Since mods are asleep and the board is going to shit, let's discuss anime

Since mods are asleep and the board is going to shit, let's discuss anime

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Rei >> Asuka

I don't like anime. Shinji should've fucked class president.

Asuka is the best girl.

Anime is for teenagers and manchildren



Rebuild 2.0 is pinnacle of anime.

As long as you just watch it alone from time to time and aren't obsessive about it I feel like it's pretty innocuous and outside of everything. Like it doesn't matter if you aren't a faggot about it.

this. I think Misato is the reason for my massive milf fetish

Asuka is best girl, Sam Hyde agrees.

Well obviously. I can't imagine anyone who would say otherwise.

Isn't she, like, in her mid-twenties?


It's pure fanservice, the CGI sucks, the animation is subpar and the characters are bastardized.

But hell, EVA 01 vs Zeruel makes my dick hard as diamond. You just can cheer him for growing some balls to save his waifu even if it's gonna doom the world.

Asuka >= Misato (different strokes for different folks) > Rei (Rei is still a little sweetie pie, a little cutie pie, a good girl, she is not a doll)

>tfw you're almost as old as Misato

what is a literally good anime on par with cinemas greatest

What are his super powers again?



Angel's Egg.


fags, Maya is best girl

End of Evangelion