This is an 18 year old in america

this is an 18 year old in america

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is their age of consent 18 if grills look 10 years older than they are?

Puberty sure did a number on him

>when you OD on Bogpills

Why does she look like a bratty demon from hell though? Why are the hottest girls always the meanest ballbusters?

Call me crazy, but casting her as a 15 year old and then making references to how "she's only 15 you perverts!" Seems to have some kind of agenda behind it. Don't ask me what I'm talking about because I've got no clue. It just felt weird to me.


>tfw she was on master chef junior too

>this is a 27 year old in Britain

>Why are the hottest girls always the meanest ballbuster

She looks like a man.



>this is a 31 year old man

she looks bogpilled

she has that Blacked and wowporn eastern-europe whore look

is that handsome squidward?

>it's another "Ameriboo craves attention because they want to be an American too" post

You're kinda dumb. She was 17 when it was filmed and she's only 18 now. It really wasn't a huge age difference and there's no agenda. It's just Hollywood. The actors for kids are ALWAYS older than the age they portray.

Looks bosmer to me.

wow what a hag

Am I the only one that thinks she's beautiful in a different way?

I'm pretty sure she's 18 no matter where she goes, user.

0 ass

This is a 16-year-old in England.

This is a 38-year-old in America.


whoa, she maxed out her face in character creator

Crispin Glover in drag.