, so he doesn't have to follow the rules

And Harrenhal?

I suppose... that's off the table as well!

>I don't get it, why do they treat him like a deserter if hes coming to warn white walkers killed his friends?
>What's he meant to do, stay there and get killed so no one can be warned?
>Wouldn't he have had to pass through the wall to get back to winterfell, why not mention what happened on the way through?
>Why run all the way back there for presumably weeks on end if he knew he'd be executed?
Your asking for sensible behavior from a guy who's mind is completely broken by the horrors he witnessed. He SHOULD have fallen back to the wall in the face of a superior enemy force and informed his superior officers of what happened to his team. Maintaining the chain of command is sorta important in military organizations.

Instead he ran like a madman, trying to get as far south and away from the walkers as possible, until he was captured - at which point he started raving like a lunatic about the walking dead (which nobody at that point believe in).

There's no insanity plea in this kind of system, so they just judge him by his actions. Even IF they accepted the white walkers were real (which they don't), he still did the wrong thing by running away from his duties. That's why it's a just sentence, he chose to save his own skin over discharging his duty.

>and all nights to come

Ned Stark was a cunt. He deserved to be killed.

