P&F Thread

So why did she keep the name?

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It's a good name.

So Doofenshmirtz is Phineas' bastard child right? And Perry was assigned to both to make sure they never meet and to make sure Phineas doesn't turn into an evil dictator or something. It's the only thing that makes sense

I always thought the real secret was Charlene took Heinz's canonically brilliant designs (other evil scientists even steal them, dude just never uses them right.) and sells them-which is where she makes all her ridiculous amounts of money. What Doof thinks is alimony is in fact his cut.

I wonder what the show would've been like if they had kept the "Vanessa tries to prove to her mom that her dad is evil." angle? I mean...its on the building.

No, remember the episode when Perry got reassigned and had to leave the Flynn-Fletcher family?

I honestly don't

That'd be a dope fanfic but I always thought evil Phineas would be less megalomaniac and more "PT Barnum with an unlimited budget".

Awesome theory. Although this raises a question, if this is how Doof got money to make new inators every day, where did Phineas and Ferb get money to build all their stuff every day?


There is not enough art of future Candace
The world needs more future Candace

I always imagined they occasionally built things for other people and/or got patents for those inventions which didn't vanish

to keep going to Doofernshmirtz annual meetings
and having the same name as mayor must have some perks

The fact that Doof's brother is the mayor always bothered me a bit
Doesn't a large building with the mayor's name next to the word "evil" written on it spoil the mayor's good image?

That's just Doof's luck. I remember an episode where some woman couldn't pronounce Doofenshmirtz, when it was Doof, but could when talking about Roger.

How come they got divorced hell how did they get married?


In the second dimension they only pretended to be divotced

I would.

Was Charlene a victim of an early Inator?

Divorce law differs in the Tristate area, by state.

Name changes sometimes aren't included in the divorce proceedings and is a seperate time consuming series of actions and money.

Example: NY divorce law does not involve the name change while NJ does.

I know this as a divorcee from NJ dating a divorcee from NY.

I kind of commend his honesty.

yes, the "what do you want"-inator.

Charlene was never quite happy and it was driving Doof up a fucking wall. So he made an -inator to help women actually figure out and put what they want into coherent words.

End result was that Charlene realized she wanted something different out of life than ruling the tri-state area.

This is why Doof enjoys Perry's company so much, Perry is clear with what he wants: to wreck doof's shit.

Both of the parents were pop stars. Also perhaps the stuff that vanishes lands in a scrap yard or something and they get sent checks.

Holy shit, Dr. Doof married Bayonetta.

"Thwart me, Perry the Platypus!"

So hot.

But seriously though at least Charlene isn't a bitch about it.


Seriously. She's even paying HIM alimony. And I don't think he has the majority control over Vanessa.

But then again, DEI is so big she's probably in their somewhere.


>DEI is so big
There is literally only one employee at DEI and that's Doof himself.
And only the top floor of the building is DEI, the rest are other appartments/offices

>So Doofenshmirtz is Phineas' bastard child right?
>It's the only thing that makes sense
>Doofenshmirtz is Phineas' bastard child
>makes sense

Why not

Foreign name looks good when people are looking for hires.


It goes back and forth; the finale implies that Vanessa spends most of her time with her dad since her big threat is moving in with her mom full time, but the early stuff implied she visited much more infrequently.

So who knows.

How high would you rank Doof as an inventor based on how his inventions work?

It's what she filed all the patents under.


There was an episode that suggested that he was just building his devices from existing blueprints, which would mean he wasn't inventing anything at all.

He was getting royalty checks from one of his inators that was being used by doctors. Plus there was an episode where villains had an inator competition.

It's possible that he sometimes just modifies existing schematics for evil.

except the blueprints in questions were explicitly for a "space-laserinator"

>head shape
>obsession with inventing
>utter blindness to Perry's other life despite obvious clues

9/10, he loses one point for the backfires but all in all they are very impressive. Most of his plans would have worked if it hadn't been for Perry the Platypus.

>Doof running a racket
He really is a criminal


that's a pretty genius idea

All his plans would work if only he didn't install self destruct buttons on every inator. You gotta give him props for sticking to it.

Obligatory : youtube.com/watch?v=C-FJWkASE2k

Is there a mega link to all the episodes or something? I want to get into this show. Is there a certain starting point or anything I should skip?

Not really anything worthy of skipping. The show has pretty great continuity, great songs, and funny jokes in each episode. Would be a shame to miss any episode.

Let's not forget his utter obliviousness to Isabella's superhuge crush on him.

That doesn't really have a parallel with doof though

I like how Candace's best friend is a lesbian

He is completely oblivious about Perry. It was even mentioned earlier in the thread

Also fuck the "select around the sign" captchas

Legacy captcha is your friend.

Didn't know I could change that on mobile

He's accusing you of putting their names in the wrong order.

Also, Vanessa is older than Candace and Phineas, and yet Doof was still there to help raise her. How could he have knocked up Lynda twice and still been able to raise his first daughter?

Most divorcees with children keep the last name so it matches the last name of their children.

That is not true in the least

I'm honestly kind of impressed how not messy their divorce was. Neither really had any hard feelings over the other, both left on good terms and they even talk and hang out occasionally. It's amazing how Doofensmirtz of all people can handle relationships better then the majority of normal people.


I disagree. It is more than common.

Whether you disagree or not is irrelevant. What you said was factually incorrect

Fourth result on google
>The top reason Circle of Moms members cite for not changing their last name after divorce is that they want to have the same last name as their children.

I thought they did it just so they don't have to bother with all the paperwork to change their names and documents.

This was the better designed adult Candace by far..

>The last episode version was terrible.

Phineas and Ferb is like a comedy routine where every episode is a variation of the same plot, so a lot of the humor comes from playing around with the formula. The first several episodes feel really strange compared to what comes after, because it hadn't really established its own cliches yet. They're not worth skipping, but they're not really a good indicator of the show either.

Even though it got stale near the end and overstayed it's welcome, I've ALWAYS appreciated the show's attention to continuity in terms of its throwaway lines and running jokes. You almost never see this show's level of detail unless it's in a show that's more story-driven.

Not even 10% of divorcees keep their name. It doesn't matter what the reason is, you are factually wrong that most people keep the name. You are a literal retard for thinking otherwise

The other user provided evidence supporting his case, you should do it as well.

First result on Google
>Only 8% of divorced women keep their husbands name upon divorce. t Huff post

Also fuck off samefag, dont try to pretend that other anons are trying g to defend you

>Multiple people disagree so it must be samefag
Thanks for providing source, though.

Because she truely loved him.

I can't find that specific article, or really any other specifics on percentage of women who keep their name, but I did find statistics that say about 2/3 of divorces are people without children.
Obviously those without children are far less likely to keep their husbands last name, which is going to heavily skew the result when talking about those with children.

>hell how did they get married?

Big dick.

>"Doofenshmirtz's holding a bucket!"

>I just insulted the macaroni and cheese recipe of a whale! What part of that's not evil?!

>thwarty call

Posting best ship. Fuck it they should have stayed together.

There was a part of me that wished Charlene would've taken Doof back at the end of the series...ohh well.

me too.

Was Doof a bastard child or something to get the treatment he got from his family?

It's mentioned that his parents just neglected him a ton. They didn't even show up to the day of his birth.

I think user is asking why. What makes Doof so neglectable?

He was the Liquid Snake of the Doof family.